After Qin Ming finished speaking, Duguyan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

If the strength of Monkey King is really as terrifying as the information says, it would be best not to have to face it.

Yu Tianheng took his eyes away from the cloth and asked with a frown, "Since the Monkey King doesn't take action, what else should the Shrek team need our attention to?"

"Judging from their martial spirits, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is worthy of our attention, but the martial spirits and spirit powers of others are far from ours, so an evil-eyed white tiger and an evil fire phoenix may cause us some trouble."

This information, Yu Tianheng read several times horizontally and vertically, and only saw four words from the inside: nothing to worry about.

But Teacher Qin Ming's expression was extremely solemn.

It's so weird.

Qin Ming nodded slightly and said, "Tianheng, your analysis is fairly calm. That's all we can find out about the Shrek Seven Devils. The rest can only be known by playing against each other."

"Remember what I said, and never underestimate any opponent. Since Soto Da Soul Field dares to send them out, he must be sure."

"One more thing, in this fighting spirit, try not to maim your opponent, and you can't kill your opponent, understand? Otherwise, the Monkey King might make a move."

Duguyan asked strangely: "Why can't we kill? Teacher, don't you always tell us that we have to go all out on the battlefield? I'm still afraid that the Monkey King will fail?"

Qin Ming showed a wry smile, "It's not a question of whether you're afraid or not. It's a matter of sigh, I'll talk to you after this battle is over. Well, it's almost time. Come with me."

The main battle arena in the center of the Soto Grand Battle Arena.

There is a big difference between here and the battle field outside.

The spectators here are very quiet, because every spectator is a noble of Soto City. They are sitting in the box, and they also maintain the dignity of the nobles when watching the fighting spirit.

In the center of the Soul Arena, a pillar slowly rose.

On the pillar, stood a beautiful girl.

She is the host of this field, a Soul Venerable with strength above [-].

Her pretty face showed a very charming smile, and she was holding a microphone-like amplifier in her hand.

"It's an honor to see all the distinguished guests again. I'm the host."

"Today, there will be a major show in the center battle field, and our battle field will only arrange this battle tonight."

"First of all, let's welcome the Emperor Fighting Team of the Silver Fighting Spirit level! Their captain, Yu Tianheng"

The host introduced the members of the Imperial Fight Team one by one with a clear voice.

There were eight people in total. Qin Ming, who came on the stage at the end, wore a mask. As soon as he came up, he walked slowly to the corner.

"Next, it's the Shrek Seven Devils Team"

When the host introduced, Tang Ming's expression suddenly changed.

The sound of the system resounded in his head.

Task: I will take you to fight!

Description: Please lead the Shrek Seven Devils to victory in the battle against the Emperor Fighting Team, win the game, and you will get a laugh from the Divine Comedy.

"Brother Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Even though he was wearing a mask, Tang San, who was standing next to Tang Ming, clearly sensed the change in Tang Ming's mood.

"It's nothing, I'll take you to fight later!"

Tang Ming shook his head and walked onto the Dou Soul Stage during the host's introduction.

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and before he could understand what Tang Ming meant, he stepped onto the Soul Fighting Stage under Xiao Wu's urging.

Both teams stepped onto the Soul Battle Stage and stood opposite each other.

Sixteen people, two standing in the corner.

Fourteen people on the field looked at each other, and two imposing auras collided in the center of the Dou Soul Platform!

The collision of the air machine made the nobles in the box look forward to it.

Both sides look strong!

in the audience.

Flender held his hands, leaned back on the chair, looked at the person in the corner of the Huangdou team, and said, "Is that guy the leader of the opponent's team? He really has the strength of level [-]."

Zao Wou-Ki was a little worried: "Do you think Xiao San and the others will lose?"

Grandmaster's face was expressionless, "Without Tang Ming, Shrek and Huangdou's strength is [-]%."

Flender complained a little, "I said Xiaogang, you are too, why limit Xiaoming's shot? He shot, and the [-] gold coins can be safely obtained."

The master glared at him angrily, "Can [-] gold coins buy the children's future? If Xiao Ming makes a move, Xiao San and the others will have no chance to exercise."

At this time, Doudou on the field spoke.

"Please pay attention to both teams, now you have one minute to summon the spirits, and then when I announce the start, the battle of spirits will start immediately! Until one of the two sides admits defeat, or one of them all falls, of course, falling on the spirit platform is also counted. The fighting spirit loses!"

The voice fell.

All kinds of brilliant lights immediately lit up on the Dou Soul Stage.

All are the best spirit ring configuration!

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