Humans are emotional creatures and are easily subject to subjective influences.First impressions are hard to reverse.

This was also the reason why Tang Ming still couldn't integrate into Dai Mubai's group after so long.

After Grandmaster quietly listened to Tang Ming's opinion on Dai Mubai and the others, his brows gradually wrinkled.

The problem with Tang Ming and Dai Mubai was a problem of three views.

This kind of problem is the most acute, and there is almost no possibility of resolving it.

Three views, if Tang Ming was smaller, he could still be reshaped.

But Tang Ming was already old, and it was obviously impossible for him to forcefully accept the three views of Dai Mubai and the others.

"Let's not talk about that."

The master sighed, originally thought it was a child's love triangle problem, but did not expect it to be a more difficult three-view problem.

"I'm looking for you now. In addition to this, there is one more thing. Take out the soul bone you got, and I'll take a look."

Tang Ming Yiyan took out the Dark Crow Crown from the Chaos Pearl, stepped forward and handed it to the master.

The master took it and looked at the Dark Crow Crown carefully. After a while, he shifted his gaze from the Dark Crow Crown to Tang Ming, saying:

"Knowledge of soul bones, I haven't told you very much before."

Tang Ming thought about it and nodded.

At that time, the master said that he would not come into contact with the soul bone so quickly, so he just said something scientifically.

It's what he told Tang San last time.

The master smiled bitterly, "I haven't encountered spirit bones for a long time. The knowledge of spirit bones is something that I have studied long ago, and I forgot a lot of important points before."

"I told you that soul bones can change hands, right?"

Tang Ming nodded.

"So do you subconsciously think that spirit bones can be used by others?"

Tang Ming hesitated and asked, "Isn't it?"

The master shook his head and said, "Of course not. This is what I forgot about before. After I checked the information, I remembered that the soul bone must be absorbed before it can be used!"

Tang Ming's face is full of question marks?

You can only use it after you absorb it, isn't that the same as a spirit ring?

Then how can you say you can change hands?

The master explained: "Spirit bones need to be absorbed by a spirit master before they can be used. For example, your spirit bone, according to common sense, needs to be absorbed on your head before you can use it."

"But spirit bones are not spirit rings. If a spirit master who has absorbed spirit bones is killed, the spirit bones will drop, so I tell you that spirit bones can be changed."

Tang Ming understood a little, looked at the Dark Crow Crown in Grandmaster's hand, and asked, "Then, I'm not a soul bone?"

His Dark Crow Crown does not need to be absorbed, and anyone who wears it can use it.

Grandmaster glanced at the black jade crow crown on his hand, shook his head, and said, "No, of course yours is a spirit bone, but it is not a normal spirit bone, but a mutant spirit bone."

Tang Ming was surprised, "Mutant soul bone?"

This was the first time he had heard the term.

"In research theory, spirit bones dropped by spirit beasts will mutate, but mutant spirit bones have always existed in theory, and no one has actually seen mutant spirit bones."

said the master.

"I told you that top-level spirit bones, that is, spirit bones dropped by [-]-year-old spirit beasts, can bring at most two spirit skills. But your spirit bone already provides four skills."

"Excluding passive skills, enhancing mental power, and immunity to mental attacks, flying and corrosive black flames are also two skills."

"But you told me that the dark fire crow is at most [-] years old, and it can't be [-] years old. Without [-] years, it can drop such a powerful soul bone. It can only be explained by mutation."

Tang Ming nodded.

I think the Master's explanation fits the situation.

The Dark Fire Crow had absorbed the heart of the earth for an unknown number of years, and it was possible that it had absorbed too much, and the spirit bones it dropped became so powerful. .

After all, the fire of the earth is the strongest treasure of the fire element.

After so many years of smoking, a little mutation occurs, and it is reasonable to think about it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You must keep this spirit bone. Unless it is a last resort, don't use it in front of people. Mutated spirit bones are even rarer than a hundred thousand year spirit ring."

"I see, Master."

"Well, you can leave now."

Tang Ming said goodbye to Master, went back to take a shower, changed his clothes, and then went to the cafeteria.

When they came to the cafeteria, Tang San and the others were not there.Only Teacher Shao Xin, whose martial soul is Jelly Bean, is cooking.

Seeing Tang Ming coming in alone, Teacher Shao Xin was a little surprised, and a gentle smile appeared on his fat face.

"Wait, dinner will be ready soon."

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