Tang Ming glanced at her and said, "Why don't we have an actual battle to know the changes brought about by the evolution of Zhuqing's martial spirit."

The master and Liu Erlong looked at each other and nodded slightly.

The master said: "Then let's go to a more spacious place outside."

So everyone went outside the wooden house and found a wide terrain.

"Who will be Zhuqing's opponent?" Xiao Wu asked.

Tang Ming pondered slightly, walked out, and said, "I'll do it. I'm the strongest here. Even if there is an accident during the battle, I can control it."

Dai Mubai's right leg, which had stood up originally, quietly retreated.

The master nodded and said, "Then you two be careful."

"Okay, Master."

Tang Ming responded and walked out of the team with Zhu Zhuqing, standing opposite each other with a distance of five or six meters in the open space.

Tang Ming nodded to Zhu Zhuqing, "Let's start."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes narrowed slightly, he nodded lightly, his soul power surged, accompanied by a burst of black and purple soul power light, Zhu Zhuqing's temperament changed greatly.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was dancing beautifully, six thin black lines appeared on his icy face, and there was a mysterious black mark on his forehead.

The pupils turned into black cat pupils.

Two black cat ears appeared on his head, and a slender cat tail swayed behind him.

He still looked cold all over.

But the temperament is full of seductive charm.

Cold and charming.

These two completely different temperaments blended perfectly in her.

Zhu Zhuqing just stood there quietly, his body exuding infinite temptation.

Dai Mubai and the others were stunned.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help swallowing: "Damn it, it's so tempting! Just looking at me makes me a little bit uncontrollable! After the evolution of this martial spirit, Zhuqing has too much restraint on boys!"

Ma Hongjun was sure that if the person facing Zhu Zhuqing on the field was him, he wouldn't even have the idea to do it!

"It's not just you guys, I'm also a little moved when I see Zhuqing like this!" Ning Rongrong said with a blurry look.

The master was a little confused at first, but his strong willpower quickly awakened him from this temptation. He looked at Zhu Zhuqing in surprise, thinking in his heart: What a terrifying spiritual temptation!Even women can't resist!

He glanced at Liu Erlong beside him and found that she had woken up with a look of horror in her eyes.

Liu Erlong whispered, "Xiaogang, this time the evolution of the martial arts has made Zhuqing directly change from agility attack type spirit master to control type spirit master."

Grandmaster nodded, looked at Zhu Zhuqing on the field with some seriousness, and said, "It's not just as simple as a control-type soul master. Zhuqing just said that after her martial spirit evolved, it still retains the speed and agility before."

Liu Erlong's eyes widened slightly, "Doesn't this mean that she can do both agility and control-type spirit masters at the same time when fighting."


"Xiao Ming's Martial Spirit is too scary"

Liu Erlong looked at Tang Ming who was on the side, and was filled with emotion.

She knew from the master that the evolution of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's spirits was all because of Tang Ming's spirits.

Seeing that Zhuqing's martial spirit evolution has brought about such a huge improvement now, I can't help but sigh with emotion.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing moved.

The weaker people like Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Grandmaster only saw a black line appear between Tang Ming and Zhu Zhuqing. In the next second, Zhu Zhuqing flashed behind Tang Ming, his sharp claws burning a little black. soul power.

"The first soul skill, a heart-seeking blow!"

Tang Ming, who was standing still, suddenly burst into a black heart-shaped soul power light effect, and everyone saw five claw marks appear on the clothes of Tang Ming's heart.

Tang Ming looked down at his heart. Except for the torn clothes, there were no claw marks left on the inside.

After the strengthening of the ice and fire eyes, his current physical fitness is too abnormal!

Zhu Zhuqing's attack could not hurt him at all.

"Just, what happened just now?" Oscar asked with difficulty swallowing.

He just didn't see it at all.

Just saw a black line appear, and then Zhu Zhuqing suddenly appeared behind Tang Ming.

Then a black heart-shaped light effect erupted on Tang Ming's body, and finally he saw that Tang Ming's clothes were torn.

He couldn't see the details of this process at all. When he saw Tang Ming's clothes torn, he didn't realize what happened.

"Too, too fast!"

Tang San's eyes glowed with purple awns, but he had seen the whole process clearly when the Purple Demon Eye had made a breakthrough. Seeing Oscar and the others hadn't realized what had happened, he explained:

"In less than a second just now, Zhuqing first controlled Brother Ming, and then launched an attack on Brother Ming. The sharp claws full of piercing power directly attacked Brother Ming's heart."

Oscar scratched his head in distress, "I still don't understand. What did Zhuqing use to control Tang Ming?"

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