He could say sorry, I didn't accompany you, but he didn't say that, because she knew that Fusang didn't need such words, she was enjoying this kind of atmosphere, saying sorry now would only spoil the atmosphere.

Feeling the strength of An Zhiyuan's palm, Fusang turned his head and smiled slightly, then stood up, sat beside An Zhiyuan, and gently leaned his head on his shoulder, "This is really good, Admiral... Although it is a bit selfish, but I really hope that this moment will be stopped, so that I can enjoy this happiness more..."

"However, I also know that we still have a lot of time..." Fusang paused, and then said: "Perhaps, I shouldn't worry about being tender for a while..."

"It's these little things that will make our long life less lonely." An Zhiyuan said: "Otherwise, I really don't know how to go on with this long life. Without you, Even if I live forever, I probably wouldn’t want to.”

"But the admiral has us, and we will go on with the admiral forever." Fusang said with a smile.

"Well...I know...I know..." An Zhiyuan nodded.

Fusang sat up straight and looked out of the window again. At this time, the pod of the Ferris wheel had already risen to a higher place.

The surrounding scene is rapidly descending. In the distance, a small island can be seen far away, which is where the tutelary fort is located. Fusang turned his head, looked at the city and the sea below, and said softly: "The scenery here is very beautiful. Alright, Admiral."

"Stand taller, of course the scenery you can see will be more beautiful." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Fusang turned his head, blinked, and said, "Admiral, how about making the bottom layer transparent when we build warships in the future? Make it a special sightseeing area, so that when we travel around the world , passing by those beautiful scenery, will not miss it.”

"Well, okay, talk to Yuzhang when the time comes, and then Yuzhang will design it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Admiral, you are so kind..." Fusang kissed the corner of An Zhiyuan's mouth, and said softly.

Isn't this commissioned by Yubari?Then it's nice of me?An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes in disbelief.

The pod of the Ferris wheel gradually rises to the highest...

Because of the height difference, and there are few towering buildings in Yala Town, there is a feeling of overlooking the world. If it is not because this is a semi-enclosed pod, An Zhiyuan would like to play with Fusang in the Titanic. Operation... unfortunately not allowed.

In fact, by the time the pod reached its highest point, the two were already kissing.

Although both of them know that the so-called saying that kissing when the ferris wheel reaches the highest point will make the love last forever is just a legend, but the two are originally lovers, husband and wife. There is no problem.

After all, the two are not in a relationship anymore, they are an old couple, and the atmosphere is here, so it is normal to be so intimate.

After the two got off the ferris wheel, Fusang's face was rosy, and she was a little dizzy. She kissed the admiral, which was a little intoxicating and made people forget to leave.

This astonishing beauty immediately amazed the nearby tourists. Many married men ignored their wives' thoughts and looked over here.

However, An Zhiyuan's and Fusang's interlocking hands immediately disappointed these people, it turned out to be a famous flower with an owner.

However, this scene reminded An Zhiyuan of one thing. He took Fusang's hand, walked outside, and said with a smile: "This scene reminds me of the scene when I took Sister Li to the comic exhibition. , It was also at that time, there were many men looking at me with hatred, wishing to kick me away, and then stand by your side..."

Fusang covered her mouth with her other hand and smiled, "If someone dares to do that, I will definitely kick him away first. The only one who can stand by my side is of course the admiral."

"I'll just come by myself, so that you don't get lost." An Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows and said.

"Since I'm wearing a skirt, of course I have put on safety pants properly. After all, only the admiral can see and touch my body." Fusang kissed An Zhiyuan's face and said with a smile.

The two of them spent nearly an afternoon in the amusement park. They didn't leave the amusement park until evening, went to buy fireworks, and then set off on their way home.

Fusang still has to cook at night, so he can't play until it's too late.

After dinner was over, An Zhiyuan called everyone over, and arranged the fireworks they bought on the beach.

"Then, who will light it? Xiao Zhai? Do you want to come?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Xiao Zhai put her index finger against her small lips, she thought for a while and said, "Let Xiao Guanghui come?"

An Zhiyuan looked at Xiao Guanghui. Although Xiao Guanghui was still a child, An Zhiyuan didn't worry that she would get hurt because of this. She was a ship's mother, so he could safely let her light the fireworks.

But Xiao Guanghui said, ask Xiao Evolution to give some, and then Xiao Evolution asks Xiao Beifa to give some...

After pushing and pushing, it turned out to be pushed on New Jersey. New Jersey smiled helplessly, "Admiral, you should get some yourself."

The company also agreed, "Let the admiral order some."

An Zhiyuan nodded, "Alright then...I'll light some fireworks..."

An Zhiyuan took the lighter, stepped forward and lit the fuse, and then stood with everyone...

When the fuse was burned out, several light sources were shot into the sky, and exploded with a bang, and the bright light scattered in all directions, which was very beautiful.

Brilliant colors light up the sky and the town of Yarra can be seen.

"It's so beautiful..." Xiao Guanghui held An Zhiyuan's hand, looking at the fireworks in the sky, his eyes were full of little stars.

"That's right, but this firework is still a bit monotonous. We will make fireworks ourselves in the future, it will definitely be more beautiful than this." An Zhiyuan said to Xiao Guanghui with a smile.

"Can it be more beautiful?" Xiao Jie asked quickly.

"Well...of course..." An Zhiyuan rubbed Xiao Jie's head, and said with a smile: "We can put our names on it at that time, and we can also piece together a smiling face. It's just as good as it looks. .”

Children always have little resistance to fireworks. In fact, even adults have limited resistance to fireworks. In this world, there are few people who are more beautiful than fireworks.

It is said that fireworks are easy to be cold, but the brilliance at that moment is enough for people to appreciate the beauty.

An Zhiyuan bent down, hugged Xiao Beifa, let her ride on his neck, then hugged the other two little guys, and said: "When you celebrate your birthday, Dad will make you a better looking one." Fireworks, okay?"

"Okay, okay, Dad is the best!" Xiao Jingjie approached with a smile, and smacked An Zhiyuan's face, so did Xiao Guanghui, and Xiao Beifa was a little anxious because of her poor posture...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Early in the morning, An Zhiyuan was woken up.

Because the enterprise came to him and told him that there was a large wave of Siren armor assembled in the nearby sea area, and it was a highly trained Siren armor.

After An Zhiyuan got up, he felt a little puzzled, what's going on, why did the highly trained Siren armor come here?

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