
Tang Ming nodded, "Do you want to come together?"

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were stunned for a moment, then shook their heads neatly, "No, we haven't slept well for a month, we'll sleep until the sky is dark tomorrow!".

Tang Ming shrugged.

Zhu Zhuqing's nervous expression instantly relaxed, and then he quietly glared at Tang Ming.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone quickly returned to their dormitory under Flender's instructions.

Tang Ming returned to his bedroom and smashed his body on the bed at once.His body is not tired, but his spirit is a little tired.

I don't know what a person can think of when he is alone.

Tang Ming was lying on the bed, suddenly many thoughts came into his mind.These thoughts are mixed, like a movie clip flashing to and fro.

Suddenly, an image of a person remained in Tang Ming's mind.

"I don't know what happened to my father. I can't feel my father's breath now."

Tang Ming said quietly.

When he first came to Shrek Academy, he could still vaguely sense Tang Hao's aura, but since returning from the Star Dou Great Forest, he has no longer sensed Tang Hao's aura.

Tang Ming suddenly missed Tang Hao.

This is his nominal father in this life.

Although he knew that Tang Hao was not his father, Tang Hao found himself in the center of a blue silver grass.

But Tang Hao really regarded himself as his own son.

The attitude towards himself and Tang San is exactly the same.

"Where did Dad go?"

"What kind of hatred does Wuhundian have with my father? Why does my father want us to be careful about Wuhundian?"

Tang Ming hadn't read the original Douluo Continent, many of the contents were told to him by Xiaoliang. Unfortunately, Xiaoliang also hadn't read the original book, only the animation, but not the complete one. Xiaoliang didn't say many details carefully.

Tang Ming is very curious about the hatred between Tang Hao and Wuhundian.

Could it be that your mother was killed by Wuhundian?

Father Tang Hao took them to seclusion in the Holy Soul Village in order to avoid the pursuit of Wuhun Hall?

Who is mom?

All kinds of conjectures and fantasies were in Tang Ming's mind, and after thinking about it, he fell into a deep sleep.

On the other side, the girls' dormitory.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's room.

The two little girls took off their coats, exposing their long legs and arms in the air.

Xiao Wu, who was sitting on the bed, looked at Ning Rongrong enviously and said, "Rongrong, your skin is really good."

Of the three Shrek girls, Ning Rongrong's skin was really good, and Xiao Wu was very envious of her lychee-like white and smooth skin.

Ning Rongrong smiled and stared at Xiao Wu for a while, "Xiao Wu, your skin is also very good. I am fair and tender, you are pink and white, it seems that your skin is much healthier than mine. ."

After speaking, Ning Rongrong suddenly lowered her voice and asked, "Xiao Wu, why are we not as big as Zhuqing here? I really envy her altitude."

As he spoke, Ning Rongrong squeezed his chest with both hands.

Xiao Wuqiao blushed and said, "You have to ask Zhuqing about this, how would I know? Is it really good to be big here?"

Ning Rongrong smiled and said, "How can it be bad, when I was in the sect, I heard other elder sisters say that men like women. You see, Dai Mubai seems to like it very much, and has been chasing Zhu before. clear."

Xiao Wu was interested, hugged the pillow in her arms, and said gossip: "Hey, tell me, did Dai Mubai know Zhuqing before? He seems to like Zhuqing very much, but unfortunately, Zhuqing doesn't seem to like Dai Mubai. Mu Bai."

Ning Rongrong twisted her buttocks, with a hint of excitement on her face, and said, "I asked Zhuqing before, they knew each other before, and it should be a childhood sweetheart relationship."

"No wonder Dai Mubai has been chasing Zhuqing." Xiao Wu said suddenly, then smacked her lips, "Unfortunately, it seems that Zhuqing doesn't like Dai Mubai."

"Zhuqing should like Tang Ming." Ning Rongrong said.

Xiao Wu looked at Ning Rongrong in surprise and said, "How did you know?"

Ning Rongrong glanced at Xiao Wu strangely, "Can't you see it?"

It's all so obvious, can't Xiao Wu see it?

Xiao Wu shook her head in confusion, "I can't tell."

Ning Rongrong slapped her pure white forehead, showing a look of being defeated by you, "Didn't you find out? Zhuqing's eyes are mostly on Tang Ming's body, and only when he sees Tang Ming, Zhuqing will smile."

Xiao Wu thought about it for a while, and suddenly looked at Ning Rongrong in a stunned manner, and said with admiration, "Rongrong, you are really careful."

In Xiao Wu's impression, Zhu Zhuqing really only smiled when facing Tang Ming.Usually it is basically a cold and high-cold appearance.

"Dai Mubai is really pitiful." Xiao Wu said with emotion.

Ning Rongrong pouted and said with some disdain, "What's the pity? He brought it up on his own, I checked, Dai Mubai often goes to Soto City to be slutty, how can such a disrespectful person deserve to be? Zhuqing?"

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