"Hello, bunny"

The charming royal sister sounded, and they saw the Golden Dragon King and Phoenix on the arch come to life. They were still in the same shape as before, standing on the arch, looking at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

"she, she"

Xiao Wu was terrified, really terrified, the phoenix and the dragon seemed to see her true body, she stole a glance at Tang San, her expression almost crying.

Tang Ming hurriedly winked at Phoenix and the Golden Dragon King, and the two bosses instantly understood that they didn't break Xiao Wu's real body.

Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San looked at the two bosses with surprised expressions.

Tang San said in surprise, "Brother Ming, they are really alive."

Tang Ming reminded: "Little San, these two are seniors."

The Golden Dragon King's majestic voice sounded, and said to Tang San: "Little guy, we met last time."

Tang San received Tang Ming's reminder and immediately bowed, "Boy Tang San, I have met two seniors."

The Golden Dragon King and Phoenix nodded, then turned into sculptures and continued to guard the gate of Chaos Academy.

Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief at this time, touched her chest, and dared not look at the Dragon King and Phoenix on the arch, and said, "Xiao Ming, is this the Chaos Academy you said?"


Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and asked, "Then you Chaos Academy, will you participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Competition in half a year?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll watch it."

Tang Ming was also a little uncertain.

After all, I don’t know if the system will release tasks at that time.

If the task is released, for the rewards of those cattle batches, he may take the gourd babies to the competition.

"However, your academy is in your little world of martial arts, and there are no students at all, and it is estimated that you will not be able to participate in the competition." Xiao Wu said.

Tang Ming smiled slightly, "How do you know I have no students? Come with me."

Tang Ming led Zhu Zhuqing and the three to the academy.

When Xiao Wu walked through the arch, she lowered her head guiltily.

I was really afraid that her real body would be broken by the two big men on the arch.

I didn't come back last night, and I don't know what the little gourds did in this academy.

Thinking of those cute little radish heads, Tang Ming's steps quickened slightly.

Before reaching the door of the training room, he heard the child's crisp laughter from a distance.

When Tang Ming and the others walked in, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were stunned.

Of the seven little loli, five were crawling around on the two stone lions, and one little loli was holding a baby with a gourd pacifier and watching it coldly.

This scene is too dreamy and weird.

As soon as Tang Ming approached, the gourd children also sensed his breath, and immediately looked towards Tang Ming in surprise.

"Grandpa, grandpa!

"Grandpa! Second grandpa, you are back!"

The little radish head immediately abandoned the stone lions who had been playing with them all day, and ran towards Tang Ming and Tang San one after another. After a while, Tang Ming and Tang San were covered with gourd dolls.

Xiao Wu opened her mouth, and after a while, she asked in surprise, "Grandpa? Second grandpa?"

Zhu Zhuqing was also beside him with a confused expression.

I don't know what's going on right now!

Why are these little girls in the academy called Tang Ming and Grandpa Tang San?

Are these two guys messing around behind their backs?

Xiao Wu, who has a lot of brain power, instantly had another book in his mind. Two heartless men carried their girlfriends and gave birth to seven granddaughters.

Why "again"?

Because before that, she still had a book of Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai's love-hate relationship in her mind.

"Little San, what's going on?"

Xiao Wu pointed at the three babies, four babies and six babies hanging on Tang San's body and asked.You don't make it clear, but you look good at night.

Tang San smiled wryly, and then brought Tang Ming's affairs under the mountain one by one.

Xiao Wu opened her mouth, and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and both saw horror in the other's eyes.

"This, these children are, are they born of the gourd?"

Xiao Wu stammered as she asked.

Mainly because this fact is too bizarre.

Can a gourd give birth to a baby?

When Xiao Wu heard this before, she would only think that person was playing tricks on her.

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