In this Tianhe Battle, Tang Ming participated in the whole process. He looked at the war from the perspective of a country's soldiers, and his mood became different.

"You are so much better than Xin Zhao and the others. Their first time on the battlefield today, their legs trembled. I thought you would be the same, you would become a deserter. After all, you were a diaosi before, but I didn't expect, You are so good on the battlefield."

Qiangwei stroked her long hair blown by the sea breeze and said with a smile.Then, she imitated Tang Ming's appearance and leaned against the railing, and her perfect figure immediately drew a seductive curve in Tang Ming's sight.

Tang Ming looked away from Qiangwei's curve, and when he saw her beautiful smile, he couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Master Xin and the others are normal reactions. I am not. As for me, I am easily affected by the emotions around me. At that time, my comrades in arms were fighting against gluttonous gluttons without fear of death. Think of something else."

Qiangwei looked at Tang Ming, blinked her eyes, suddenly approached Tang Ming, and asked softly, "Should we develop the angel gene in your body now?"


Before Tang Ming could regain his senses, a soft touch came from his lips.

Chapter 361 Su Xiaoli and other newcomers

After the Battle of Tianhe, the country recruited many new recruits to join the Xiongbing Company. Those were four new faces, all of them beautiful women.

Tang Ming didn't know why super genes were basically inherited by beautiful girls.The Xiongbing Company had 9 people before, plus 4 new recruits, and finally broke through to 13.

Tang Ming and Xin Zhao were sent to teach the four newcomers.To be honest, Tang Ming faced a lot of pressure when facing the four newcomers.

Because one of the charming women named Su Xiaoli seemed to have a past and present story with Sun Wukong, so Brother Monkey retreated and ran back to Huaguo Mountain without coming back.

"Su Xiaoli."

"I'm here."

"To respond, and you stood up straight for me, standing crooked, do you think you were dancing!"

Su Xiaoli glanced at Tang Ming, and his charming eyes suddenly seemed to discharge Tang Ming.Tang Ming was unmoved at all, staring at her blankly.

Next to Xin Zhao, who couldn't see it, he touched Tang Ming with his hand, and whispered in a low voice: "Xiao Lun, what are you doing, there are beautiful women, why are you so fierce."

Tang Ming was unmoved and stared at Su Xiaoli directly.

Su Xiaoli pouted, and finally stood up straight.

Seeing her standing up straight, Tang Ming shouted again, "Su Xiaoli."

Su Xiaoli immediately stood up straight, looked straight ahead, and shouted softly, "Here!"

Tang Ming nodded with satisfaction, looked at the roster in his hand, and continued to chant his name, "Wei Ying."

With a single ponytail, the valiant beauty immediately stood up straight and shouted, "Arrived!"

"He Weilan!"


"Li Feifei!"


"Very well, I'm Ge Xiaolun from the Xiongbing Company. This is Xin Zhao. Next, the two of us will train you! Do you have any questions?"

Tang Ming Zheng Sheng said to the four beauties.

Su Xiaoli immediately raised his hand, "Report, I have a problem."

Tang Ming looked at her and frowned, "What's the problem?"

"I heard that there is Sun Wukong in the Xiongbing Company, where is Sun Wukong? Why haven't I seen him?"

"He has returned to Huaguo Mountain."


Su Xiaoli responded in disappointment.

Tang Ming looked at the others and asked, "What about the rest of you, do you have any questions?"

Wei Ying and the others looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

"No problem, then give me swimming training in the sea, and you have to swim until I order you to come up!"


"Ah what, hurry up!"

Tang Ming's face was stern, unmoved by their beauty, and he played an unselfish instructor to life!

Under Tang Ming's powerful eyes, Su Xiaoli and the others had no choice but to jump into the sea unwillingly and start swimming training.

"Xiao Lun, bullshit!"

After Su Xiaoli and the others went into the sea, Xin Zhao suddenly hammered Tang Ming and smiled, "Facing the four beauties, they are so unselfish."

Tang Ming smiled slightly and said:

"The army has the discipline of the army. When you join our company, you have to fight aliens. Now, be stricter with them, and you can make them bleed less on the battlefield."

"By the way, are Yao and Leina still arguing?" Tang Ming asked suddenly.

Xin Zhao sighed, "It's arguing. It seems that Yao's home tens of thousands of years ago was destroyed by the people of Planet Reina, so I don't know why, recently their conflict broke out."

"Isn't it still good before? Why did Qi Lin and I go out on a mission and come back like this."

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