Girls are very good at scrubbing. This is not the specialty of maids. For a ship girl like Da Fengfeng, it is too easy to wash the admiral. After all, there are so many headlights~

Today is another day of being raised as a useless person.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The president of the company? The president of the company?" Hearing someone calling him, the company came to his senses and looked at the person next to him, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I see you are in a daze, President of the company, what should we do next? Should we continue to pursue? Or should we retreat?" asked the ship girl next to her.

She is the ship's wife of the local academy office, and now she is following the command of the company to clean up the sirens in the nearby waters.

Something happened here, which made the local headquarters unable to attack... This is also a matter of course. The commander is dead, and the ship's mother is also dead. How can I attack...

It was not an accident, but died of illness, with acquired heart disease, myocardial infarction...

He's not too old, he's just in his thirties.

Of course, during the assessment, if there is such a disease as heart disease, of course there is no way to be assessed as a commander. This is a disease that he contracted after becoming a commander.

The commander had three shipwives, all of whom died in love. Unfortunately, there are not too few siren soldiers in the nearby waters, so the academy asked the company to bring people over to help.

When the company came, they didn't know what was going on here. After arriving, they realized that it was because the commander passed away.

In fact, because the cooperation between the ship girl and humans in the "command" project has not been too long, only close to ten years, most of the commanders are still very young, no more than thirty-five years old.

Probably because I didn't expect that the commander died so early, I was a little lost. Although this happened before, it was the first time I ran into it.

The enterprise shook his head and said, "Let's return to the voyage, and we will attack again tomorrow, and then we will go back."

The ship girl nodded, "These numbers can be handled now, and the next commander should arrive in about two months. If necessary, I will contact the academy in time."

The enterprise nodded and returned to the voyage with a group of ship girls.

Back at the local academy office, Enterprise returned to his temporary room, sat down by the bed in silence, a little absent-minded.

Humans are still too fragile...

Even if there is no illness or accident, it seems very difficult to live to be a hundred years old.

And the ship girl is eternal life.

The ship girls who joined the headquarters must be trapped by the theory of longevity, because, no matter what, the commander's life span is there. They are not as immortal as the ship girls. They will get sick and grow old. Knowing that one day, life perish.

Enterprises finally know what they are hesitating.

She didn't think about why the ship's mother must die for love. The ship's mother's loyalty cannot be doubted. Whether it is stupid loyalty or nobleness, they are really willing to give everything for their commander. Of course It also includes dying for love after the death of the commander. In fact, the company has no doubts at all. All the ship girls who joined the command will do this. After the death of their commander, they will die for love. Although it is very sad, it is this In fact, after the cooperation started here, more than one commander died. In fact, after the ship's mother cooperated with humans, the cause of death of the ship's mother was only because of the death of the commander and then she died for love.

Of course, if you want to say whether the commander will die in love after the death of the ship's mother, because there is no such precedent, it is not clear, because there is no commander who will let his ship's mother take risks. Therefore, after the cooperation, no ship mother died because of the attack, and naturally no commander died because of the death of his ship wife.

However, the company believes that it probably will, but if there are other ship girls who are still alive, it is uncertain. The commander is also responsible for other ship girls. If there is only one ship girl, it will probably be like the ship girl. It's like mother dying for the commander...

Enterprise can't understand the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife, but she respects this noble relationship.

It's no wonder that even though she has made a certain decision, she still hesitates in her heart. She didn't know what she was hesitating before. After all, she had already made a plan in her heart.

Facing An Zhiyuan frankly, and then telling him what I think, so that the relationship between the two of them will get better and better. This is what I originally thought.

It turned out that what I hesitated was whether I could give as much as these ship girls did to the commander...

That's not something that can be done hastily by saying yes or no...

Because, before this, the company still had its own goals to achieve. Unlike the three glorious sisters at the beginning, or the current pursuers, the three glorious sisters did not have any actual dreams and goals. The glorious idea is to take care of Good two younger sisters, and the idea of ​​the two younger sisters is to make the elder sister's life happier, and the chaser, who is alone, has never joined the academy or the assault team, and has never thought about destroying the sirens, or in other words, I never thought about destroying the Siren myself. After all, living with the Siren in a long-term battle is the idea of ​​most ship girls.

And the enterprise has its own goals, she wants to eliminate the sirens and regain the control of the sea.

It is precisely because of this goal that the company does not know what it will regard as the most important thing. You must know that if you join An Zhiyuan's tutelary government, this goal will be achieved. However, if you cannot let go of your ideas If so, of course there is no way to put An Zhiyuan, the admiral and commander, first. Can this join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion?As a ship girl, she wants to join the tutelary mansion or the command headquarters, and she doesn't put the admiral and the commander first... But when you think that maybe your idea will come true in the near future, you let the company now To give up your ideas or something...

Perhaps, after eliminating the Sirens, it would be more appropriate to fall in love again?

Enterprise raised his head and sighed. It wasn't that he didn't want to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion. Enterprise looked at the string of shell bracelets on his wrist, which wasn't particularly exquisite, but the more pleasing it looked, he fell into silence. Everything, even if I ignore my ideal aspect, can I really give everything for An Zhiyuan simply?I'm afraid it's just a formality. The company has no objection that it has a good impression of An Zhiyuan, but obviously, it hasn't reached the point where it can give everything.

Maybe, really, I won't take it easy until the sirens are all wiped out, how good the command of the sea is, and I let go of everything else...

Enterprise raised the hand with the shell bracelet high up, looked at the bracelet, and pursed his lips, but An Zhiyuan probably didn't think so...

That feeling of leaving someone you love and entrusted everything might be scary, much scarier than fighting...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Here, An Zhiyuan received a call from Jiang Wanqiu.

"What's the matter?" An Zhiyuan was playing with Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Jie just now, seeing that it was Jiang Wanqiu's call, An Zhiyuan let the two little guys play by themselves, while he walked aside and connected. phone and asked.

"Do you know what happened in the nearby waters? The death of the commander?" Jiang Wanqiu asked straight to the point.

An Zhiyuan paused, the commander passed away...?

"When did it happen?" An Zhiyuan asked after thinking about it.

"Just a few days ago." Jiang Wanqiu said, "I was a little bit emotional, so I wanted to chat with you."

"The cause of death? Could it be that they were attacked by siren armor or by sirens?" Although An Zhiyuan did not believe that any commander would be attacked by sirens, he still asked this question.

"No, that commander had a myocardial infarction." Jiang Wanqiu said, "Then his ship girls all died in love."

An Zhiyuan frowned when he heard the words, and then sighed softly, "This is also a very normal thing, after all, for them, the commander is no longer in this world, so is there any need for them to stay in this world. ..”

"...Actually, if you...I just said if, it's just a metaphor, I don't mean to curse you...If you are not careful, would you agree with them leaving with you? "Jiang Wanqiu asked: "If it were me, I, I don't want them to die in love with them."

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