"Because the admiral doesn't look at me~" Changchun said with a smile, she jumped off An Zhiyuan's body, and then asked excitedly: "Admiral, admiral, what are the interesting places here? Take me to see it!"

An Zhiyuan pinched Changchun's little nose, and then said: "Wait until these things are arranged. If you are so playful, be careful that Yixian will spank your ass."

Changchun wrinkled his little nose, and said: "Sister Yixian doesn't know how to spank my butt, only the admiral can spank my butt, and it still hits me in that way, but it doesn't matter, I like the admiral to hit me~"

An Zhiyuan tugged at Changchun's small face, "He's not big, but he's good at seducing people. Who did he learn from?"

Changchun oops, and then said: "Admiral, why am I not big? Look, I'm obviously very big!"

Saying that, Changchun took An Zhiyuan's hand, put it on his chest, and looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan moved calmly, and then said: "This place is not small, and the people are small."

Changchun jumped up with a smile, wrapped his legs around An Zhiyuan's waist, leaned into An Zhiyuan's ear and whispered, "Admiral, admiral! This is Tong Yan..."

Before Changchun could finish the last two words, An Zhiyuan slapped her, but Changchun was not afraid of spanking, her eyes were a little moist, she looked around, and said coquettishly: "The admiral has to do it in front of so many people." In front of people, I have no problem at all, I am wrapped around the admiral's waist like this, and everyone can't see it, admiral, come on~"

An Zhiyuan immediately put this little vixen down after hearing the words. Really, Missouri must have taught her some weird things after she left... If I really want to push you down now, I'm afraid I don't want to be found out. I can't get out of this room for a month...

Seeing the admiral turn around and slip away, Xiao Changchun pouted, hum, the admiral is a coward, he dare not try it without a rest for a month...

An Zhiyuan just took a few steps when he bumped into the Soviet Union.

After the Soviet Union saw An Zhiyuan, a soft smile appeared on the rather serious pretty face, "Comrade Admiral, good afternoon."

"Soviet Union..." An Zhiyuan blinked.

"Comrade Admiral, I did some calculations. You owe me almost ten times. Comrade Admiral, if you don't pay back your debts, you are not a good comrade." charming.

An Zhiyuan took a deep breath, "That... the Soviet Union, I remembered that I still have something to do... I will..."

It is absolutely impossible to fire in front of so many people today, because once the fire is fired, it will automatically turn on the full automatic, and it will not be able to rest until all the bullets are fired. What should I do if the barrel becomes too hot and scrapped?

The Soviet Union chuckled, and had no plans to start now, "No matter what, Comrade Admiral must make it up~"

An Zhiyuan blinked and nodded.

As soon as the Soviet Union left, the little princess Xiangxiang dragged her younger sister Ke Ji and ran over, "Admiral, Admiral!"

The little princess is still so cheerful, An Zhiyuan smiled and rubbed Utopia's silver hair, Horrible looked at his sister enviously, seeing this, An Zhiyuan also rubbed Horrible's hair, Horrible's face was a little rosy, knowing that he His little emotions were discovered by the admiral.

But Utopia is not very satisfied, "Admiral! You can't just rub your head, you haven't played with me for so long, you have to kiss me!"

An Zhiyuan blinked, lowered his head and kissed Kongxiang's forehead, but Kongxiang was even more dissatisfied, "Admiral, Admiral! There is no sincerity in kissing the forehead, I want to kiss here!"

Kongxiang pointed to his thin lips, then pouted, and said, "And it's a wet kiss, I'm a French ship, admiral, the wet kiss you practiced with Miss Li, of course it should be used in the French system On the boat~"

Is there such a saying?An Zhiyuan blinked, and had no choice but to lower his head and kiss Xiangxiang wetly, but Xiangxiang kissed wetly, and of course the horror was not missed...

Lexington saw this scene from a distance, his face flushed slightly, "Admiral is really... confronting fantasy and horror in front of so many people..."

Guanghui stood beside Lexington. She knew that Lexington was very special in the tutelary mansion. Hearing this, she blinked and said with a blushing face, "Admiral...is often so affectionate regardless of the occasion. Disgusting, but still embarrassing..."

Yinye's face was very red and he didn't speak. Although he had handed himself over to the admiral, he still couldn't help being shy when he saw this scene.

Frederick the Great Ma Ma said it didn't matter, "Here are all his ship girls, and there is nothing wrong with doing anything."

Lexington nodded, "Well... Besides, everyone hasn't seen him for a long time, and I miss him too much..."

Frederick the Great pulled Lexington, wanting her to continue talking about what they said just now, the things the admiral had done before. Obviously, whether it was the Great Mama, Guanghui or Yinye, they all had a deep understanding of the admiral's previous work. Things are curious...

Santi and Leipzig couldn't find like-minded people, so they couldn't help being a little disappointed...Moscow followed these two people, and looked at the street lights outside from time to time...

Quincy Quincy Quincy pulled her sister's Chicken Leg Burger... Oh, no, New Orleans was running around, introducing herself everywhere, Aoba and Prince Eugen were pulled over by the prestige, preparing to perform, Aoba is the incumbent of the tutelary mansion Idol, Eugen is the retired idol of the tutelary palace, but the retired idol has to debut again today...

Veneto is greeting his little sisters. Italian destroyers are always very naughty, which breaks Veneto's heart. They are also destroyers, why can't you be as quiet as me?

wrong!I'm not a destroyer!

Helena and Washington were worrying about the allocation of rooms. They went to ask Missouri and Lexington for their opinions, and then asked the company and Belfast for their ideas, and carefully prepared...

Ibuki, Kurama, and Akagi Kaga are together. Of course, this Akagi Kaga is R’s Akagi Kaga, and B’s Akagi Kaga is almost fainted seeing so many people, and everyone has rings on their hands. .

Dafeng and Dafeng chatted, one of them is a literary girl, the other is born with a flattering bone, although they are both called Dafeng, their temperament is far from bad, but they both leak urine, this is the same.

The two of them looked a little subtle when they saw each other... But the literary girl Taiho-chan chatted about some admiral topics, and soon the two hit up a conversation. Dafeng sauce was very interested, so she said that she wanted to write a novel about Dafeng and the admiral, the kind with color, but it felt weird to bring her into it. After seeing her, she felt that she could be used as a female The protagonist, the other Dafeng, was very happy when he heard it, and the two were discussing the plot. Dafeng Jiang, who is born with a bone, requires that there must be a plot in which the heroine is taught by the hero Zhou. At first, the heroine has a good impression of the hero. But he didn't show it, on the surface he was very cold, looking down on the admiral... oh, no, the hero's appearance, but the hero went through a series of tricks, and the heroine finally became the hero who couldn't be offended. Getting leaked...

The literary girl Dafeng-chan looked at her other self with a subtle expression, she is really... really perverted... Seeing her excited look, it is obvious that she really wants to practice with the admiral...

Well...Anyway, the admiral is also an S-shaking, probably like this kind of ship girl who shakes M, right?

Literary girl Taiho-chan shook her head and began to rationalize the plot...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone was busy for a while, and the welcome meeting was quickly arranged.

Thanks to the preparations of New Jersey and the company, otherwise there would not be enough ingredients for the tutelary mansion...

But so many people gathered to eat together, the scene was really lively... At this moment, the town guard's mansion has hundreds of ship girls gathered together, and the town guard's mansion is almost out of capacity. Yubari plans to expand the tutelary mansion first, Although the construction of the air battleship is about to start, it still takes a long time to build the air battleship. So many people can't be crowded all the time, right?Some sisters sleep together, which is already crowded, and if the admiral comes to spend the night, he can only sleep on top of them.

Anyway, the bed should be big enough to leave enough space for activities, right?

Of course, that's something to consider later, and everyone is enjoying it right now...

Hu Teng didn't know when he came to An Zhiyuan's side and stood very close, but he didn't come up to talk to An Zhiyuan, just followed An Zhiyuan like before.

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