Sword Douluo asked, "Rongrong, are your third brother and Ming brother young talents from some big family or sect?"

Ning Rongrong frowned slightly and said, "No, I heard them say that they are the sons of a blacksmith in a small village."

The blacksmith's son?

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo pondered slightly, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Ordinary families can't cultivate two talented geniuses at the same time.

In this world of Douluo Continent where strength is supreme, only powerful sects and families can easily give birth to geniuses.

Because a better bloodline represents a better martial spirit!

The son of an ordinary blacksmith, even if the martial spirit mutates and becomes a top-level martial arts, without the corresponding resources to cultivate, no matter how the top-level martial arts can grow!

This is the knowledge of almost all soul masters on the mainland!

Now such a wonderful genius, you told me that he is the son of a blacksmith, can I believe it?

Both Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo felt that Tang Ming and Tang San should be family geniuses released by a certain big family.

This guess is in line with their cognitive logic.

Bone Douluo asked, "Rong Rong, what are your full names, Brother Ming and your third brother?"

"Tang Ming, Tang San."

Ning Rongrong replied somewhat inexplicably.

"Tang Ming, Tang San. The surname is Tang Fengzhi, could he belong to that sect?"

Sword Douluo thought about it carefully, then raised his head and asked Ning Fengzhi, who was also frowning in thought.

Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Because of that battle more than ten years ago, their entire sect was at a loss, and the youngest titled Douluo also disappeared without news, etc. Son of a rural blacksmith, don't you! "

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flickered slightly, and he was a little shocked by the guess in his heart.

Bone Douluo also touched his chin and thought for a while, and said in surprise, "It's really possible. If these two children are the sons of that person, with such talent, it makes sense."

Sword Douluo nodded in agreement.

Ning Rongrong listened in a fog, and asked in confusion: "Dad, grandpa, what are you talking about? What is the youngest titled Douluo, you mean that brother and third brother are from that Douluo. son?"

She wasn't a fool either, although there was very little information in her words, Ning Rongrong still roughly grasped the logic of the three elders' words.

Ning Fengzhi nodded solemnly, "If you guessed correctly, it is very likely that your brother Ming and the third brother are that person's children."

"Title Douluo's son? Wow, so their background is so powerful."

Ning Rongrong said in amazement.

Ning Rongrong had a deep understanding of the power of Titled Douluo. After all, there were two Douluo grandfathers in his family.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi changed the subject and said, "Rongrong, since this hidden weapon was made by your third brother, can you tell him that I want to negotiate a business with him. These hidden weapons are very important to our sect's people. The strength improvement is huge.”

Ning Rongrong said, "Dad, I came back this time just to discuss this matter with you."

Ning Fengzhi raised his eyebrows, "That's right, tell me about your third brother's hidden weapon, and then we'll visit him at the academy."

Now Ning Rongrong started popularizing Tang San's hidden weapon for the three of Ning Fengzhi. Her tongue-in-cheek, eloquent sales stance made the three of Ning Fengzhi stunned. Is this still the little witch from their family?

How does it seem to be someone else's salesman?

Just when Ning Rongrong was introducing Tang San's hidden weapon to Ning Fengzhi, Tang Ming's treatment for Tang Hao was nearing the end in the eyes of Ice and Fire.

The golden gourd on Tang Ming's head had long since disappeared, and his realm had dropped back to level forty-five.

The fusion time can only last for three minutes.

After the time for the gourd and baby to merge, Tang Ming still treated Tang Hao again, because his spiritual power could also treat the injury, but without the power of the sun, the effect of the treatment was reduced by half.

Tang Ming slowly withdrew his hands from Tang Hao's back.

Tang Hao, who was closing his eyes, suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of dirty blood. As soon as the black blood spewed out, it fell to the ground and turned into ice slag. do.

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes and felt the injury in his body. He found that under Tang Ming's treatment, the injury in his body had healed by a third, which was incredible.

Tang Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said to Tang Hao, "Dad, you only need to treat for two days and then recover for a week, and your injury should be healed."

Tang Hao nodded. He was not good at expressing his emotions. He watched Tang Ming's lips squirming. In the end, he didn't say anything. He patted Tang Ming's shoulder and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing on the side with worried eyes and said:

"You go and accompany Zhuqing, I will take care of myself."

"it is good."

Tang Ming nodded and walked towards Zhuqing.

"Is Uncle okay?" Zhu Zhuqing asked with trembling eyelashes.

Tang Ming smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, and in two days, it will basically recover."

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be relieved, "That's good."

She just saw Tang Hao spit out a mouthful of black blood, and she was so nervous.

Chapter 180 Deserving an Orphan

three days later.

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