"Where the admiral likes, then we will be there~" A gleam of joy flashed in Chicheng's eyes. After knowing that the admiral had many marriage ships, Chicheng found that he couldn't wait any longer. After a few hundred numbers, this is my admiral, this is the person I have been waiting for, so why waste time?Is there anything happier than dedicating everything you have to him, and then being put on a ring by him and becoming his wedding ship?

An Zhiyuan thought to himself that you guys are really going to compete with Nagato Oku, you can do it anywhere...Admiral, do you really need social security?

Seeing that the admiral was obviously moved, Akagi pulled Kaga back, "Admiral, don't you believe our thoughts for you?"

Of course, I believe that I will never question my sister-in-law's affection for me. An Zhiyuan thought to himself that he was not hesitating, but was observing whether he would pass others around. Or something like a destroyer Yuyu, it’s not very good to see it...

"Then... why is the admiral still hesitating? Come and own us~ Let you show us with your actions that we belong to you~" Chicheng opened his mouth, exhaled a breath of hot air, then stretched out his arms to hug An Zhiyuan, and put Burying her head on An Zhiyuan's chest, she gently rubbed her face.

The admiral will use the ring to lock himself in only if he locks the admiral in. Of course, if he locks the admiral himself, he will definitely be unable to secure it once. It will soften and escape, so it is necessary to trap the admiral every once in a while, and then let the admiral use the ring to trap himself, which is really reassuring.

Kaga also followed suit, An Zhiyuan couldn't help it, he really couldn't refuse, it wasn't that he was lustful, absolutely not, it was just because Akagi and Kaga were too enthusiastic, so An Zhiyuan couldn't refuse, yes, that's right, it was so...

In short, An Zhiyuan complied.

In that dark corner, a lot of passionate and hot things happened. Should it be called a vixen?The combat power is very strong, but now An Zhiyuan is no longer Wuxia Amon, so if Akagi and Kaga want to defeat him, unless they don't release water at all and use the ability of the ship girl, otherwise they can't defeat An Zhiyuan, but if Akagi and Kaga He mobilized the ability of the ship's mother, it would be impossible to finish the job in a few days and nights, a few days and nights... An Zhiyuan guessed that he was gone.

Speaking of which, Akagi Kaga is brown, red, and blue and white, which is a bit like the chocolate and vanilla in the straw cat~

Nagato Mutsu, you have an opponent!And the opponent is a real vixen!

Chicheng and Kaga's tails are what An Zhiyuan can't put it down. Their tails are not only soft and comfortable to touch, but also very sensitive. If you grab their tails hard when doing business, Chicheng and Kaga will show their tails. Ah Heiyan, besides, the fox ears are also very sensitive. Different from R Akagi's ship-mounted ears, B Akagi Kaga's ears are real fox ears. If An Zhiyuan rubs them hard, they will make a very cute sound. Damn, these two women are too astringent!

I have to find a way to put them together with R's Akagi Kaga, by the way, and Nagato and Mutsu,

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan returned to his office, and took out two rings from the desk drawer in his office...

Other headquarters will only take out the ring to propose after confirming the relationship, so it is often the ship's wife who has cultivated the relationship between the two after joining the headquarters to a certain level before buying a ring and giving it to her beloved ship. mother.

But An Zhiyuan is different from An Zhiyuan. There is a row of rings in the drawer of the desk... As a qualified Lord of the Rings, of course you must have rings when you need them.

Now is the case where rings are needed... These two rings are of course given to Akagi and Kaga.

This kind of relationship has already happened, so of course he has to be responsible, and of course he has to make Kaga Akagi his marriage ship.

These platinum rings were all custom-made using the mother ring on An Zhiyuan's ring finger as a model, each one was exactly the same, but there was one more thing to do before giving them to the two of them.

The wedding rings that An Zhiyuan gave to the girls all had their own names engraved on them, so the two rings given to Kaga and Chicheng naturally had the names of Kaga and Chicheng engraved on them.

An Zhiyuan can do this by himself. To be honest, An Zhiyuan is already very proficient in this matter because he has a lot of experience.

An Zhiyuan took out a tool and engraved the names of Kaga and Akagi on the platinum ring.

In addition to Chinese names, there are also their Japanese names and Roman accents.

After all these were completed, An Zhiyuan looked at the two rings with satisfaction, temporarily put them in the jewelry box that had been prepared, and then An Zhiyuan tied the two jewelry boxes with a bow.

"Okay..." An Zhiyuan put the jewelry box in his pocket with satisfaction, then left his office and went to the lobby below, where Chicheng and Kaga were waiting for him.

Both Chicheng and Kaga's faces were rosy. Both of them had just done that thing with An Zhiyuan, so it was understandable that some rosyness remained on their faces. Looking forward, the expectation on Akagi's face is very obvious.

Akagi and Kaga are waiting for their beloved admiral to put their rings in their hands...

As we all know, if the girls take the initiative, An Zhiyuan will never refuse.

If you are not active enough, then An Zhiyuan will take the initiative. This will be a warm and sweet relationship, followed by a fiery love affair.

If you're proactive, this could start off as a sweet, hot and exciting relationship.

Akagi and Kaga obviously belong to the latter category, they can be said to be very active.

Both of them saw An Zhiyuan coming down from the stairs, and they immediately showed surprise. They both knew that the admiral brought them what they wanted, which was the proof of their relationship with the admiral, and it was their marriage ship as the admiral. Something to wear.

"Admiral..." Chicheng didn't hide the admiration in her eyes, she got up and walked quickly to An Zhiyuan, and Kaga didn't lag behind.

An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head, why does it feel like you guys can't wait to get married like me, obviously I'm greedy for your bodies.

An Zhiyuan took out two jewelry boxes that had been prepared a long time ago from his pocket, then knelt down on one knee, put the two gift boxes in the palms of both hands, opened them respectively and handed them to Kaga and Akagi.

In the jewelry box, two shiny platinum rings are quietly placed in the middle.

An Zhiyuan coughed twice, and then said: "Then, two beautiful girls, are you willing to be my wedding ship? Are you willing to be my wife?"

The Lord of the Rings is different, even the proposal is two simultaneous proposals...

But obviously Akagi and Kaga don't care about this, their eyes are occupied by the admiral and the ring on the admiral's hand...

Chicheng even breathed a lot harder, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and gently picked up the ring in the jewelry box, Kaga did the same, both of them seemed very excited.

Now that the ring has been taken away, the jewelry box is temporarily useless. An Zhiyuan put away the jewelry box, and then took the ring from the two hands. First, An Zhiyuan held Chicheng's right hand, and then put The platinum ring symbolizing the oath was placed in front of Akagi's finger. He raised his head and said to Akagi with a smile, "Would you like to be my wedding ship? Miss Akagi?"

"Of course I am willing, my admiral. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, just like I have been waiting for the admiral for a long time." Chicheng said immediately without any hesitation, the excitement on her face was particularly obvious , obviously, she is very happy and happy.

An Zhiyuan smiled brightly when he heard the words, put the platinum ring symbolizing the oath on Chicheng's right ring finger, and lowered his head to kiss lightly on the ring finger wearing the ring, "So, from today onwards, Miss Chicheng, you It's my wedding ship."

Chicheng raised his right hand, covered it with his left hand, and put it on his chest, with a happy expression on his face.

Akagi put on the ring, so of course Kaga next to him couldn't be left behind.

An Zhiyuan also took Kaga's right hand, and put the platinum ring in front of her ring finger, "Then Miss Kaga, are you willing to be my wedding ship?"

Kaga's face turned red, she pursed her lips, not as generous as Akagi, "I...I am willing..."

But regardless of their personalities, their feelings for An Zhiyuan were the same, so Kaga also accepted it decisively.

An Zhiyuan smiled brightly when he heard the words, and put the platinum ring that symbolized the oath on Kaga's right ring finger, "Then from today on Kaga, you will also be my wedding ship and my wife."

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