Isn't Junior Brother Tang Ming a Soul Venerable at the [-]th level?

I remember that when I left the academy, Teacher Zhao had the Soul Saint level, right?

After so many years of strength, you must use all your strength to fight a Soul Sovereign, right?

"Mr. Zhao, are you drunk? Shall I take you to rest?" Qin Ming bowed tentatively and asked.

Zao Wou-Ki glanced at Qin Ming and scolded with a smile: "I'm not that bad at drinking, and I'm drunk after two drinks. I know this fact is a bit hard to accept, but Tang Ming does have such strength."

Qin Ming's eyes widened, "How, how is that possible? He, he is only level [-]!"

Flender shook his head and smiled: "Xiao Ming, let your senior see."

At this time, there were no outsiders in the hotel restaurant, and Flender was not afraid of Tang Ming's spirit ring being seen.

Tang Ming nodded and released the Chaos Pearl.

In an instant, three circles of mysterious black spirit rings emerged from the soles of Tang Ming's feet, and circled up and down around his body. There was no strong aura erupting, but Tang Ming standing in the center of the three circles of black spirit rings made people tremble. .

"Three, three, three ten thousand year spirit rings!!?"

Qin Ming's face was full of disbelief.

Looking at the three ten thousand year spirit rings on Tang Ming's body, he suddenly calmed down because of the shock.

Look, but say nothing.

Long time, long time.

"Strange, monster" Qin Mingcai slowly spit out two words.

This was a real monster, and Tang Ming's three ten thousand year spirit rings went against his cognition.

Everyone is a soul master.

Shouldn't the best spirit ring configuration for a spirit master in the early stage be yellow, yellow and purple?

How did it come to you, yellow, yellow and purple turned into black and black?

It's terrifyingly dark!

If he had a heart attack, Qin Ming reckoned that he would be so frightened that he would lie on the ground and foam at the mouth.

This Nima properly monster! ! !

Qin Ming looked at Tang Ming again, even though Tang Ming had put away his spirit and spirit rings, he was looking at the monster with his eyes.

"Can you accept the fact that you were kicked out of the Soul Fighting Platform now?" Flender glanced at Qin Ming and asked.

From the chat just now, Flender knew that his disciple was very puzzled by the fact that he was kicked out of the Soul Arena.


My Soul Emperor!

But why did he not fly out of the Dou Soul Platform when he was fighting with my junior brother, but I flew out?

When Qin Ming first came to find Flender and the others, his head was full of question marks.

When they were drinking and chatting just now, Qin Ming also asked in a side-by-side manner, but Flender and Zao Wou-Ki both wore mysterious smiles and didn't say a word.

This made Qin Ming extremely depressed.

Now he is not depressed, but shocked.

"No wonder it can knock me out of the Douhuntai with one punch." Qin Ming looked away from Tang Ming and muttered to himself, his expression a little relieved.

If it is such a monster, then he is not wronged.

Qin Ming looked at Tang Ming and the others with emotion, and said, "Unfortunately, if the juniors and juniors are not our Shrek students, I will try to dig them into the Royal Academy. If you join, then "

"Even if they are from Shrek Academy, you can also bring them back to the Royal Academy."

Before Qin Ming finished speaking, a voice interjected from not far away.

Everyone saw that it was the master who came back from outside the hotel in the dark.

The master was not polite when he came back, and he squeezed a seat next to Flender and sat down. .

Qin Ming looked at the master unexpectedly and asked tentatively, "Master, what do you mean?"

The master glanced at Flender, who had an ugly face, and said, "Don't just drink, eat more vegetables."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Flender's face was ugly, he put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Xiaogang, did you come here to demolish my stage? These children are Shrek students, now and in the future!"

"You mean, my Shrek can't give them a good education?"

"I didn't say let them join the Tiandou Royal Academy, why are you worried about me? I mean, I hope the two academies can communicate with each other. Teacher Qin, I think this shouldn't be a big problem, right? If you can't make the decision , I can go to Wuhun Hall."

Qin Ming was stunned and looked at the master, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Flender put away his angry expression and looked at the master, not understanding what medicine the master gourd was selling.

Qin Ming thought for a while and said, "It's the luck of the Royal Academy to be able to communicate with the juniors. It's just that"

"It's just that you're afraid that these children are too good to come back to your Royal Academy, aren't you?"

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