In this way, the two really feel like a couple. The head maid likes this kind of feeling very much. Although being a head maid requires giving everything, if you can enjoy this kind of tenderness, it is still very good, isn't it?

"Well, it's indeed very intimate, but it's not considered intimate~" An Zhiyuan raised Belfast's head with his hands, then straightened Belfast to face himself, and then moved in an extremely slow way. speed head down...

Feeling the master's face getting closer and closer, the master's warm breath hit his face, it was self-evident what he wanted to do, Belfast gently brushed his ears and hair, and then closed his eyes. Eyes, staring at the master's movements.

Slowly, slowly, one lip stuck to the other. Of course An Zhiyuan's experience is very rich, step by step dismantling Belfast's defense line, and then found that the head maid was not only undefended, but also Warmly welcome him, yes, Belfast is responding warmly to his master, telling him his ownership of himself, telling him his feelings for him, making him understand her passion.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his arms to wrap around the waist of the head maid, enjoying the rare tenderness.

I don't know how long the kiss took, An Zhiyuan raised his head, looked at the head maid's reddish face, and smacked her again, "Belfast, I think we're almost ready, what do you think?"

The head maid was a little weak all over, she leaned lightly on her master, and said softly, "For me, anytime is fine~"

The next thing is naturally self-evident, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, Belfast finally bid farewell to her first time and dedicated it to her most valued master.

In this way, except for the two little guys, the entire tutelary mansion has been captured.

PS: Sigh, I rewrote the whole article, I really didn't want ghs...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

(Note the PS at the end of the chapter)

In this case, in the entire tutelary mansion, except for Xiao Zhai and Tang Yu, there will be no...

But An Zhiyuan still didn't drag other girls around, usually one-on-one, although it is estimated that even if he brought other girls together, they would probably not refuse, of course, he still had to be shy on the surface.

But at night, An Zhiyuan found out that Hood suffered a slight injury in this attack. Although it was not important, it still made An Zhiyuan a little nervous.

"How did you get hurt?" An Zhiyuan asked.

Tang Yu, Duke of York and Fusang all attacked with Hood, so it is unlikely to be injured.

"We met humanoid sirens." Fusang said softly.

"Are you fighting humanoid sirens?" An Zhiyuan asked with a frown. If this is the case, he should explain to Dean Shangri-La and ask them to be more vigilant.

"No, but there are a lot of siren armor on the side of the humanoid siren. They are very powerful and there are too many of them. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be so many. The total number of attacks is too much, although we have sunk a lot of siren armor, but there are still many, sorry, I failed to protect Hood." The Duke of York said with apology: "Please punish me , Admiral."

"This is my own problem." Hood said quickly, "It's just that I didn't dodge it, I was just hit by a cruiser."

An Zhiyuan had a strange expression on his face. The punishment the Duke of York mentioned... Strictly speaking, it cannot be called a punishment.

But now is not the time to think about these things, An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and said: "If this really happens, you need to respond to Dean Shangri-La as soon as possible, Hood, you go take a bath first, I will tell Dean Shangri-La Say it."

Hood nodded, turned around and went back to his room to take a bath, although she actually wanted the admiral to rub her back...

An Zhiyuan chatted with Shangri-La about this matter through Polaris.

"Principal Shangri-La, the girls in my headquarters encountered some abnormal situations when they attacked today. It seems that there are a lot of siren armors piled up in front of our sea area, and they also witnessed humanoid sirens."

Shangri-la seemed to be doing other things, An Zhiyuan waited for a while before Shangri-la replied, "Nothing happened, right?!"

"No, it's just that Hood was slightly injured. However, so many high-level siren armors seem to be protecting the humanoid siren. If they continue to pile up, it will cause a lot of trouble for our recommendation. troublesome."

"Well, indeed, you tell me the specific sea area. If necessary, I will send a large force to attack with you tomorrow to sweep away that sea area." Shangri-La said immediately.

The advance to the Pacific Ocean cannot be stopped, and must continue to advance, so as to provide help for them to find the Siren headquarters in the future. If they do not advance to the depths, it means that they will take a great risk to break into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. And it is impossible to get support in a short period of time. Now that the combat effectiveness of the humanoid siren is not clear, the risk is extremely high, and the ship may even sink. After all, no matter how powerful the ship is, it needs to compensate for ammunition and fuel. If there is no ammunition and fuel Words are useless no matter how powerful they are.

Even the existence of a business...

Of course, if an enterprise does not care about consumption, it can actually fight for a long time. She is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and it is much more convenient to replace the nuclear fuel of a ship than a real aircraft carrier. The number of missiles carried by each carrier-based aircraft is also small Low, and she also has a lot of missiles stored in her ship... With this whole set, the ammunition and fuel consumed will be quite scary, because although the enterprise itself does not need to refuel, the fuel consumed by the carrier aircraft is not Low.

An Zhiyuan told the dean of Shangri-La where Hood and the others found the enemy, and Shangri-La sent a high-speed and high-skilled destroyer to investigate. Let the destroyer go to ensure that it can leave the battle in time, and basically avoid all battles , anyway, now it is only necessary to confirm the accuracy of the intelligence, and then Shangri-La can designate a detailed combat plan to minimize possible losses.

But in order to ensure the safety of tomorrow, if necessary, the company must do its best. After all, there are so many siren armors, even if the dean of Shangri-La will definitely let the ship girl currently stationed in the college office and Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters cooperate. Empty these sirens who suddenly appeared in the sea area by yourself, but you can't just consider the safety of your own girls when you consider safety. The ship girls in the academy office and the ship girls in Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters are naturally also within the range, so if there is any danger, Businesses must keep everyone safe.

It's just that there are some meaty resources. An Zhiyuan has been guarding the mansion for so long, and she has always been escorted by the company. She has never used the missiles on her carrier aircraft, and every time she is dispatched, the company just releases one or two. Yes, it doesn't need too much, it's just the resources saved in this way. If the company uses all its strength, it may not just use up 80% of the resources of the tutelary mansion at once, and it will hurt to death.

No, when the time comes for the company to really make a move, the dean of Shangri-La has to give him some resources, otherwise, who can stand it? If 80% is really consumed, the subsequent attack will become a problem.

Hood was only slightly scratched, and his clothes were not even torn. He would be fine after taking a bath for a while. An Zhiyuan found Hood.

"How is it? Are you all right?" An Zhiyuan asked with concern.

Hood shook his head, "It was just a small injury...although, actually, I want the admiral to rub my back, so that the repair will be faster."

It seemed that after pushing Hood, Hood was more relaxed, An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Then you are not waiting for me in the bathroom?"

"I've been waiting for a while and you didn't come, okay?" Hood gave An Zhiyuan a white look with a reddish face, "I thought you wouldn't come, I got bored in it alone, so I got up."

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Then don't wait for me..."

He paused, and then got down to business, "Are you going to attack tomorrow? The dean of Shangri-La will take someone from the college office to clean up those siren uniforms that appeared outside the sea area we guard."

"Go, definitely go." Hood said, "This is a good opportunity to improve your practice."

"If you are accidentally injured again, I will let you stay in the tutelary mansion for a while." An Zhiyuan didn't want to stop Hood from attacking, but he also hoped that Hood would pay attention to his own safety, "I don't want you to get hurt again, Did you hear me?"

Hood smiled softly, and she walked up with small steps, wrapping her arms around An Zhiyuan's neck, "You heard me, my admiral, my husband~ Then I got hurt today, why don't you punish me?"

"Of course!" An Zhiyuan gritted his teeth.

PS: The last chapter was harmonized. I rewrote it and posted it. I don’t know when it will pass the second trial. The main thing is to push the matter of the head maid.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, the wind was sunny, but the sea was not like that. Shangri-La sent people to investigate the situation again in the morning, and found that there were still a very large number of siren soldiers piled up outside the sea area. I don’t know what they want to do. However, if they are not cleaned up, it will cause delays to the advancement of the entire Solomon Islands. Therefore, the battle plan formulated by Shangri-La last night will start.

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