The relationship between Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong was too tense.In the battle just now, as long as Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong joined, Dai Mubai and the others could fight back and forth with the teacher from Canghui College, and with Tang Ming, they could easily win.

But just now?

Tang Ming and Zhu Zhuqing were eating in the hotel as if nothing had happened. Although Ning Rongrong also went out, he was only watching from the sidelines, and he didn't even think of taking action.

"Although Mubai is older than the others, his mind is still immature," Zao Wuji said with a sigh, "I just hope this trip will ease their relationship."

Tang Ming and the others downstairs had a very stiff atmosphere.

Xiao Wu was annoyed by Tang Ming's excuse. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, she stared at Tang Ming with a pouting mouth, as if she wanted to stare Tang Ming with a sense of guilt with her red eyes.

But Tang Ming leaned back in his chair after eating and looked up at the ceiling of the hotel, wondering what he was thinking.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, don't be angry anymore."

Seeing Xiao Wu angrily, Tang San smiled bitterly, so did Brother Ming, he liked to make Xiao Wu angry for so many years, and every time he had to persuade him to make peace.

"I'm going to be angry!" Xiao Wu crossed her hips and puffed out her mouth, as if the baby was unhappy.

Tang San smiled wryly and persuaded: "Actually, Brother Ming didn't go for our own good."

"How do you say?" Xiao Wu was taken aback by Tang San's words, looked at him curiously and asked, "Why does Xiao Ming not go and it's for our good."

Tang San saw the anger on Xiao Wu's face disappear, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "It's a rare battle experience for us to fight an opponent with a higher level than us. If Brother Ming follows, think about it, you'll know Brother and Teacher Zhao's strength in fighting, can we still have such a good fighting experience tonight?"

Xiao Wu raised her head and thought about it, and a scene emerged in her mind: Tang Ming didn't even light up his spirit ring, and he shattered the tortoise shell of that Wang Ba teacher with one punch.This is what Teacher Zhao just did.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but nodded and said, "Little San, you are right. If Xiao Ming goes, we won't have a chance to take action."

After speaking, there was no anger on Tang Ming's face, but a smile.

Tang Ming took the time to give Tang San a cheeky thumbs up, "It's still Little San, you understand me!"

Is that right?

Dai Mubai on the side was eating, looking at Tang Ming's raised thumb, he was a little suspicious, but he almost believed Tang San's words.

After that, the few people didn't talk much, and they parted ways and went back to rest after eating.

Early the next morning, before the sun had risen yet, Tang Ming got up early to practice as usual, followed by Tang San.The two met on the roof of the hotel, and when Tang San arrived, Tang Ming had already finished his practice.

"Morning, little three."

"Brother Ming, you are still the same early." Tang San said with emotion, sat down with his knees crossed, and said to Tang Ming who was sitting on the side: "I'm practicing."

Then he closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Tang Ming nodded, not in a hurry to go back, just watching Tang San practice, watching the slowly rising morning sun paint his brows with gold, and when a purple air floated from the east, Tang San opened his eyes. Opening his eyes, a purple meaning flashed in his eyes, and the cultivation was completed.

"Brother Ming."

"Let's go, go back. Mr. Zhao seems to have woken Oscar and the others."


The two came down from the eaves with light work, and they saw Oscar and the others who were woken up by Zhao Wuji's voice.Because of yesterday's journey, they were still a little sleepy at this time.

"You got up so early, where did you go?" Ning Rongrong asked in surprise when she saw Tang Ming and Tang San returning from outside the hotel.

Tang San replied with a smile, "Good morning. We're going to practice."

"Do you wake up so early to practice?" Ma Hongjun exclaimed.He had never woken up so early to practice.

Xiao Wu said with a sigh: "Ha, otherwise, how do you think Xiao Ming and Xiao San's strengths come from? From the first day I met them, they went out to practice before dawn every day!"

As soon as Xiao Wu said this, everyone present looked at Tang Ming and Tang San with surprise.

Zhao Wou-Ki's eyes flashed, he looked at Tang Ming and Tang San and nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the others in Shrek and said, "I know you are all geniuses, and in the old days you didn't care how you cultivated, but I think Tang Ming and Tang The cultivation spirit of the three or two is worth learning from!"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were shocked and nodded subconsciously.Dai Mubai's complexion was complicated, Ma Hongjun admired it somewhat, while Oscar yawned, asking him to get up so early, he couldn't do it because he was accustomed to a lazy bed.

"Okay, after breakfast, let's go!"

Zao Wou-Ki looked at everyone's reactions, except for Oscar's breath which made him frown a little, everyone else's reactions made him very satisfied.

Everyone had breakfast in the hotel and set off in the cool morning light.

Since I had already traveled more than [-] kilometers yesterday, today's trip was not long, only more than [-] kilometers. Everyone's speed was very fast. When the sun was about to shine, they finally came to the Great Star Dou Forest.

No one could say for sure how many years the Star Dou Great Forest existed in Douluo Continent, but after walking into the forest, the lushness that covered the sky was enough to tell everyone here how old it was.

Ding, it was detected that the host entered the Great Star Dou Forest, and a new mission was released.

Mission: Nirvana.

Description: Please go to the depths of the Star Dou Forest to hatch the Golden Feather Red Fire Eagle.After completing the task, you will get a [-]-year spirit ring that can grow.

Tang Ming was originally shocked by the rich spiritual energy of the world, but suddenly the voice of the system sounded in his mind, and the word task issued by the system appeared in front of him.

He was stunned for a while.

this task

Hatching the eggs of the Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle?The depths of the Great Star Dou Forest?

Tang Ming frowned.

"Brother Ming?"

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