Flender's face turned cold, "In the spirit master world, in order to survive, everyone must learn to do whatever they can. Let alone sausages, when life is at stake, even cockroaches, earthworms, and mice, you have to feed me. Go down!"

As soon as these words came out, the three girls changed color at the same time, especially Ning Rongrong, who faintly vomited.

"This lesson is for each of you. If you can't even accept Oscar's spell, then there's no need to stay. Don't question my decision. Okay, Oscar, let's go."

After Flender finished speaking, he stood silently with his hands behind his back.

Tang Ming and the others changed their expressions for a while, except that Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had taken this class a long time ago, and the two of them were still able to remain calm.The faces of the others were not very good.

Oscar was laughing wickedly, his wretched eyes wandering, and he stayed on Ning Rongrong the most.If it weren't for the wrong situation, he would have gone up and hugged Flender for a few bites.

Flender did this not only to make everyone identify with him, but also an indescribable psychological satisfaction for Oscar himself.

Ning Rongrong eats my sausage

The more Oscar thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more wretched his smile became.

He stretched out two hands at the same time, hehe smiled, and recited his soul spell.

"I have a big sausage."

"I have a small sausage."

One thick and one thin, sausages with different flavors appeared in Oscar's two hands. He smiled, glanced at everyone, and asked, "Which one of you will come first?"

"I'll come first."

The people who were still struggling looked at Tang Ming who walked out of the queue with surprise in their eyes.

Tang Ming looked at the sausage in Oscar's hand and sighed in his heart, if he didn't want to leave Tang San, he could really leave this Shrek Academy.

It's just that Tang Ming knew that five years ago, Tang Hao's departure had dealt a big blow to Tang San, and he was also afraid that Tang San couldn't bear the blow if he left now.

So for the sake of the little three, eat whatever you want.


Tang Ming glanced at Oscar, who was smiling wryly in front of him, and felt a little disgusted in his heart.In fact, he didn't care about any spells at all, but Oscar was too obscene. He still had evil thoughts in his heart when he recited these spells. This is what Tang Ming hated.

Although it was unclear what the specific evil thoughts in Oscar's heart were, this evil thoughts made Tang Ming uncomfortable.

"Which flavor do you want?" Seeing Tang Ming walking in front of him, Oscar smiled and held out both hands, one thick and one thin, for Tang Ming to choose.

Tang Ming took the sausage, but didn't eat it immediately, but looked at Oscar seriously and warned: "I don't really care about your spells, but please be righteous. At least don't have evil thoughts when reciting these spells. , so, what if your spell is a little weird?"

Tang Ming didn't say much. After he finished speaking, he ate the sausage in his hand in three or two mouthfuls.

Oscar was a little stunned, looking at the back of Tang Ming entering the queue, a little angry and a little ashamed.Indeed, when he was chanting the spell just now, he had evil thoughts in his heart.

Just how did Tang Ming know?

Oscar didn't know that Tang Ming's perception was different from that of ordinary people. At first, he could vaguely perceive the malicious intentions of others. Now that five years have passed, Tang Ming can perceive the evil thoughts he is showing from a distance.

Flender watched without saying a word, just nodded secretly.

Although his Shrek Academy didn't care about the character of the students, it still had to have a basic bottom line.Tang Ming said it very well, and the three views are also good.

"I'll come next."

Looking at the second person who stood up, everyone recovered from Tang Ming's words just now, and cast a surprised look at Ning Rongrong.

Didn't Ning Rongrong still object to it just now?

Why is there the second one now?

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong who was walking in front of him, and his expression became even more puzzled.

Ning Rongrong walked up to Oscar with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Evil thoughts? You can only have evil thoughts. But for Tang Ming's sake, my mother ate it!"

After speaking, Ning Rongrong also grabbed the sausage and shoved it into his mouth, and he ate it quickly.

When the others on the court heard Ning Rongrong's words, they all looked at Tang Ming with a black question mark on his face.Only Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly, and when he saw Tang Ming's confused look, Liu eyebrows opened slightly.

"Rongrong, do you like Xiao Ming?" Xiao Wu asked excitedly and gossip when she saw Ning Rongrong coming back.

Zhu Zhuqing quietly lifted the hair from his ear and listened.

The others also pricked up their ears, wanting to know what Ning Rongrong was thinking.

Especially Oscar, although Ning Rongrong had a run on it and his face was ugly, he still looked straight at him.

Only Tang Ming looked blank, not knowing when he provoke Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong blushed and shouted, "What are you thinking, how could I like Tang Ming! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Then what you said just now was for Xiao Ming." Xiao Wu looked at Ning Rongrong suspiciously.

Ning Rongrong seemed to realize how ambiguous what she said just now, and her face turned even redder, like the red wine that had been stored in the wine cellar for many years. He's so good at such a young age, and I want to learn from him, so he can endure Oscar's sausage and stay in the academy, and so can I!"

"Is that so?"

"That's it!"

Facing the suspicious gazes of Xiao Wu and the others, Ning Rongrong finally shouted like a broken jar.

The sound was so loud that Xiao Wu rubbed her ears and said, "We already know, why are you yelling so loudly?"

Ning Rongrong blushed and didn't speak. She peeked at Tang Ming next to him, and found a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was relieved.

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