Lian seemed to see Tang Ming's doubts, and said in a slightly choked voice: "Zongmen did reduce or exempt taxes for our family, but they are increasing taxes every year. There is no difference before the deduction."

"And after the parents enter the sect, it is almost difficult to go home. They are busy with the sect's tasks and work every day, for their own food, for their own cultivation resources, and they can't go home to help the farm."

"Grandpa and grandmother, they are getting older and older, and then they can't work directly, but you can't not pay the taxes of the sect, because the land in the village is the property of the sect. If you can't pay the taxes, they will kick you out. go out."

"You don't need to say anything."

Tang Ming stopped Lian's words.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Elderly people who cannot pay their taxes and get kicked out have no choice but to die.

After all, they are just civilians without soul power.

Tang Ming was an orphan in his last life, but he had no worries about the future, because as long as you study hard and have strong skills, you can still stand out in society.

That's why he works so hard to read books.

And in this world, without the measures taken by the Spirit Hall, civilians may never be able to make their mark.

Because they have no choice!

From birth there is no choice.

Tang Ming recalled the history of the mainland he had seen on the bookshelf of the master.

Most of the major events in the history of Douluo Continent were recorded in this book, and many of them praised and described powerful human soul masters.

When Tang Ming recalled it now, he realized that behind those gorgeous descriptions, there were countless bones of civilians lying there.

Throughout the history of the entire Douluo Continent, it can be found that none of the strong men came from commoners.

Because civilians are born with nothing.

The land, resources, and awakening of the martial soul are all controlled by the empire, the big family and the sect!

Before the Spirit Hall did not appear, civilians who wanted to awaken their spirits and obtain cultivation resources had to sell themselves to big sects, big families and nobles.

In such a situation, how can civilians become strong?

Unless this commoner has unfortunate luck and obtains a fortuitous encounter, it is possible to grow into a strong man.

The probability of this is too small.

Before the Spirit Hall did not appear, the probability of civilians growing into powerhouses in the entire continent was less than [-] in [-].

And after the appearance of the Spirit Hall, the civilians of the entire continent have the opportunity to choose!

Wuhun Hall helps civilians awaken their Wuhun for free, which opens the door for all civilians to become soul masters.

After becoming a soul master, commoners can get subsidies from the Spirit Hall, which allows them to spend their time cultivating instead of focusing all their energy on how to survive.

With practice time, soul power will increase.

That would naturally have the possibility of becoming a strong man in the future.

Without the appearance of the Spirit Hall, it is possible that most of the commoner spirit masters could only become servants of the sect family and nobles, exchanging hard work for their own survival and promotion.

However, no matter how you get promoted, the clan and noble children who don't have to worry about life will only get promoted faster than you, and the cultivation resources they get are things that you can't get by working hard.

When these children become stronger, you and your children still want them to be exploited.

This is the law of the jungle.

It's not just a law in a natural forest.

In human society, the same rule applies.

But human society and the natural world are, after all, different.

Empathy, because of this emotion, makes humans have sympathy and compassion for the weak.

In Tang Ming's last life, most of the society seemed to sneer at the two emotions of "sympathy" and "compassion". Most people thought that your sympathy and pity for others were contempt for others, thus rejecting these two emotions.

But Tang Ming never thought that sympathy and pity were contempt for others.

These two emotions are actually the external manifestations of empathy. They are one of the emotional manifestations of why people are human, and they are also one of the basic emotions that people can unite, overcome nature, and become the overlord of the planet.

Therefore, in human society, following the cold law of the law of the jungle will only lead to the collapse of society and the destruction of mankind.

Tang Ming and the twins left.

When they left, the expressions of the three of them were as if the three of them really had a plain meal.

Ao and Lian did not return to the battlefield.

They said that the money was almost made, and they were going to prepare for the fourth spirit ring.

Tang Ming also did not enter the battlefield.

He sat in the corner outside the Arena of Souls, watching the people coming and going on the street, the smiles on most people's faces, the sorrows of some people, and the ulterior motives of a few people.

Most of these people are soul masters. They may not be of high rank and strength, but there is hope in their eyes.

Tang Ming just squatted on the side of the street and watched silently.Behind him, there is a huge battle field where cheers are heard from time to time.

I don't know how long it took.

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