The dark fire crow in front of him seems to have a cultivation base of more than [-] years, and his current strength is still unable to deal with it.

What are you running, of course!When it absorbs the fire of the earth, it can't move at all!


Can I still lie to you?

"Then I'm on!"

Tang Ming took a deep breath and called out the Chaos Orb, his right hand collapsed, and he glanced at the Dark Fire Crow in the distance.Sure enough, the Dark Fire Crow couldn't move.

When Tang Ming appeared just now, the Dark Fire Crow noticed it, but it was absorbing the fire of the earth, and it couldn't move at all. Facing Tang Ming's actions, it had nothing to do.

"The stars explode!"

The second spirit ring that circled around the Chaos Bead suddenly burst into light, and then, an extremely powerful force, accompanied by the ultimate light, exploded on the body of the Dark Fire Crow!



The Dark Fire Crow let out a tragic howl.

When the light dissipated, Tang Ming's heart suddenly tightened, and there was a sharp cracking sound in front of him. He barely had time to think, so he used teleportation subconsciously.

With a swoosh, Tang Ming disappeared on the spot.


The dark fire crow grabbed Tang Ming's sharp claws, but the power contained in the sharp claws blasted the earth into a huge pit.

Tang Ming, who reappeared, looked at the place where he had just stood, and felt fortunate in his heart.Nima, fortunately it flashes fast!

Where Tang Ming stood before, a huge pit appeared under the bombardment of the Dark Fire Crow.The Dark Fire Crow stood on the edge of the pit, and its feathers dropped a lot, and blood dripped to the ground along the tips of its wings from time to time.

The Dark Fire Crow stretched its wings, and the three eyes on its head stared at Tang Ming coldly. Suddenly, the Dark Fire Dark Crow's pupils shrank, and it noticed the golden feathered red fire egg on Tang Ming's left hand.

It's it!

It didn't even die!

The Dark Fire Crow was shocked, and the three pupils were even more blood red.It stared at Tang Ming, suddenly raised its head, and let out an extremely unpleasant cry. .


This cry hit Tang Ming, like a magic sound!Tang Ming only felt that his brain was suddenly hit by a big iron hammer, and his spirit became confused.

Chapter 86 黑炎

what is this?

Psychic attack?

Tang Ming was surprised, and quickly transported the Hunyuan Daojing. With the operation of spiritual power, his mind returned to clarity.

The Dark Fire Crow saw Tang Ming get rid of its mental shock, and there was a hint of surprise in his pupils, but he kept moving. After realizing that Tang Ming couldn't help his cry, he immediately spread his wings and flew into the air.

What is it going to do?

Tang Ming had been paying attention to the movements of the Dark Fire Crow, and when he saw it flying into the air, he immediately became vigilant in his heart.

Be careful of its black flames!

Fire Feather issued a reminder.At this time, the dark fire crow that flew into the air moved. I saw its wings flutter, and strange black fireworks suddenly ignited on its wings. These fireworks burned along the edge of its wings, strange and terrifying.

The Dark Fire Crow made a cry, spread its wings, and shot at Tang Ming like lightning.

Tang Ming only felt that there was a black line in the air in front of him, and the wings of the dark fire crow slashed over.

Black flames burn on the wings.

Tang Ming could sense the terrifying aura coming from Hei Yan, and was reminded by Huo Yu, so naturally he wouldn't go to the Gang, and it was another teleportation, and he flashed out.

The dark fire crow's wings were slashed in the air, and the pitch-black fireworks flew out, sputtering on the ground, and a sizzling sound sounded. When looking at it, the burning black flames had corroded the ground into a bottomless hole.


Tang Ming's eyelids jumped, if this black flame fell on him, wouldn't he be able to corrode him into a big hole?

Here, the Dark Fire Crow missed a single hit and shot at Tang Ming with black flames again.It passed through the air, and because the speed was too fast, the entire figure was pulled into a black line by the air.



The Dark Fire Crow kept attacking Tang Ming, but Tang Ming didn't dare to confront the Dark Fire Dark Crow who was burning with black flames, so he could only use teleportation to avoid the Dark Fire Dark Crow's attack.

One person and one beast fought a dodge battle in this strange red space.

With the attack of the Dark Fire Raven, bottomless holes appeared one after another on the ground of the entire space. These holes were densely packed, like freckles on the face of a young girl.


The Dark Fire Crow is another dive attack. It shoots down from the air, three blood-red silk threads are drawn from its three eyes, the black fireworks soar, and its huge wings carry strong kinetic energy, slashing straight to Tang on the ground. Bright.

Tang Ming naturally did not dare to confront Gang, the black flame of the Dark Fire Crow was powerfully corrosive, and he had no way to deal with it, he could only use teleportation to keep dodging.With a swoosh, Tang Ming disappeared again.

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