Enterprise must have sisters, sister Yorktown, and Hornet. Although Yorktown and Hornet are both there now, they are R’s Yorktown and Hornet. Although they are in the same tutelary fort, they also have Sisters are commensurate, but after all, they are not York City and Bumblebee of the B series. When will I build one for the enterprise... For my unmarried wife, I will build a few more unmarried wives...

"Hmm..." An Zhiyuan walked over and sat next to Enterprise, Enterprise looked a little shy, she turned her head cautiously, looked at An Zhiyuan's palm, blinked, pursed her mouth, and said nothing. ..

But of course An Zhiyuan noticed the small actions of the company, of course he had to notice, if he didn't notice this, could he still be called Lord of the Rings?

So An Zhiyuan's hand on the table slowly approached Enterprise's hand on the table, and the backs of their hands were first pressed together... Both of them could feel the temperature from the back of each other's hands, and Enterprise's face became more ruddy , she couldn't help but glanced at An Zhiyuan secretly, and found that the admiral was looking at her with a smile, and the enterprise immediately turned her head away in embarrassment...

But after waiting for a while, I didn't wait for the admiral's hand to hold my hand...

Enterprise couldn't help turning his head around again, and found that the admiral was still looking at him with a smile, as if he had no intention of holding his hand, Enterprise blushed and bit his lip, and then took An Zhiyuan's hand on his own initiative. ..

Then, the two held hands tightly...

The company knows...it is the admiral who is waiting for her...to provoke her girlish thoughts...but...she enjoys such a shy thing with a little bit of happiness...

Other than fighting, other than defeating the Sirens, there are so...exciting things in this world...

Chapter 1 I have a date with the company +[-]

The atmosphere is a bit ambiguous...

An Zhiyuan took Enterprise's hand and walked towards the hill in the center of the island.

Enterprise felt that her heart was beating fast...faster than ever before, even when facing those dangerous enemies, her heart had never been beating so fast... This made her breathing gradually quicken, The things I saw with my eyes gradually became blurred... My face became hot...

What, what's the matter... I just held hands today, is that all?

Obviously they have held hands before, but nothing like... like this... The company itself can't figure out why...

But besides the heart beating faster than ever, there's also a special sense of corporate...

That unexplainable feeling...

An Zhiyuan took Shi Si by the hand and walked in front of her. He said softly, "It's a little shady in the woods, much cooler than outside..."

Enterprise didn't hear clearly, because she was in a daze now, but she seemed to have heard what An Zhiyuan was saying, and then she nodded in a trance, and was led away by An Zhiyuan all the way. ..

Although the woods are dense, some sunlight still sneaks in through the gaps in the leaves and branches, lighting up the space inside the woods, and the suns that sneaked in above the head are squeezed into beams of light, which is very beautiful .

"Enterprise...do you think this scene is beautiful?" An Zhiyuan looked at the scene with a smile and asked with a smile.

However, he called Enterprise, but Enterprise didn't seem to respond. He turned around strangely, and found that Enterprise's eyes seemed to be turning into mosquito-repellent eyes, probably because he didn't hear his own voice...?

"Enterprise? Enterprise?" An Zhiyuan yelled twice, before the enterprise came back to his senses, and quickly said softly, "I'm..."

"What's the matter? What did you think of?" An Zhiyuan tapped the tip of the enterprise's nose affectionately and asked with a smile.

Sensing An Zhiyuan's movements, Enterprise subconsciously wrinkled his cute little nose, and then blushed and said, "No... nothing..."

The company was in a trance just now, as if he saw himself being pushed by the admiral and bent over, holding the tree trunk with both hands, and then the admiral stood behind him... I'm so ashamed, how can I say this kind of fantasy... Really ...How did I become so shameless, why do I have such fantasies...

An Zhiyuan ship company blushed, and joked: "Could it be that the company thought of something embarrassing?"

"No, no..." The enterprise was ashamed, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands, but this look, he was obviously very guilty... An Zhiyuan let out an "ah" and stared at the enterprise with a smile that was not a smile.

Enterprise was too shy, so he threw himself into An Zhiyuan's arms, squeezed his palms into fists, and hammered An Zhiyuan's shoulder, "I didn't, I didn't think about those embarrassing things! I really didn't!"

Of course, the company didn't use any force, otherwise these few punches would have directly killed An Zhiyuan on the spot.

With such a cute look, if you tell him that this is the former corporate dean of Bilan College, will anyone really believe it?

Damn, what's going on with this woman, that feeling of her heart being firmly pinched...

An Zhiyuan hugged the enterprise easily, and then said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I know..."

Enterprise's face was red, and she settled down in An Zhiyuan's arms. She felt the hand on her waist, bit her lip, then slowly stretched out her hand, and put her arms around An Zhiyuan's waist, turning her face sideways With his head on An Zhiyuan's chest...

"T-admiral...my heart is beating so fast..."

"My heart is also beating fast..." An Zhiyuan said softly, "Are you nervous?"

"I...I think, I'm not nervous, it's because of other reasons, so the heart beats so fast..." Enterprise said softly, and her face became more rosy because of shyness when she said these words up...

She believed that the admiral would definitely understand what she meant...

Sure enough, An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "It's also because of other reasons that my heart beats fast..."

The two of them are close together, the company is about 178 meters tall, and they are about 175 in tall shoes. An Zhiyuan used to be 182 tall. After taking Yubari's medicine, his height has grown a bit, and he has grown to [-]. Therefore, it is unlikely that girls would be taller than him in high-heeled shoes that might have happened in the past, although An Zhiyuan would often comfort himself in that kind of thing, it's okay, no matter what, when the girls do that thing, they are still Below, of course, An Zhiyuan never refused.

An Zhiyuan doesn't know if the enterprise can feel his heartbeat, but he can't feel the heartbeat of the enterprise. The fat is too thick and cannot be removed, but the fabric on the fat can be removed. Come on, enterprise , let's remove the fabric and feel some of each other's fiery heartbeats...

Heck, let's do this later...

An Zhiyuan let go of Enterprise, then held her hand, and continued to walk forward, "Let's go, we haven't reached our destination yet."

"Hmm..." Enterprise responded softly, was held by An Zhiyuan, and walked forward with him...

When you are in love, you will unconsciously look at everything from a new perspective, just like now, even if you are just being led by An Zhiyuan, being pulled away by the admiral, and feeling the strength from the admiral's palm, Let the enterprise blush...

Enterprise has never told An Zhiyuan, but she actually likes interlocking fingers very much...

She was fascinated by the solid feeling that every finger gap was filled and then closed tightly... Does this count as a strange XP for herself?

The company heard from another company, which is Jinye, that the admiral's XP is very...widely...

I... have to cooperate with the admiral...

Shi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the back of An Zhiyuan walking in front, and seeing the hands tightly held by the two, he was a little dazed for a while...

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