Tang Ming took a deep breath and looked at the sky from the coffee shop.Suddenly a huge vortex appeared in the dark clouds in the sky, and the rumbling sound rolled from the sky like thunder and flashes.

After the sound rolled over, I saw a huge cross spaceship slowly descending from the vortex.Near the cross sky ship, there are quite a few space battleships.


Someone's gasping sound came from the communication, and then Rui Mengmeng's voice stuttered in fright.

"This, this, this is an alien?!"

"Alien battleship!"

Rose corrected.

"Okay, so scary!"

Xin Zhao swallowed, and stammered a little: "I rely on Nima, how can I fight? This alien warship is so big? Can we impress it?"

"If you can't fight, you have to fight!"

Qiangwei frowned. Compared with others, she entered the Chinese army very early, and she had the spirit of bravery, perseverance, and never shrinking back.

"Later, we will act according to last night's tactical arrangement! Qiangwei is the firepower output point, trying to destroy the cross warship, Xiao Lun is responsible for resisting the firepower attacking Qiangwei, Qilin covers, Yao controls, Zhao Xin interferes, Mengmeng If you and Liu Chuang find a way to hold back, there may be cutting-edge fighters on the opposite side. Do you understand?"

Tang Ming took a deep breath, looked at Qiangwei who was hiding on the top of the building not far away, and nodded, "Understood!"

Qi Lin and the others also expressed that they remembered the tactical arrangements.

Sun Wukong stood aside holding the golden cudgel, watching Leina give orders, and did not interrupt. After she finished speaking, he quietly said:

"Alien bastards like this shouldn't put any pressure on you Tiandao people, right? You can completely wipe them out outside the solar system!"

Lena glanced at him noncommittally, raised her eyebrows, "It's Lieyangxing. But why did we do that? Taotie is coming for your earth, not Lieyangxing."

Sun Wukong poked the ground of the roof with his golden cudgel, and a big hole was poked on the roof immediately. He asked, "Then why did you, the main god of the heavenly star, appear on the earth?"

"Forget it if it's Lieyang, whether it's Tiandao Star or Lieyang Star, call it whatever you want."

Reina sighed.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday on Lieyangxing? I like the fashion and fun of the earth, so out of the morality of Akira Kamikawa, I, as the main god of Lieyangxing, came here to help you."

"So Ming who is eager for help, don't ask too much."

"Hehe, fashion"

Sun Wukong sneered, stopped arguing with Leina, and looked at the huge battleship that Taotie descended on Tianhe City.

On the battleship of the Taotie advance team.

"A large number of ordinary life forms in Tianhe City have been evacuated, and now only the signs of life of soldiers from the planet Earth have been scanned."


"Has our plan been intercepted by them?"

"Impossible. It's possible that the previous actions of the vanguard exposed our intentions, and they guessed it."

"Okay, no matter what. The soldiers of Planet Earth cannot be our gluttonous opponents. For my god Karl, let them create a storm of death!"


"Alright, let's attack!"

Lena saw teams of gluttonous fighters flying out of the warships in the distant sky, and immediately gave orders to everyone.

"The firepower is ready!"

After Qiangwei received the order, she immediately instructed the ground combat units to fire various shells. For a moment, tank missiles were fired from all over Tianhe City.

Qiangwei immediately calculates the micro-wormhole, and uses the micro-wormhole transportation technology to accurately drop all the shells through the wormhole to all the gluttonous aircraft that fly out!

boom boom boom

It was as if fireworks had been set off in the sky, and countless explosions, flames and smoke were dazzlingly blooming everywhere in a short period of time!

Tang Ming watched from the side, his eyes brightened slightly, Qiangwei's micro-wormhole transport technique is very similar to his star shifting, except that he doesn't need to calculate any micro-wormholes, he only needs to crazily activate the chaotic spiritual power in his body .

Chapter 357 I stole your house during the war!

Taotie didn't expect that there was such a wormhole on the earth's side to launch an attack. Those Taotie fighters who had just flown out were immediately stunned by the attack covered by rose fire.

Accompanied by screams, gluttony rose from the sky.

"Hey, these gluttons don't seem to be very powerful."

Seeing that Qiangwei easily knocked down hundreds of gluttonous fighters, Xin Zhao said happily.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the small battleships floating around the cross battleship suddenly flew out countless light beams and energy bombs, the earth shook, and countless explosions and sparks bloomed on the ground.

The tanks and missile vehicles that had just fired shells were instantly destroyed!


The communication channel fell silent.

Xin Zhao opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out, and the sound of explosions and earth tremors echoed in his ears.

After a round of indiscriminate bombing by Taotie passed, Lena commanded in the communication channel: "Qiangwei should have been targeted by the other party, Xiao Lun, pay attention to Qiangwei's safety, and the others should act quickly. Next, we have to Blow up that cross warship!"

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