New Jersey rubbed his chin, "I know that too, but I'm just worried that the admiral won't be able to control it..."

"It's okay if you can't control it, as long as the company doesn't care about it." The Duke of York said: "'s not good for us to watch here. After all, this is the first time for the company?"

Upon hearing the words, New Jersey turned to look at the Duke of York, and said, "Then why don't we...join?"

The Duke of York looked sideways at New Jersey, thinking that it is you, your Iowa class...

"Then... go up?" the Duke of York asked.

"Let's go." New Jersey walked up with a smile...

But here, An Zhiyuan and Enterprise did not continue to kiss, because An Zhiyuan couldn't help but move his hand just now to feel the heartbeat of Enterprise, but Enterprise bit An Zhiyuan's tongue nervously, causing An Zhiyuan pain Retracted subconsciously...

Then An Zhiyuan saw New Jersey and the Duke of York walking towards this side, New Jersey's hand was still on the button of his collar, and the Duke of York's hand was on the hem of his skirt...

An Zhiyuan was a little confused, "What are you doing?"

"Huh? Er..." New Jersey blushed slightly, she put down her hands, and said, "I wanted to join in the fun..."

The Duke of York's hand dropped without a trace.

join in the fun?An Zhiyuan's expression gradually became weird, you guys also want to play wild, don't you?

Although no one will be disturbed, and no one will approach here, but this is the first time for this company. Is it the first time to play wild?

"Admiral... I'm sorry..." Enterprise tugged on La An Zhiyuan's collar and whispered.

An Zhiyuan turned his head to look at the enterprise, and then said, "It's doesn't hurt anyway..."

"Then...then, Admiral, let's do it again...this time, I will never bite you again..." Enterprise said with a blushing face.

An Zhiyuan scratched the company's nose and said with a smile: "Eat breakfast soon, don't squeeze, we still have a long time, we will have breakfast later, let's go to your room and kiss~"

It's so simple, why does the company feel that the admiral said it so lewdly...?

New Jersey couldn't help but said, "Admiral, let me teach business, I'm the best at it..."

The enterprise was stunned for a moment, then blinked, and asked, "Teach...what do you teach?"

"Of course it's fun." New Jersey walked quickly to the side of the enterprise, and then said with a smile: "Enterprise, come here..."

As he said that, he dragged the company to the Duke of York, then leaned into the ear of the company and whispered: "Let me tell you, the admiral has high requirements for performance in that area. If your performance is not good enough, you may The admiral will be dissatisfied..."

The company is a little confused, "Which aspect is the most demanding?"

New Jersey looked at the Duke of York next to her, and winked at her. The Duke of York immediately understood, and then walked up, saying, "It was... the first time~"

"Eh? Eh? The first time...? Is, is that, is that the first time?" The enterprise blushed and asked a little shyly.

"Otherwise?" New Jersey covered his mouth with his hand and whispered in the ear of the enterprise: "If the first experience is not enough..."

"But...but..." Enterprise was too ashamed to hear the words, and when she heard that New Jersey planned to continue, she lowered her head firmly.

"But what? Are you not ready to hand yourself over to the admiral?" The Duke of York asked a little strangely: "If you are not ready, then there is no need."

"...No! I'm ready..." Enterprise thought for a while, bit his lip, and said.

In fact, it should be handed over to the admiral last night, but I still hesitated in my heart. I don’t know if the admiral saw it, so I didn’t ask myself...

However, accepting the admiral's wedding ring means that besides being the admiral's wife, she is also the admiral's wife... Such behavior shouldn't have happened...

And after kissing the admiral, Enterprise felt that he was fully prepared...

"Then if you are ready..." New Jersey continued with a smile: "If you don't have enough experience for the first time, it will be difficult to satisfy the admiral, so let us teach you, not only on-site teaching, but also I will show you personally, and I am sure to satisfy the admiral..."

"Teach...teach what?"

"Of course I'm teaching you, how to climb Dua Lang~" New Jersey said with a smile: "Think about it, the first time you and the admiral were very happy, isn't that a wonderful thing? Right, enterprise?"

"" Enterprise nodded in a daze.

The Duke of York and New Jersey looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then the Duke of York whispered: "I will give you some interesting clothes later, we are about the same size, you can wear them later, and then..."

An Zhiyuan looked at the three people whispering, a little strange, "New Jersey? The Duke of York? Enterprise, what are you talking about?"

New Jersey turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan, then said with a smile: "You'll find out later, Admiral~"

What, mysterious?

In short, after spending some time, the three of them seemed to have discussed something. Enterprise blushed, and she bit her lip as she looked at New Jersey and the Duke of York who had already gone away to prepare after waving.

An Zhiyuan walked over, put his arms around Enterprise's waist from behind, and asked Yao: "What were you talking about just now?"

"Wait, wait until the admiral will know...for the time being... can't tell the admiral..." The enterprise said with a ruddy face: "admiral...let's go have breakfast...after breakfast, we my room..."

An Zhiyuan thought it might be that New Jersey and the Duke of York taught the company how to play, so he didn't ask too much, and led the company to the cafeteria together...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After finishing breakfast, the company went back to its room first, saying that it had to make some preparations...

An Zhiyuan was not in a hurry, he walked around outside before going to the company's room.

On the way, he thought about some recent situations...Speaking of which, after the Arbitrator was captured and returned, the enhanced construction core he applied to Bilan Academy hadn't arrived yet, and it was said that it would be distributed together with the rewards for sinking those sirens before. , An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, wondering what kind of special ship could be built this time, the previous two were Frederick the Great Mama and Gascon...

Speaking of which, I haven’t visited the Arbitration Pro for a while, and the switch seems to have never been turned off... Ahem, the thing made by Yubari is powerful, not to mention it can be used for a long time, and it can still be used Liquid is used to recharge energy, and the Arbiter is a Siren, just like Jianniang Shenhai, there is no concept of water shortage in the body, as long as she is alive, she can always secrete... er...

The other thing is... According to An Zhiyuan's understanding, the Ship Girl Deep Sea Sirens belong to the kind of existence that doesn't feel numb or weakened. will still experience all the sensations very fully...

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