Tang Ming looked at Huo Yu on the side and said, "Let's go out. Er Ming should be waiting outside."

Fire Feather was a little excited.

Finally see the sun again!

He nodded and said to Tang Ming, "Sit on me, let's go out!"

"is it okay?"

Tang Ming was a little hesitant. He had seen the animal world before, and he knew that the eagle-like animals in nature were all arrogant fellows and could not be tamed easily. The Huo Yu in front of him was also a famous eagle-like soul beast, which could easily be ridden by people. ?


Huo Yu naturally saw the hesitation in Tang Ming's eyes, he raised Shen Jun's head, and said in a very proud tone: "Of course others can't do it, but in your words, there is nothing that can't be done!"

The sincerity of what Huo Yu said, Tang Ming also threw away the hesitation in his heart, smiled casually, jumped on Huo Yu, and said, "Then let's go out!"

Chapter 90 Flight

Time back to the present.

Under the astonished gaze of the Titan Giant Ape, Tang Ming jumped off Huo Yu's back.

Huo Yu actually let a human sit on his back?

Erming was too surprised.

As a forest overlord who is familiar with the Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle, Er Ming clearly knows the temperament of these eagle soul beasts. These guys are extremely aloof.

Usually, even he, the king of soul beasts and the forest overlord, would not take him seriously.

Now that a human being sits on his back is really refreshing.

Tang Ming landed steadily on the ground, wearing a spirit bone like a crown on his head. He looked up at the incomparably tall Er Ming and said, "Er Ming, have you been waiting for a long time? Let's go back now."

The Titan Giant Ape let out a low roar, recovered from the stunned state, and looked at the Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle at his feet with a question in his eyes.

Huo Yu nodded and said to Er Ming, "Let's go back and talk about it."

Huo Yu said so, Erming naturally had no opinion.With a roar, he jumped to the direction of the Lake of Life.

Tang Ming's expression was excited, and he activated the red crystal on the left side of the crown. The crystal glowed, and two pairs of dark crow wings composed of black fireworks spread out on Tang Ming's back.

Tang Ming discovered that the Dark Crow Wings on his back, like his natural hands, were easily controlled by him.

With a thought, the Dark Crow's Wings behind him spread out, a fan, the whole person rose into the sky like a rocket, and with a swish, he flew to a height of [-] meters.

The Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle followed behind Tang Ming and flew up.He came to Tang Ming, looked at the excited Tang Ming and asked, "Tang Ming, do we want to test the flight speed? Let's see who will return to the Lake of Life first."


Tang Ming looked at the green earth in his sight, and it stretched out infinitely, and his field of vision became wider than ever.White mist surrounds him.The mountains that were once difficult to climb can now be climbed in the blink of an eye.

Tang Ming's excitement had nowhere to vent.

Is this what it's like to fly?


"Then let's start, get ready to fly!"

Huo Yu's voice fell, and it turned into a golden and red brilliance, and it flew out like a laser.

Tang Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he showed his Dark Crow Wings behind him and chased after him.

The Titan Giant Ape jumped on the ground, looked up at the sky, a golden and red brilliance, and a black light had already flown out one after another, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black spot on the horizon.

Titan Ape: ""

Why are these two bastards flying so fast?

Erming, who was a little stimulated, also increased his speed, and the distance between the jumps was further, and he chased after him.

The Azure Bull Python was cultivating in the center of the Lake of Life when he suddenly sensed three familiar auras coming from afar.

There are two strands in the sky, Huo Yu and Tang Ming.The breath on the ground is Erming.

Daming raised half of his body from the center of the lake and looked at the sky in the distance. Sure enough, he saw two beams of brilliance shooting from a distance. After a while, the red brilliance with golden ribbons flying in front landed on the ground, showing golden feathers. The figure of the red fire eagle.

Immediately after the black brilliance fell to the lake, it was Tang Ming.

Then the earth shook, and a huge shadow jumped from a distance, slammed into the lake, splashing large pieces of water and soil, it was Erming who fell behind.

"Hahaha, Tang Ming, I was the first to arrive!"

"This is something I haven't mastered yet, I'll definitely fly faster than you next time!"

Landing by the lake, the Golden Feather Red Fire Eagle immediately laughed proudly.Tang Ming was a little unconvinced. He touched his nose and said that the Golden Feather Red Fire Eagle should not be too arrogant.

"You are back."

Daming's voice was still rumbling like thunder in the sky. He looked down at the golden feather red fire eagle and said, "Congratulations, Huo Yu, who has finally been reborn into Nirvana."

Huo Yu raised his head proudly, "Long time no see, Daming."

Huo Yu's arrogance, Daming doesn't care about it, this guy has such a temper many years ago.

He looked at Tang Ming who was standing beside Huo Yu. To be precise, it was the soul bone on Tang Ming's head, and said, "It seems that you have experienced a hard battle. Is that the soul bone of the Dark Fire Crow?"

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