In the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, at the foot of the towering mountain.

The giant giant ape Erming was lying on the ground, pouting his buttocks, his ears pressed against the ground, listening to the movement from below the ground.

Not long ago, Er Ming, who was waiting at the foot of the mountain, suddenly found that Tang Ming's aura had fallen into the depths of the mountain, and then there was an evil and tyrannical aura belonging to the Dark Crow.

He was in a hurry.

Sister Xiao Wu asked him to protect Tang Ming, but now that Tang Ming and the Dark Fire Crow are fighting in the depths of the earth, he Er Ming has nothing to do.

Can't let him pierce the ground, right?

He could do it, but when he penetrated the ground, he would definitely hurt Tang Ming, so didn't he go against Sister Xiao Wu's orders?

Tang Ming didn't protect him well, and he was injured.

If this happens, the next time I see Sister Xiao Wu, I will definitely be scolded.

So Er Ming was scratching his head while standing at the foot of the mountain. He couldn't think of how to help Tang Ming, who was fighting in the depths of more than [-] meters.

He could only put his ears to the ground, pouted his butt, and listened to the movement from below.

Listening and listening, Er Ming was relieved.

The battle seemed to be fierce, but Tang Ming's vitality never weakened.

It seems that Sister Wu's friends are not very weak.

In the face of the powerful dark fire crow, it can persist for such a long time.

As expected of a human who can become Sister Xiao Wu's friend!

Er Ming listened and listened, and gradually recognized Tang Ming in his heart.Thinking that Tang Ming's strength is qualified to become Xiao Wu's friend.

Suddenly, Er Ming, whose ears were pressed against the ground, showed a hint of surprise in his pupils, the breath of that fellow Huo Yu.

Got stronger!

In Er Ming's perception, Huo Yu's breath just now was still the breath of an egg, but in just a moment, Huo Yu's breath suddenly soared. Although the breath emitted was not as strong as it was in the past, it also has a level of more than [-] years. level.

Did it hatch? !

Erming straightened up and looked halfway up the mountain.

In his perception, Huo Yu's breath and Tang Ming's breath, shortly after the breath of the dark fire crow disappeared, quickly rushed from the ground to the middle of the mountain.

Sure enough, just as Erming looked halfway up the mountain, a magnificent golden eagle flew out from a cave halfway up the mountain.

This golden eagle has sun-like feathers, and in the sun, dazzling brilliance flows all over his body, and at the tips of his wing feathers, a bright red color flows, like flames burning on his wings.

When the Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle flew out of the cave, it was only the size of a human. When he was completely out of the cave, his entire body suddenly grew in the wind, and in less than a second, it grew into the size of a car.


The Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle let out a high-pitched cry head-on. The voice was bright and full of domineering, and it spread across thousands of miles, as if announcing his nirvana rebirth to the Star Dou Great Forest!

The giant giant ape on the ground looked at the golden feathered red fire eagle bathed in sunlight in the sky, raised his hands and patted his sturdy chest, raised his head and let out a loud roar, the roar was full of joy and excitement.

It's celebrating the return of an old friend!

Tweet! !

The golden feathered red fire eagle chirped again, swooped down from the air, flapped its wings and landed on the side of the giant ape.

Only then did Er Ming discover Tang Ming who was sitting on the golden feather red fire eagle.

Chapter 88 Not Human?

Time goes back to the moment when Tang Ming was pulled into the illusion.

After Tang Ming discovered that running the Hunyuan Daojing could not dispel the illusion of the Dark Fire Crow, he was at a loss for a while.

At this moment, the three eyes hanging in the sky moved.

Blood-red rays of light shot from the eyes to Tang Ming on the ground. At the same time, the surrounding skeletons made a "click" sound and climbed up on Tang Ming's body. The sharp bones directly pierced his flesh and got into Tang Ming's body. in the clear body.

Of course Tang Ming wanted to resist, but at the moment when the blood-red light covered him, his mind became violent and lethargic. He wanted to resist, but his body no longer obeyed.

He could only let the skeletons on the ground crawl all over his body, and the sharp bones slowly poked into his body.

In the real world outside, the fire feather in Tang Ming's hand suddenly found that the skin of Tang Ming's arm began to crack, the flesh burst open, and then the skin in other places was cracked. Soon, there was no intact skin on Tang Ming's body.

Oops!The Dark Fire Crow's illusion attack was too strong, and Tang Ming couldn't resist it!

Huo Yu was held in Tang Ming's hand, watching Tang Ming's body begin to appear strange wounds, he was anxious, but there was no way to do it.

Just when Huo Yu thought that Tang Ming was about to die, in the spiritual world, Tang Ming, who was wrapped in Bai Sensen's bones, suddenly emitted a ray of light from the gap between Bai Sensen's bones. The bones burst open!

At this time, Tang Ming's eyes were clear, and above his head, there was an illusory villain. Sprinkled on Tang Ming's body.

The wounds on Tang Ming's body recovered visibly to the naked eye after these brilliance fell, and in the blink of an eye, the whole body recovered as well as ever.

In reality, Tang Ming's chapped skin also recovered simultaneously.

After repairing Tang Ming's wound, the villain sitting above Tang Ming's head suddenly stretched out his hand holding the magic formula and pointed to the three eyes in the sky.

Three simple, yet mysterious brilliance flew out of the villain's hands and shot straight at the three eyes in the sky.

Tang Ming saw the three eyes immediately shattered like a mirror, slowly cracking, accompanied by a shrill crow cry, the three eyes shattered, and the whole blood-red weird world shattered.

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