On the college side, because some places are relatively remote and it takes a long time to get there, arrangements are generally made more than two months before the big sweep.

Due to the different strengths of the siren soldiers in each sea area, and the strength of the ship girls are also different, so there is no lottery to decide. After all, if the ship girls with low training level are assigned to the front line like the Solomon Islands , It’s still quite uncomfortable, and it will be more troublesome to advance at that time. The frontline area of ​​the Solomon Islands has always been assigned a full-fledged ship girl. This is a sure thing. Secondly, more highly-trained ship girls are needed. However, due to the fact that the local college office is relatively strong, and there is another headquarters with a full-fledged ship girl and many high-level ship girls, the strongest ship girls have to be assigned in addition to a full-fledged ship girl. Except for Lian Du Jian Niang, basically they will not be sent here.

What's more, now, there is another powerful headquarters stationed there for a long time. According to the news from Oceania, there are already three full-fledged ship girls. The full-strength ship girl has passed, because it seems that there is no need for the full-strength ship girl here, a full-strength battleship of Commander Jiang Wanqiu, a full-strength aircraft carrier, a full-strength battleship and a full-strength battleship of Commander An Zhiyuan. There are already four full-fledged ship girls in this area, which is a bit exaggerated... It feels a bit wasteful to send them in the past, but the full-fledged ship girls have always been in a relatively short state...

Chief Dean Washington asked Shangri-La about the arrangements for candidates.

"Do you think the Solomon Islands still need to send more fully trained ship girls there? They seem to have enough combat power." Washington asked.

Shangri-La thought for a while and said: "It can be sent. Perhaps, we can take advantage of this big raid and their powerful strength to find out the existence of the Siren headquarters."

For a long time, no matter whether it is a human being or a ship girl, they have always wanted to know more about the siren, whether it is a humanoid siren or the siren's headquarters, it is very important to them. The location of the headquarters, maybe one day, it might be able to take it away, the siren must be removed after all, and staying in the sea area is a great threat to humans and ship mothers.

Washington thought for a while and nodded, "If that's the case, then you can arrange someone. In addition, you should pay more attention to the commander An Zhiyuan. After all, it's too mysterious."

The opponent's three full-strength ship girls are all special ships. I have never heard of such a special ship before, but there are only three of them when An Zhiyuan appeared. And Hood, after that, an extra company came out, saying that it was his former ship wife, but now that social communication is so developed, it stands to reason that the news of the existence of two such powerful full-strength special ships should have appeared long ago. It has attracted a lot of attention, not to mention, after he went to the headquarters, he gained a full-fledged ship girl.

It can't be built, because once it appeared at the party at that time, it was full of practice. The one just built can't be full of practice. Refer to the opponent's Hood, then it is the opponent's former ship girl, but the previous one had such Washington has never heard of such a commanding headquarters, and Shangri-La has never heard of it.

Shangri-la was also a little helpless when he heard the words. At the beginning, he thought that there was only one small Tierby, and he should be able to handle it. Later, after the company appeared, Shangri-la found that the opponent's ship girl seemed very strong. Now the three are fully trained, which is really surprising. Unexpectedly, the strength of that enterprise may have been exaggerated to some extent, and it may not be easy to deal with them.

But Shangri-la didn't think the other party was an enemy. After all, Shangri-la and An Zhiyuan had met each other. That person was no different from other commanders. He was even more inclined towards his own wife, who believed in her feelings very much.

However, some things still need to be done. Indeed, as Dean Washington said, the other party is too mysterious, and people can't help but compare him with the siren... Hehe, Shangri-La shook her head, she herself I don't believe it.

Chapter 77 Sister is the Most Important

As for the candidates to be sent to the Solomon Islands this time, Shangri-La has already made up its mind.

She wants to go there herself. After all, being closer is also good for observation, although she herself believes that the other party has nothing to do with the siren, and if there is a relationship, it is also a hostile relationship.

At first, Shangri-La considered Guanghui and the others, but because An Zhiyuan was salvaging Guanghui, and it seemed that she hadn't given up now, she was also a little hesitant. She didn't really want to make such an arrangement when Guanghui was unwilling.

But what about Guanghui's attitude?Does she want to take the initiative to go there?Shangri-la thought about it, and felt that it was time to ask Guanghui for his thoughts.

So Shangri-La found its brilliance.

At this time, Guanghui was sitting on the sofa watching TV with her two sisters. Shangri-la rang the doorbell, and immediately, Guanghui came to open the door.

"Is it the dean of Shangri-La? Please come in." Guanghui was a little surprised, was he going to arrange an attack?Or is it the designated place for the big raid?But can't these be explained on the mobile phone?

"Hello, Dean Shangri-La." Shengli greeted, and Kewei also nodded. All three were surprised by Shangri-La's arrival.

Shangri-la smiled at the two, pushed his eyes, and said to Guanghui, "I want to chat with you."

It meant to have a private chat with Guanghui, Guanghui nodded and walked to the side with Shangri-La.

"The big sweep is approaching, and it's almost time to arrange the assigned location." Shangri-La said, "Is there any place you want to go?"

After hearing the words, Guanghui thought for a while, and there seemed to be no place he particularly wanted to go, but he would definitely not be able to stay in the academy when the time came. Although there were people staying behind, there were relatively few people staying behind.

If you can...

Guanghui thought of the beach at An Zhiyuan's headquarters before, the weather over there was similar to that of the headquarters... Guanghui had thought about the past before, but she was also worried that if she went there, the contact between the two would increase again ...is it a good thing or a bad thing?Glory doesn't understand either...

"Is there nothing else you want to go?" Shangri-la asked. If that's the case, then Shangri-la won't mention An Zhiyuan's matter.

Guanghui came back to his senses, thought about it, and didn't know where to go. The Solomon Islands was the only place he could go within the scope of his consideration...or it was random.

An Zhiyuan had also invited her before, but at that time he didn't go because he wanted to make a big sweep...

So Guanghui finally asked: "Can I go to the Solomon Islands? I think the beaches there seem to be pretty good."

Shangri-La paused, and said, "Okay, actually I have this idea, but I didn't say it directly because I was worried that you would not want it."

Although the headquarters of Jiang Wanqiu and An Zhiyuan are strong enough, it is the front line after all, so we still need to send some powerful ship girls to go there. You must know that although An Zhiyuan has 3 fully trained ship girls , However, he only has 5 ship girls in total. Although he is very powerful, the number is small after all. One-on-one is definitely nothing to say, but there are too many sirens. If one person faces multiple targets, it will be a bit distracting. I'm overwhelmed.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to send even a full-fledged ship girl, but a high-level ship girl must send a lot of them.

In addition, Guanghui and An Zhiyuan seem to have some personal relationships. In addition, the three sisters of Guanghui are also up to the standard, so they were the first people Shangri-La considered at that time.

However, Shangri-La will not force these ship girls, so since Guanghui did not refuse, and even wanted to go, then there is no problem.

"Really?" Guanghui smiled a little embarrassed when he heard the words, the dean of Shangri-La probably knew that An Zhiyuan was salvaging him, and didn't want to force himself...

Hmm... I agreed as soon as my brain got hot, but Guanghui really wanted to go to that beach. Although there is a beach on the side of the college, but because there are many people nearby, no ship girl goes to the beach to swim.

"In this case, then, it's settled." Shangri-La said with a smile: "You can prepare, it shouldn't take long, and the arrangement will be completed, and I will go there with you at that time."

"Huh? Is Dean Shangri-La going to the Solomon Islands too?" Guanghui was a little surprised, because it was the front line. In the past, the dean of the company or Dean Washington went there.

Shangri-La nodded, "I will arrange some destroyers, cruisers and light mothers to join us. There must be no shortage of aircraft carriers and battleships..."

The aircraft carrier has two full-levels of enterprise and her, and it has been brilliant that they have three high-levels. The battleship has a small Tierby and Fuso, and Kizuna Ai, three full-levels, and there are several other high-levels in the local area. The battleships are definitely enough, the main lack is destroyers, cruisers and light mothers, anti-submarine still needs to be paid attention to.

"Then, I'll be leaving first. I still have some things to arrange." Shangri-la pushed his glasses and said, "It's best to be ready and talk to your sisters."

"Well, okay." Guanghui nodded.

After Shangri-La left, Guanghui pursed his lips, um... It seems that he still has the idea of ​​joining the command... But, how can he leave behind victory and awesomeness?

Sisters are more important, right?

Afterwards, Glory and Victory and Awesomeness talked about it.

Victory blinked, "Sister...you...you don't like that person, do you?"

"How is that possible." Guanghui shook his head. Although the relationship between the two is indeed different from ordinary relationships, it does not mean that Guanghui has fallen in love with each other. It was built by An Zhiyuan, but it didn't say that the commander has a good opinion of the ship's mother, and the buff will be improved.

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