Tang Ming glanced at Tang Hao, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

This gaze made Tang Hao's eyes shift subconsciously.

"your body"

All the internal organs are displaced, and there are all kinds of dark wounds on the body

Tang Hao touched Tang Ming's head, "Can you see it now?"

"I could vaguely sense it before, but I didn't expect you to be injured so badly."

Tang Hao smiled slightly, "I can't die yet."

Tang Ming suddenly said decisively: "I can cure it!"

Tang Hao's pupils shrank, and he was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly, "I know the injury on my body, even Dugubo's herbal medicine can't cure it."

"Dad, I can cure it!"

Tang Ming looked at Tang Hao with bright eyes.

Tang Hao's expression also became solemn, and he said solemnly, "Xiao Ming, this is not something to joke about."

If the injuries on his body were not for him being a Title Douluo, but for someone else, he would have died hundreds of times.

Tang Hao didn't have any expectations for healing his injuries at all.

Now Tang Ming told him that he could heal his injuries, how dare Tang Hao believe it.

Tang Ming's expression was also very solemn, and said, "Dad, you know that I am not a person who likes to joke and talk big. I can really cure it."

Tang Hao's expression changed slightly, he shook his head and sighed: "Then you can try it. I have never dreamed of curing these injuries on my body for so many years."

"Is your uncle hurt?"

Zhu Zhuqing next to him asked in confusion.

Looking at Tang Hao, she felt very healthy, and the power on her body was amazing, it didn't look like she was injured at all.

Tang Hao looked at Zhu Zhuqing and smiled, "It's not a serious injury, don't worry."

Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips, taking Tang Hao's comfort in his heart.

Although she couldn't see the injury on Tang Hao's body, from the conversation between Tang Ming and Tang Hao, she could guess that the injury must be very serious, and she definitely didn't want Tang Hao to say it so lightly.

Tang Hao asked, "What are we going to do now?"

Tang Ming said: "Let's leave here first and go to the other place where Dugu Bo was before."

When the voice fell, Tang Ming stepped forward and took Tang Hao's hand, Zhu Zhuqing, teleported, and left the place.

After a few teleports, Tang Ming took Zhu Zhuqing and Tang Hao to the bottom of the mountain of Binghuo Liangyiyan.

"Is this the place where you practiced before? Zhu Zhuqing looked around and asked.

Tang Ming nodded, "That's right. Listening to Xiao San, that spring is called Binghuo Liangyi Eye. It is the most powerful treasure between heaven and earth, and because of it, the spiritual energy here is so abundant."

Tang Hao retracted his scrutiny eyes and nodded, "This place is indeed suitable for cultivation. When I came here, the injuries in my body have been suppressed a lot."

"What do you want me to do now?"

Tang Hao looked at Tang Ming and asked.

"Dad, come here and sit down."

Tang Ming pointed to an open space near the spring and said.

Tang Hao still came here and sat down. After getting close to the spring, he found that the spiritual energy here is very violent. If it is an ordinary person, half of it may be frozen and half of it is on fire.

"Zhuqing, you are practicing or resting nearby. Don't get close to the spring, your current physical fitness may get injured if you get close to it."

"I see."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

Only then did Tang Ming walk behind Tang Hao and sit cross-legged, his palms stretched out, sticking to Tang Hao's back, and then he circulated the spiritual power in his body. The internal organs and other dark wounds in his body.

Zhu Zhuqing next to him could clearly see that with the surging soul power of Tang Ming, the golden gourd above his head would flow out a golden streamer from Tang Ming to Tang Hao's body.

This is the powerful sun power of Gourd Little King Kong.

The power of the sun, the most powerful force of the sun in the world, possesses terrifying destructive power!

But as the light of the sun that nourishes the growth of all things, it also contains the power of vigorous life.

The light of such a radiant sun contains the power of life as broad as the ocean, and has a powerful healing effect on Tang Hao's injury.

Coupled with Tang Ming's own spiritual power. .

Tang Ming's spiritual power also has an extremely powerful healing and recovery ability. When he was in the Star Dou Great Forest, Tang Ming's arm was almost broken by a punch from the Titan Giant Ape, and only a trace of flesh and blood was connected. , In a few breaths, the arm is basically healed.

This kind of spiritual power, coupled with the power of the sun of Gourd Little King Kong, can completely heal the wounds in Tang Hao's body!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The spiritual power with vast vitality and the power of the sun, which gently nourishes all things, flowed continuously from Tang Ming's hands into Tang Hao's body.

Tang Hao closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

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