Qilin's face turned red, and she lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to see people.

Qiangwei chuckled and raised her eyebrows, "You asked this after holding back for a long time?"

"Hey, no, the angel told me that it takes love to activate the angel gene in Xiao Lun's body. Didn't the angel gene in Xiao Lun's body be activated suddenly last time? Qilin usually has a good relationship with Xiao Lun, so I wondered if the two of them were together in private."

Lena explained.

"Hahaha, that's what it is."

Ducao and the other general laughed, nostalgic for such love.

Ducao smiled for a while, and then said to Qilin who was buried in her head: "Qilin, don't be nervous, you are fine together, and the army does not prohibit you from falling in love. If you are in love, you can announce it openly. come out!"


Qilin's voice was like a mosquito.


Leina and Qiangwei leaned forward slightly, leaning towards Qilin.

Qilin looked up at them, frustrated and said helplessly: "He didn't confess to me. We're not together."


Lena and Qiangwei opened their mouths, both a little surprised.

"He didn't confess to you?"

"Not together?"


Qilin looked helplessly at Leina and Qiangwei.

Leina smiled awkwardly and apologized awkwardly: "Ah, I'm sorry, Qilin. It's me, Meng Lang."

Qiangwei asked strangely: "Since the two of you are not together, how did Xiao Lun activate the angel gene in his body?"

Qilin said with a slightly red face: "Leina, is that angel joking with you?"

Lena wondered: "It's not like a joke. At that time, she suggested that I should love Xiao Lun!"

"cough cough"

Qilin and Qiangwei coughed in shock.

Chapter 349 Joke?

"That angel must be joking with you!"

Qiangwei said firmly.

Qilin nodded approvingly.If the angel was not joking, how could there be such an unreliable suggestion to make Lena fall in love with Xiao Lun?

God, that suggestion feels weird just thinking about it.

Reina looked at everyone depressed, "Impossible, I think the angel's expression was quite serious when he said this."

"Then if the angel wasn't joking, how did Xiao Lun develop the angel gene?"

Ducao frowned suspiciously.

"In the information we collected, there is no information about his relationship. Before, Xiao Lun was a dick, and he never even held a girl's hand."

Leina spread her hands, "That's why I want to ask Qi Lin if she is with Xiao Lun in private."

"what do you mean"

Qiangwei seemed to have caught Lena's train of thought, and spoke hesitantly.

Lena said: "I think this way, it is possible that Xiao Lun is very talented, and he developed the angel gene in his body. Because the gene in his body has undergone changes, evolution or mutation, it is very likely that he developed the angel gene by himself. Likely."

"Since the angel gene was developed by himself, then using the angel method to stimulate him may stimulate more power in his body."

After Reina finished speaking, several people present were thoughtful.

After a while, Ducao raised his head and said, "Leina, your conjecture is feasible. Before Taotie comes, the stronger Xiao Lun is, the greater our chance of winning in this war."

Qiangwei said: "In this case, you can just call Qilin, why did you call me?"

"Just come here if you tell me."

Qilin's face was slightly red, and her voice was like a mosquito, "I don't even know if he likes me or not"

"The probability of two is higher!"

Reina blinked and smiled, "What if he likes you both at the same time!"

"Then he's a scumbag!" Qiangwei clasped her hands and hummed.

Qi Lin also snorted, "Scumbags don't have love!"

"Okay, just kidding."

Lena withdrew her joke and became serious again, saying: "The task I'm going to give you now is to help Xiao Lun develop more power in his body, whether it's using the method of angels or other means."

Qilin and Qiangwei looked at each other, and then looked at Leina. At this time, there was no smile in their eyes, and they all nodded, and said in response: "Yes!"

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