The master nodded, "Go ahead."

Ning Rongrong pointed to Ye Lingling on the document and said, "When fighting for souls, our goal must be the opponent's auxiliary spirit master."

"Oh why?"

The master was a little surprised. He glanced at the data and couldn't see anything from the data.This is the first time I have heard of Nine Heart Begonia's spirit. Could it be that this spirit's support ability is very strong?

Otherwise, Rongrong emphasized so seriously that he should focus on Ye Lingling.

Ning Rongrong said, "I know the spirit of Nine Heart Begonia. My father once said that this spirit is a miracle in spirit!".

Ning Rongrong's father was the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, representing the authority of the auxiliary spirit masters, and to praise a martial spirit so much, it was obvious that this Nine Heart Begonia had an astonishing auxiliary ability.

The master asked: "What is the function of this nine-hearted begonia? In what ways does it play a supporting effect?"

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Eighth Person 4/[-]

"The ability that Nine Heart Begonia is good at is healing, and there is only one soul skill. No matter how many more soul rings are added in the future, there will be no more soul skills. Because of this, Nine Heart Begonia's healing ability is amazing! It is scoped. The more spirit rings you have, the stronger the healing effect. My father said that with the Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Master here, it is not easy to die."

Ning Rongrong said this in one breath, took another breath, and continued: "So, after the battle of the soul begins, we must first let him leave the battlefield, otherwise, before her soul power is exhausted, we will not be able to face each other at all. Inflict mission damage."

After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Grandmaster's expression was solemn, and he said, "It seems that this is a near-perfect team."

Come on, this time the odds are even lower.

When Oscar and Ma Hongjun heard the news, they became even more dejected.

"We can win!"

Just when morale was low, Tang San suddenly spoke up and said decisively.

Everyone's eyes focused on Tang San.

Tang San glanced at everyone, "I said, we can win. Have you all forgotten? Without Brother Ming, we also achieved a record of [-] consecutive victories in Soul Arena! We are not weak. !"

Tang Ming smiled and nodded.

It was true that Team Huangdou was stronger than Team Shrek on paper, but winning the battle was determined by a number of factors.

"Little San is right! We are not weak!"

Dai Mubai was influenced by Tang San's aura, a smile appeared on his handsome face again, and he said, "Rongrong, don't you think your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is inferior to Nine Heart Begonia?"

Ning Rongrong raised his head proudly, "Of course it's impossible. Although Nine Heart Begonia is powerful, the support ability of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda will always be the first in the support department!"

Ma Hongjun and Oscar were also infected, and they swept away their previous frustration.

Ma Hongjun twitched his fingers and muttered: "Actually, many of the martial spirits on the opposite side were restrained by us. If we want to fight, we have a good chance of winning."

"So afraid of a hammer!"

Tang Ming said proudly: "Brothers and sisters! It's over!"

Soto Battle Arena, VIP rest area.

In the VIP room three.

There are seven handsome men and beautiful women resting inside.

It is the member of the Royal Fighting Team on Shrek's data.

Yu Tianheng sat on the sofa with a stiff face, Duguyan snuggled on his body, with a lazy look on his face.

Leaning against the floor-to-ceiling crystal window is the Wuhun, the wind chime bird.

On the other side, the one wearing black clothes and looking as beautiful as a girl is Oslo, whose martial spirit is a ghost leopard.

The other two big guys are the Graphite Grinding Brothers whose Martial Soul is the Black Tortoise.

In the dark corner of the room, there was a young girl. She was dressed in black, with a black veil covering her face. She was slender and had long waterfall-like hair scattered behind her back. It was Ye Lingling whose martial spirit was Nine Heart Begonia.

Several people were chatting without words, when suddenly a middle-aged man walked in.

The seven immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.


That's right, the leader of the Huangdou team is their teacher, Mr. Qin Ming, whose martial spirit is the rank sixty spirit emperor of the raging wolf.

Qin Ming's expression was a little weird, and no one in the Huangdou team had ever seen this kind of expression before.

Yu Tianheng couldn't help but take a few steps forward and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, what's the matter with you?"

"I'll be your teammate and play with you later." Qin Ming said in a strange tone.


Qin Ming's words surprised Yu Tianheng and the others.

Duguyan frowned and said, "Are there still eight players on Shrek's side?"

Director Ao just told the situation on Shrek's side to the Imperial Fighting Team, so several people knew about Shrek's situation.

Qin Ming nodded and said, "That's right, but the opponent put forward conditions. After playing, one of the opponent won't shoot, and at the same time, I can't shoot either."

"Why? Since you and the other person don't have to shoot, why don't you directly attack seven people?"

Yufeng couldn't figure it out.

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