"Can I touch it?"

Qilin stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch it.

Tang Ming thought for a while and nodded.

Qiangwei and Qilin, one on each side, reached into Tang Ming's light wings. They didn't feel the real touch because it was just the light wings.However, a warm and soft feeling spread from their fingertips all over their bodies.

A feeling of happiness and warmth slowly rose from the bottom of their hearts, making Qilin and Qiangwei feel like they were back when they were young, being hugged by their mother and humming nursery rhymes gently.

Qiangwei's will was much firmer than Qilin's. She was just a little confused, but soon came to her senses, and reluctantly withdrew her hand from Tang Ming's light wings.

Afterwards, Qilin also reacted and withdrew her hand. She looked at Tang Ming and murmured softly, "It turns out that an angel's heart is so beautiful."

"No, it's my heart that is so beautiful"

Tang Ming smiled and blinked, "The angel gene is just a key, a door, and the contents of the door are the wings of light. What they look like is determined by my inner expectations."

Qiangwei kicked him amusedly, "I admit it, but is it really okay for you to boast about yourself like this? If someone has a darker heart, I'm afraid they will call you Holy Mother, hypocritical."

Tang Ming shrugged and said indifferently: "This is what I am. What I want to become is the self in my heart, not the me in their eyes."

After finishing speaking, Tang Ming asked again: "Stop talking nonsense. How can you help me activate the lazy power in my body? No matter how I stimulate them until now, I can't activate them."

Qiangwei looked at Qilin, Qilin shifted her gaze a little embarrassedly, and said in a low voice, "Do you really want to try the method Leina said?"

"It's not what Lena said. It's what the angel said." Qiangwei added.

"Okay, but do you really want to do that?"

Qilin looked at Tang Ming, then at Qiangwei, her complexion gradually turned rosy.

Qiangwei raised her eyebrows, "I thought you would be very happy, but if you don't, then I'll do it."

"Don't, don't, I, I'm coming!"

Qilin panicked all of a sudden.I was afraid that Tang Ming's first time would be snatched away.

Tang Ming listened in a daze, "Hey, no, what are you two talking about? Why are you here? What are you going to do?"

Qilin looked at Tang Ming with a flushed face, and said, "Let's say yes first, this is just to help you activate the power in your body so that we can win the war against the aliens!"

As she said that, Qilin walked up to him quickly with a desperate look, stretched out her right hand to hook his neck, and pulled hard, pulling Tang Ming, who was in a daze, to lower his head, and then greeted him with red lips!

Tang Ming's eyes widened immediately!

When he was thinking about what kind of operation this was, Qilin had already kissed his lips!

The sweet breath rushed in from the nose and tongue, making Tang Ming feel flustered.

He was just about to break away from Qilin, when suddenly, the lazy power hidden in his genes moved.

This made Tang Ming happy, and he didn't care about kissing Qilin, so he quickly closed his eyes, his consciousness immersed in his genes, and he wanted to guide that mysterious power out.

Qiangwei from the outside world didn't see the two people who were kissing passionately. She turned around slightly, trying to focus on the magnificent sea.

However, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed from Tang Ming's side, and the dazzling light made Qiangwei's eyes turn back.

When Qiangwei looked back, she found that Tang Ming and Qilin were kissing in the radiance. The picture was beautiful and extremely romantic.

She was slightly absent-minded, but luckily her willpower was firm, she bit her lip immediately, and focused her attention on the light wings behind Tang Ming.

The radiance that suddenly bloomed was emitted from the wings of light, very bright.How can I describe it? It's like a light bulb with a very low voltage is suddenly connected to a higher voltage wire, and the light bulb becomes brighter, even a little dazzling!


Qiangwei slightly widened her eyes.However, at this moment, Tang Ming's radiant wings suddenly withdrew all their brilliance and returned to their previous appearance.

Qilin and Tang Ming separated.

The long kiss made Qilin a little out of breath. At this time, she was panting with her face flushed, and she didn't dare to look at Tang Ming who was so close.

Seeing the disappointment on Tang Ming's face, Qiangwei couldn't help but walked over and asked, "No success?"

Tang Ming shook his head in disappointment, "This mysterious power is really too lazy, just like the Sleeping Princess hiding in the iceberg for thousands of years. Just now, Qilin's um, kiss just melted the tip of the iceberg."

Tang Ming looked at Qilin.

Qilin glanced at him, and immediately turned her gaze away, her ears turning extremely red.

Qiangwei frowned, "I just saw that the wings of light behind you were shining brightly, and I thought you were going to succeed."

Tang Ming scratched his head and said, "When Qilin kissed me just now, the mysterious power did react, but just when I wanted to guide it out, it stopped moving."

Qilin was still immersed in the bold behavior just now, and she still hasn't recovered from it, and she can't participate in the conversation at all.

Qiangwei just glanced at her, and knew that Qilin could not be counted on now.

She lowered her head and pondered slightly, her complexion was a little rosy even though the heroine just now was not her, but the romantic scene still gave her a lot of shock.

quite a while.

Qiangwei raised her head and said, "Well, although it didn't work in the end, it also proves that Angel's method is not a joke. It didn't work just now, maybe it needs to be done a few more times."


Tang Ming opened his mouth in shock, and looked hesitantly at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin happened to look over at this time, but she had just caught Tang Ming's sight, and she hurriedly turned away like a frightened little rabbit.

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