Tang Ming did not explain too much.

Meiguo didn't ask any further, but soon fell into the cuteness of the gourd babies.

It's a pity that when she wanted baby Xiao Qi, she was obviously disgusted by Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi just looked at Meiguo's chest, and then looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and instantly rejected Meiguo's request to reach out and hug her.

She lay in Zhu Zhuqing's arms, biting the pacifier of the Zijin gourd.

That cute and loving appearance made Rose Goo's eyes glow.

However, he looked down at his chest and saw that Zhu Zhuqing was obviously bigger than a circle.

Grind his teeth secretly.

"Tsk, why is it so big at such a young age?" Meiguo said unwillingly.

Fortunately, the other gourd babies still did not reject the kindness of Rose Goo's release.

The big baby reluctantly let Rose Goo hold her for a while.

In this way, Tang Ming, three adults, and seven cute little girls, went all the way.

Occasionally, they would encounter a soul master on the road, and they would all cast strange glances.

They looked at Tang Ming.

It turns out that it is so handsome to get two women who are like angels, and then give birth to a bunch of lovely daughters?

Many soul masters were jealous when they saw Tang Ming's handsome and sunny face.

But everyone is of high quality.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any scenes of pretending to be slapped in the face.

After walking for another five days, Tang Ming and others came to a city called "Weiming City".This is a city belonging to the Tiandu Empire.

The city has a large population.

After Tang Ming was checked by the guards at the city gate, as soon as he entered the city, he saw people coming and going.

That lively appearance was a little worse than that of Heaven Dou City.

When he came to the city, Tang Ming's attention was almost focused on the gourd baby.

These little guys are so good at running.

On the road in the wild, you can go to one place for a while, which is very worrying.

Especially the naughty Siwa, the most capable of running, half of the time spent on the road was waiting for this little guy.

No, just after entering Weiming City, Siwa ran away from the feet of the adults, slippery like a loach.

"Siwa, where are you going?"

"Grandpa, I'll go ahead and explore the way!"

Siwa's voice echoed in his ears, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Tang Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Siwa has a fire-like temperament, beating like a flame, full of enthusiasm for new things.

Meiguo frowned slightly and said, "Tang Ming, aren't we going to follow?"

Familiarity along the way, coupled with Tang Ming's request, Meiguo changed her name to Tang Ming. Originally Tang Ming wanted her to call him Xiaoming directly, but Meiguo shook her head and said she disrespected Tang Ming.

Tang Ming was her benefactor after all.

It's not good to just call him by his first name, let's call him Xiaoming or something.

Rosehip said it couldn't be done.

It can be seen from this that Rose Goo's literacy is very good, but it can also be said that she is too strict.

"Certainly follow."

Having said that, Tang Ming has followed up with a gourd baby in one hand.

Rose fruit is also holding a gourd baby with both hands.

Zhu Zhuqing was holding Xiao Qi, pulling the big baby, and slowly followed behind.

The people who were pulled by Tang Ming were Sanwa and Wuwa.

Sanwa walked all the way, looked to both sides of the street, and saw something novel, so she would ask.

Tang Ming didn't know much about what Sanwa asked.

When I came to this world, all I learned was the knowledge of martial spirits and spirit masters, I seldom went shopping, and I was not very familiar with the goods sold in this world.

Fortunately, there is a rose fruit who is obviously a noble lady.

Meiguo has lived in a big city since she was a child, and she has seen a lot of the products sold on the streets. Facing the problem of the gourd baby, she is eloquent for a while.

Tang Ming and Zhu Zhuqing were stunned when they heard it.

Huluwa was amazed at the erudition of Rose Goo, and Da Wa looked at Rose Goo holding her in surprise and said, "Grandma, you are amazing!"

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