Flender looked a little weird, looked at Ning Rongrong and asked, "Rongrong, are you sure this is here?"

Ning Rongrong nodded, "Yeah, it's here. An academy as big as the Heaven Dou Royal Academy wouldn't change places suddenly, right? I'm definitely here."

"But this is a mountain."

"This mountain belongs to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy. Oh, by the way, the forest behind the mountain and the lake at the foot of the left side of the mountain belong to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

Flender swallowed, his expression a little dull.

Glancing at the stunned Flanders, the master said quietly, "It is really a good place to be surrounded by mountains and rivers."

Everyone else nodded.

Flender said with some dissatisfaction: "The environment is good, what's so great about this place? I didn't read Qin Ming's words, this academy has not cultivated any strong people. What about our Shrek? Although the place is small, there are many monsters. ."

"Flander, to be honest, I still don't quite understand, why are there so many outstanding children entering your Shrek Academy? How did you trick them into getting in?"

"I'm using your mother-in-law's stinky farts. What is cheating? My personality is charm. Can personality charm be called cheating?"

Facing the master's choreography, Flender muttered in his mouth.

"Don't waste your time here. Let's get up there, just in time for dinner. If dinner doesn't work well, I won't stay."

Flender is now like a pissed off child. After speaking, he walked towards the mountain first.

Tang Ming smiled and shook his head and followed.

The crowd didn't take a few steps when they suddenly encountered a group of people who were all wearing uniforms and seemed to be students of the Royal Academy.

One of them looked at Shrek and his party arrogantly and asked, "Stop, who are you?"

As the dean, Flender glanced at the young man and said sharply, "We are from Shrek Academy. At the invitation of your Heaven Dou Royal Academy, we are here to exchange and learn from each other. Let us lead the way."

The young man looked Flender up and down, then looked at the other people's attire, with a disdainful smile on his face, "Just you bastards, come to our academy to communicate? I think, where did you come from? Beggars. Get out of here. Or we'll have to use force."

The man's voice fell, and he turned back and smiled at the others.

However, at the moment when he turned his head, a figure suddenly burst out, came to the front of the young man with a swish, grabbed his head, and smashed to the ground with a bang!

The earth cracked open.

The young man's head was firmly pressed to the ground, and the person holding him was Tang Ming.

At this time, Tang Ming's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

The young man who was holding his head down has passed out.

Tang Ming lifted him with one hand, and only then did everyone see the young man's condition.

At this time, the young man's face was tattered, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and the slightly open mouth could see that a few teeth had fallen out. .

"You, how dare you!"

At this time, the royal student on the opposite side reacted, pointing to Tang Ming who was holding the young man with one hand, his face full of anger.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Tang Ming looked at the other party coldly, and suddenly threw the young man in his hand towards the other party.

The young man was thrown like a cannonball by Tang Ming. The people from the Royal Academy wanted to escape, but thinking of the identity of the young man, they did not dare to hide, so they could only open their hands and hoped that the young man would follow.

But Tang Ming's throw was too powerful.

The young man was really like a cannonball, smashing the people on the opposite side, and he rolled directly to the ground.

At the same time, Tang Ming's figure flashed.

Every time it flashed, a student from the Royal Academy screamed and flew out.


The people from the Royal Academy were all lying on the ground, wailing, and even a few people couldn't bear Tang Ming's power and passed out in a coma.

The corners of Flender's mouth twitched slightly, "Is this a student of the Royal Academy? It's funny enough."

Facing Flander's mockery, a student lying on the ground suddenly endured a headache and shouted, "You, how dare you make trouble at our Heaven Dou Royal Academy, this is a provocation to the empire. You wait, you wait"

Tang Ming clenched his fists and made a terrible creaking sound.

Flender stretched out his hand to stop Tang Ming from stepping forward, snorted coldly, and said, "I'm not good at school, but I'm very good at putting on my hat. Call the teachers of your college to come out."

Tang Ming looked at the hillside trail not far away.

In his perception, there is a person coming from there.

Sure enough, soon, a man in a silver suit came out from the side of the hillside trail.

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy here?"

"It's Teacher Sun! That's great!"

The student who just spoke up walked to the person who came, "They actually came to our Tiandou Royal Academy to make trouble. Look, Prince Xuebeng has been beaten like this. You have to decide for us!"

Mr. Sun looked at the student in front of him like a lost dog, frowning, "Which grade are you? What does such a posture look like?"

However, seeing Xue Beng's comatose appearance still surprised Teacher Sun secretly.

He looked at Shrek's group, and when he met Flender, his heart moved, he stepped forward slightly, and saluted: "Everyone, please, Xia Sun Wuyu, I don't know why you came to my Tiandou Academy?"

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