Although the company is quite belligerent, she is never reckless, she is peaceful towards people, and because of her strong strength, everyone is willing to make friends with her.

Earl Spey was actually a should I say that he was autistic before he met the enterprise?Or lonely?

Later, due to some coincidences, the enterprise and Earl Spey became friends, and Earl Spey's character gradually changed, becoming more cheerful.

"Thinking about something... something, it's hard to think about something." Enterprise didn't elaborate. After all, this is a girl's inner thoughts. It's not easy to tell Earl Spey, and Earl Spey didn't continue to ask after hearing the words , she asked if the company would go back to the college office with them first, or go to other places first.

In fact, Earl Spey could guess that the company aside, it is very likely that the director of the company was distracted by An Zhiyuan...that commander.

Asking this question is also considering that the company may go to An Zhiyuan.

Enterprise said, "Well, shall I go to the dessert shop first? Do you want to come with me?"

Earl Spey thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "However, if the director of the company is going to the dessert shop, can you please bring me a matcha cake?"

"Of course." The enterprise smiled. Although she is no longer the dean, these girls still like to call her the dean of the enterprise, and she doesn't bother to correct it...

Enterprise came to the dessert shop, here, Enterprise met another commander stationed here, Jiang Wanqiu...

In fact, An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu are already the number one command and the second command respectively, and they represent the strongest strength...

However, the company and Jiang Wanqiu seldom communicated, it was just a greeting.

Jiang Wanqiu came here alone, without bringing her mother-in-law with her, she was just sitting in the seat lost in thought, but there were still some things in front of her, as if there was another person in that seat before.

That's right, Jiang Wanqiu, who came to buy desserts, met An Zhiyuan who was cultivating a relationship with his pursuer just now, so the two chatted and answered An Zhiyuan's question about whether he wants to live forever... The answer is... .In no mood.

But Jiang Wanqiu was actually a little confused. If he thought about it, could he really live forever?

Jiang Wanqiu saw the company out of the corner of her eye, came back to her senses, and greeted her with a smile, "The director of the company."

"Commander Jiang Wanqiu." The company also nodded to Jiang Wanqiu.

The relationship between the two is not close, nor will it be too close. Jiang Wanqiu knows that this is An Zhiyuan's goal, so it is natural to keep a distance. Of course, the company will also keep a distance from Jiang Wanqiu, not only because it is compared with An Zhiyuan now. The close relationship is also because the ship's mother herself will not get too close to the commander...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Wanqiu thought for a while, then frowned.

In the end, she still said, "Dean of the enterprise, can we have a chat?"

She should indeed keep a distance from the company, but, there are some things that Jiang Wanqiu wants to talk to her about, so she should help An Zhiyuan and help him.

Hearing this, the company frowned slightly, and was about to refuse. Obviously, the company also wanted to keep a distance. Jiang Wanqiu quickly said: "It's not about me, I want to talk to you about An Zhiyuan's affairs..."

Hearing that it was about An Zhiyuan, the company frowned, just at this time, the proprietress of the chaser said, "Dean of the company, are you here?"

Enterprise turned to look at the pursuer, then nodded. The pursuer seemed to have heard what Jiang Wanqiu said, and she said: "What did Commander Jiang Wanqiu and Commander An Zhiyuan talk about just now... Maybe, she really I want to talk to you about An Zhiyuan, right?"

The enterprise bowed its head upon hearing the words...

Although he is a little hesitant about the relationship with An Zhiyuan, the company does not intend to get too close to anyone except An Zhiyuan. Public affairs are public affairs, and personal relationships. After already having that thought.

However, when the chaser said this, seeing that the tableware on Jiang Wanqiu's table was obviously someone else's extra tableware, the company hesitated for a while, and finally came over and sat down.

Jiang Wanqiu smiled, "Dean of the company, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't see you when I went to the college office a few days ago. Just now I heard An Zhiyuan say that you are on a business trip. He came to see you. Didn't find you."

Hearing this, the company shifted its gaze and said, "Hmm..."

The company didn't have much to say, and Jiang Wanqiu was not surprised by the company's indifferent performance. She said, "Dean of the company, what do you think of An Zhiyuan? Or, what do you think he is? What about the person? From my point of view, I should be asking this from the perspective of his friend~"

The company heard the words and said, "Do you have to answer?"

"Of course you don't have to answer, it's your right to answer or not, President of the company." Jiang Wanqiu said with a smile: "I just think, maybe I should try to help An Zhiyuan, you and I both know that he wants to get you , and you, the president of the company, seem to have nothing to say."

Enterprise pursed her lips when she heard the words, no, in fact, she had already expressed it, but Jiang Wanqiu didn't need to say these things.

An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu's personal relationship is good, and the company actually knows about this, but the company doesn't know how good it is.

The enterprise thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is no need to say so much... I have a good impression of An Zhiyuan..."

Jiang Wanqiu tilted her head. Although she has never fished a boat, she has heard about how to fish a boat. As a ship girl, she has already developed a good impression of the commander, so the relationship between the two should break through soon. Ah...Because for the ship girl, if it is confirmed, it is almost...

"Then the director of the the director of the company still hesitating because of something?" Jiang Wanqiu asked.

The company said: "There are some things that cannot be decided simply..."

Jiang Wanqiu looked at the company, stretched out her hand to pluck her own bangs, sighed, and said, "For Jian Niang, it may be a long time, and you may consider years or decades, because for you, This kind of time is just a corner of a long life, but for human beings, they can't bear to wait like this, because his life span is too short compared to yours, so his patience must not be as good as yours, the president of the company, maybe From my point of view, it's not very good to say this, but I still think that you should not drag this matter down, but make a decision as soon as possible. After all, you obviously already like each other, why are you not together What about it? Tangling and pulling is a Qiong Yao drama, one of you is the commander, the other is the ship's mother, and the president of the company, even if you don't join An Zhiyuan's headquarters, after that, will you be tempted by others?"

"Of course not." The company said immediately.

There are many reasons for having a good impression of An Zhiyuan, and there will be no more An Zhiyuan.

Jiang Wanqiu smiled, she didn't need to continue to say some things, she knew that the director of the company also had her own ideas, so she just said what should be said clearly.

Enterprise took a deep breath.

Is human life short... The company thought of the previous things, isn't it because of this reason that she couldn't make a decision?

She didn't know if she was really ready to dedicate everything, if not, of course she couldn't join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, that would be a humiliation, a humiliation to the strong relationship between the ship's wife and the commander.

But Jiang Wanqiu gave another statement, what she meant was that human beings have a short lifespan, and we should cherish all the time...

Perhaps, I really should think of a way to determine whether I have made up my mind?

Jiang Wanqiu stood up and said, "Then, that's all for now, the director of the company, I should go back, well, no matter what I say, the director of the company still knows that you are the one who makes the decision , don’t make a decision that you regret.”

Jiang Wanqiu smiled, then went to the front desk to pay, said hello to the company, and left.

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