Tang Ming and Qin Ming collided with their fists, making a loud noise, and violent air waves erupted from their colliding fists, spraying all around!

Qin Ming couldn't hold back his breath, a huge force came from his hand, and his body couldn't help but retreat a few steps!

Tang Ming didn't retreat. Seeing Qin Ming retreat, he immediately tapped his toes, and with a swoosh, he jumped out again, aiming directly at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank slightly.

Is this guy really level [-]?

What's with this power stronger than me?

He shook his numb right hand, his face under the mask extremely shocked.

However, he couldn't help thinking too much. The fist with huge wind pressure was approaching. This fist sealed all the positions he was hiding from. He could only resist or repel Tang Ming.

Qin Ming didn't dare to resist Tang Ming's fist.

From the punch he hit just now, he knew that the opponent's strength was stronger than him. If he punched again, it would not be as simple as taking a few steps back.

In desperation, Qin Ming had no choice but to activate his first soul skill!

"Flame Ring!"

The surging flames gushed out from Qin Ming's body, instantly converging into a ring of fire!The ring of fire burst open with intense high temperature, producing a huge explosion!

Tang Ming was forced to retreat.

At the moment when the fire ring exploded, he used teleport to dodge.

Qin Ming forced Tang Ming back, which gave him a chance to breathe. He took the opportunity to observe the situation of the others, but found that Oslo was entangled by Zhu Zhuqing, and Yu Tianheng was fighting with Dai Mubai.

Yufeng, who was flying in the air, was restrained by Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire.

The two Shi brothers are fighting with Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"What are you looking at?"

Tang Ming suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ming, and while asking questions, his fist had already been punched out and slammed into Qin Ming's stomach!


Qin Ming reacted when he heard Tang Ming's voice, but at this time it was too late for him to avoid, so he could only parry with his hands and block in front of his stomach.


Tang Ming's fist slammed firmly on Qin Ming's hands.

Without any resistance, Qin Ming was directly knocked out by Tang Ming's punch, and his feet made two scorch marks on the ground. The shoes were rubbing against the ground. The temperature was too high, and the soles of his feet were scorched!


Qin Ming spat out a large amount of blood!

"Mr. Qin!" Duguyan cried out in fright.

Teacher Qin is the Soul Emperor, and he was actually punched by the opposite side and vomited blood!

Is this Monkey King a monster! ? ?

When Ye Lingling was treating Qin Ming, Duguyan looked at Tang Ming who was closing his fists in disbelief.

Not a single word of that information is false! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Ye Lingling's healing, Qin Ming's injury was quickly healed.

He looked at Tang Ming, and slowly let out a breath of turbid air.

For the sake of fairness in this Soul Battle, although the Soul Battle Arena allowed him to play, it also clearly stipulated with him that only Soul Venerable-level strength could be exerted on the field.

In other words, Qin Ming could only use three spirit rings at this time.

But his physical quality is at the Soul Emperor level!

However, in the face of Tang Ming's attack, he was completely at a disadvantage. The opponent's strength was stronger than him, and his speed was faster than him. It was not like the physical quality that a thirty-sixth-level soul master could possess.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

Qin Ming looked at Tang Ming, and his heart was really full of doubts.

He felt that it was necessary to ask his teacher carefully after the soul battle was over.

However, for now, let's take the victory of the fighting spirit first!

As a senior, Qin Ming really doesn't want to lose to his junior!

Although he has suppressed his strength, now he can only exert the combat power of the Soul Sovereign level, but the battle experience of the Soul Emperor level cannot be suppressed.

Use your rich combat experience to teach these juniors a good lesson!

With this thought in mind, Qin Ming was possessed by a fiery wolf and rushed towards Tang Ming.

Tang Ming's combat experience is indeed incomparable to Qin Ming's.

The two fight together.

Without Tang Ming using teleportation and soul skills, the two actually fought back and forth.

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