Tang San looked in surprise at the person on the roof, it was the master who had a big fight with Flender last night.

"The master said he arrived two days ago." Tang Ming, who was standing next to the master, said with a smile.

Tang San nodded, "At that time we happened to go to the Star Dou Forest."

The master patted Tang San's head habitually, and said with a smile: "I said I would come here to find you. I didn't expect that you and Xiao Wu would surprise me as soon as I came."

Tang San smiled and said: "It's not what you taught well."

The master's face suddenly darkened, "Then did I teach you to absorb the soul ring of an unknown year?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, seeing Tang Ming winking at him, he quickly lowered his head.Respectfully: "Teacher, I was wrong."

The master stared at Tang San and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, the master sighed and said, "Little San, do you know that you have a very bad shortcoming. This shortcoming may bring you many crises in the future."

"What is it? You said, I will definitely change it."

The master smiled wryly and shook his head, "Although this is a shortcoming, it is also an advantage. You take your feelings too seriously. If Xiao Wu hadn't been taken away, you wouldn't have messed up like that and forcibly absorbed the soul ring of the human-faced magic bead." .”

Tang San didn't speak.At that time, because he cared about Xiao Wu, he really didn't care about it, he only wanted to save Xiao Wu as soon as possible.

The master patted Tang San's head again, his gaze became gentle, "Little San, the reason I want to reprimand you today is just to hope you remember that you must learn to be calm in everything, only by calming down and keeping yourself can you have a chance to save others. Otherwise, if you can’t protect yourself, how can you save others?”

"I see, teacher."

The master nodded, very satisfied with Tang San's attitude, he looked at the two brothers standing in front of him, and said: "Come on, come with me outside the academy. Let me see what you have gained this time."

Tang Ming and Tang San nodded, followed the master, quietly left the academy, and came to a small forest outside the village.

The master signaled Tang San to start, so Tang San called out his blue silver grass, and cooperated with the master to start the experiment.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass became thinner and tougher now, what's frightening is that this Blue Silver Grass also contained the toxin of the Human Face Bead.

This toxin is corrosive, and it strangles the trunk. Under the erosion of the toxin, the blue silver grass quickly tightens into the trunk. .

The master quickly finished testing Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit.

The Blue Silver Grass that got the third spirit ring is much stronger than before. Not only does it contain more toxins, but it also becomes more resilient. These are the benefits of the third spirit ring.

Chapter 97 God of Luck

"Okay, little San, take off your clothes, let me see what's behind you."

After testing Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, the master asked Tang San to take off his shirt.

Tang San's heart tightened. Ever since the eight spider legs appeared on his back, his sleep quality at night was not good. He was often worried that if he fell asleep, the spider legs on his back would suddenly appear, stabbing people around him unintentionally.

He quickly took off his shirt.

The master walked up to Tang San's back, raised his hand and pressed his spine.

The master's expression was very serious, he carefully inspected every spine on Tang San's back.Under inspection, the master found that Tang San's obvious eight spots were harder and more resilient.

A look of surprise climbed up the master's face, he stepped back to a distance of more than five meters, and told Tang San: "Little San, use your soul power to move and release the eight spider legs on your back."

Tang San followed his words and operated Xuantian Kungfu.

Tang Ming's eyes sparkled as he watched from the side, and he roughly understood why the master was so surprised.

It seems that it's not just my luck, it seems that Xiaosan's harvest this time is also good.

In Tang Ming's gaze, the spine on Tang San's back shone with lavender light, the light became more and more intense, and suddenly burst out, accompanied by Tang San's body trembling, eight thick spider legs stretched out from behind him .

Tang San couldn't help growling, the eight spider legs behind him stretched out to the sides with a faint purple light.

"it is good!"

The master exclaimed, and said, "Little San, control your spider legs to attack the big tree next to you."

Although Tang San's use of spider legs still seemed jerky, but he could still do it just by attacking the big trees around him.

He controlled a spider leg to stab the big tree.

Under Tang Minghe's astonished eyes, the stabbed tree immediately turned purple, and the leaves on the crown of the tree also turned purple, and then turned into powder and dissipated in the wind.

The surrounding bushes and grasses that touched the purple powder also died immediately.

Tang Ming looked at the eight spider legs behind Tang San, and gasped, this is too poisonous!

The master walked up to Tang San and carefully observed the eight spider legs. After a while, he looked at Tang Ming with a smile and said, "I guessed right. Xiao Ming, I told you about spirit bones. Now I'll test you to see if you still remember."

"Come and see, what kind of spirit bones are Xiaosan's eight spider legs?"

Tang Ming didn't even need to look at it, he automatically found the knowledge about the soul bones that the master had said, and blurted out, "The eight spider legs of Xiaosan should be the external soul bones that the master said."

"It seems you still remember."

The master nodded in satisfaction, and said: "That's right, Xiaosan's biggest gain this time is not the third spirit ring, nor the third spirit skill spider web binding, but these eight spider legs, to be precise, are the external spirit bones. !"

"External spirit bone?"

Tang San looked at Tang Ming, and then at Grandmaster.

The master only mentioned the knowledge of spirit bones to Tang Ming, but not to Tang San, so he was very unfamiliar with the words "externally attached spirit bones".

Tang Mingyan explained succinctly: "Both soul bones and soul rings are produced from soul beasts, but compared to 100% drop of soul rings, the probability of soul bones falling is only one in a thousand, or even lower. Stuff is something that has a price but no market on the black market."

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