"Yours is there."

The master's voice came from behind, and everyone looked back and found that the master was pointing at a large stone at the entrance of the academy.

The stone, about one cubic meter in size, stood beside the door.

In fact, when Tang Ming and the others came out, they saw this big rock.

Unexpectedly, this stone is Tang Ming's "luo basket".

"This stone must weigh more than two tons, right?"

Oscar looked at the stone, and the thick impact made him subconsciously take a breath.

Others were also shocked.

Could it be that the master planned to let Tang Ming run with them against this stone?

The stone was much heavier than the stone in their basket.

Compared to Tang San's surprise, Tang was obviously very calm.

Isn't it just such a big rock? When he was four years old, he lifted a larger rock than this, but that time he used spiritual power.

Do not use spiritual power this time.

But it's not that big of a problem.

With his current strength, even without spiritual power, he can lift a stone weighing two tons.

"With your physical fitness, is there no problem?" the master asked.

Tang Ming nodded, his expression eager to try, and said, "No problem, Master."

"Okay then, put it on your back and let's get started."


Tang Ming took a deep breath, walked slowly to the side of the stone, stretched out his hand to hold the edge, his arm muscles tensed, and amid the exclamations of Ning Rongrong and the others, he steadily lifted the stone and carried his back behind him.

"Let's go."

Tang Ming glanced at the dumbfounded crowd, smiled slightly, and when the next step was taken, he ran out with a big rock on his back.

"Brother Ming is really amazing."

"He's not human at all."

"Too perverted."

"Tang Ming is Shrek's real monster."

Seeing Tang Ming carrying a big rock on his back and running out with a relaxed expression, Tang San and the others were all moved.

Each of them knew that Tang Ming was a real monster, not to mention talent, it was this physical quality, it was too monster.

They are the same age.Thinking of Tang Ming's age, Dai Mubai and the others were even more depressed.

Can't compare, really can't compare.

Run, it's impossible for him to run faster than me with such a large stone on his back?

With a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat, Dai Mubai carried a basket on his back, followed behind Tang Ming, and ran out the second.

Seeing Dai Mubai following, Tang San and the others ran out one after another.

"Xiaogang, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. You are much more ruthless than me in a load-bearing run of hundreds of kilometers."

Flender came to the master's side at some point, looked at the backs of everyone running away, and said with some emotion.

The master glanced at Flender calmly, and said, "If you eat hard, you will be the best. Eating so good in the morning is not for nothing."

"I just didn't expect Tang Ming to carry the stone so easily. It took a lot of effort for Wuji to carry it back last night."

"Xiao Ming's physical quality is far stronger than we imagined, otherwise, he would not be able to withstand those three ten thousand year spirit rings."

Flender shook his head with a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Ming's body is really perverted. But Tang San and the others are far behind, close to a hundred kilometers of weight-bearing running, can they persevere?"

The master put his hands behind his back and said, "I have carefully calculated their physical strength. As long as they remember that they are a whole, there is no problem in running the entire distance."

With the basket on his back, Tang San and Dai Mubai dashed out, very fast.But Tang Ming, who was carrying a big cube of rock, still easily ran in front of them.

The three had already pulled the other five a great distance away.

Ning Rongrong, the slowest runner, was no longer in sight.

"Brother Ming, aren't you struggling?"

Seeing Tang Ming carrying a big rock on his back and running at the front of them at a constant speed, Tang San couldn't help but ask.

This stone looks very heavy.

Tang San felt that if he didn't use his spirit power, he couldn't lift it at all.

But Tang Ming lifted his back without using his spirit power, and could run faster than them. This physical quality simply refreshed Tang San's three views.

Hearing Tang San's question, Tang Ming turned his head and smiled slightly, his face was neither red nor panting, as if the stones on his body had no weight.

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