"Where are these children?" Hu Liena asked, looking at the gourd baby at her feet.

In fact, among these people, what she cared about most were these strange and cute little girls, especially the colorful gourds on the little girls' heads, which surprised Hu Liena.

Because she sensed a mysterious and powerful force on these gourds.

It's like soul power, but it doesn't seem to be.

Are these little guys soul masters?

Gourd is their martial spirit?

If it is a soul master, why can't I perceive their soul power level?

Hu Liena looked at the little gourds with charming eyes.

There is deep doubt in my heart.

Chapter 197 Yan licking the dog

"It's my granddaughter."

Tang Ming smiled and said to Hu Liena.

Hu Liena was so startled by Tang Ming's words that she opened her mouth slightly, her eyes were startled, she couldn't believe it.

She looked at Tang Ming, and then at the little gourds around their feet, and smiled tenderly, "Mr. Tang Ming, are you kidding me?"

Hu Liena didn't want to believe that the gourd baby was Tang Ming's granddaughter.

The main reason is that Tang Ming is too young. Although he is handsome and tall, his face has not faded away. He looks young, at most fifteen or sixteen years old.

At this age, tell me, these three or four-year-old children are your granddaughters?

Did you have a baby when you were five or six?

So Hu Liena subconsciously felt that Tang Ming was joking.

This made Hu Liena's favor towards Tang Ming slightly decreased.

Just now Tang Ming gave Hu Liena a very good sense. Not only Tang Ming's handsome appearance, but also Tang Ming's look at her made Hu Liena feel very comfortable.

Tang Ming looked at her with clear eyes, without a trace of astringency or desire.

You know, since she awakened her martial soul, her body will naturally exude a seductive power.

Under the power of this temptation, almost every man he meets will cast a lustful look at Hu Liena. That look is sometimes blatant and sometimes concealed, but no matter what, it is so full of desire that he can't wait to strip her clothes off. It made Hu Liena feel disgusted and painful.

Until just now, Hu Liena thought that because of these sights, she would never have any good feelings for any man from now on.

But at this time, Tang Ming appeared, his eyes so clear that there was no trace of impurities, like a beam of light in the darkness, suddenly illuminated Hu Liena, making her heart tremble.

It's a very special feeling.

It is as if you have been walking on a path full of malice and darkness. You are tired of the malice and darkness around you, and have given up any hope for this world. At this moment, a beam of sunlight suddenly shone into your path. Dark and malicious roads.

That feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun is really strange.

So when Hu Liena came over, in addition to being interested in the gourd baby, she was also curious about Tang Ming.

Since the awakening of her martial soul, it was the first time she saw a young man who could resist her temptation.

But Tang Ming is joking with her now, please, they met for the first time today.

The first time you met, you made fun of a pretty girl?

Hu Liena quietly marked Tang Ming as a scumbag.

From Hu Liena's point of view, a boy joked about a girl when they met for the first time, and this man was undoubtedly very immodest.

If Tang Ming knew how to read minds and knew that the girl in front of him was slandering him, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

This Nima just said a word and became a scumbag.

This is too scary.

However, Tang Ming's perception ability can only perceive the malicious thoughts and good intentions of others, and cannot read specific psychological activities, so he cannot know Hu Liena's slander against him.

However, Tang Ming still sensed Hu Liena's sudden cold gaze.

He was a little strange, but still said: "Your Highness, I'm not joking with you. These children are indeed my granddaughters. As for the reason, I don't think I have an obligation to explain anything to you."

Although you are the Holy Maiden of Spirit Hall and the Pope of Spirit Hall in the future, why should I explain it to you clearly?I don't have that obligation, we are just strangers who met by chance, what I said is the truth, believe it or not.

Tang Ming looked at Hu Liena, his eyes were still clear, but the attitude of speaking made Hu Liena slightly annoyed, she hummed: "Can't you explain it to me just because I am the saint of Wuhun Temple?"

Tang Ming shook his head, unmoved by Hu Liena's anger, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, although I can embark on the path of a spirit master, the Spirit Hall has helped me a lot, but I didn't join the Spirit Hall."

The implication is that your status as a saint cannot suppress me.

Of course Hu Liena heard this, and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"You bastard!"

At this time, a red-haired man walked behind Hu Liena and stared at Tang Ming angrily, "How dare you be disrespectful to Her Royal Highness!"

Tang Ming glanced at the red-haired man and didn't really want to pay attention to him.

Unexpectedly, Tang Ming's apparently ignoring attitude seemed to anger the red-haired man. He suddenly passed Hu Liena and punched Tang Ming.

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