
Tang Ming frowned slightly, his expression became serious, "Morgana again?"

"Well, I originally thought that our enemy was only gluttonous, but now it seems that there are more than that. The Morgana we met before seems to want to cause trouble on our earth."

Speaking of Morgana, Liu Chuang also put away his relaxed look. After all, he has faced Morgana directly and knows what kind of terrifying character she is.

"Hey" Tang Ming sighed.

"Why is this rogue here?"

Suddenly, He Weilan among the newcomers frowned, looked at Liu Chuang with disgust and said.

Liu Chuang followed the sound, and when he saw the familiar face, he frowned slightly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"What, you know each other?"

Xin Zhao asked curiously.

"Hmph, why don't you know me?"

He Weilan snorted coldly, turned her head slightly, and looked disgusted and didn't want to see Liu Chuang.

"Hey, big sister. I used to be a big brother in society, but I'm not a big brother now. I'm a soldier."

Seeing He Weilan's disgusted look, Liu Chuang couldn't help but defend himself.

"Rogues can also become soldiers? Don't make me laugh. If you can correct it so easily, how many times have you entered our bureau?"

After hearing Liu Chuang's defense, He Weilan just sneered and didn't believe it at all.

"Hey, I"

Liu Chuang was stunned and had nothing to say, and stretched out his hand to defend himself, but what He Weilan said was true, he opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say at all, so he could only put down his hand helplessly and despondently.

A look of helplessness appeared on the tough face.

"It seems that there is a little prejudice between you."

Tang Ming spoke.He looked at He Weilan and asked, "Were you a policeman before?"


He Weilan glanced at Tang Ming, folded his hands subconsciously and said, "I used to work in the police station of Juxia City. During my tenure, I caught this bastard a dozen times! I was wondering a while ago, why didn't this The guy’s alarm message has come, so it turns out he’s here to be a soldier.”

Tang Ming and others couldn't help looking at Liu Chuang while He Weilan was explaining.Sure enough, Liu Chuang was blushed by He Weilan's words, lowered his head, and was speechless.

After He Weilan finished speaking, Tang Ming asked again: "Then you and Qilin should have been colleagues before?"

He Weilan shook her head, "No, the police districts we are in charge of are not the same. But I have heard of her."

Tang Ming raised his eyebrows, "Qi Lin is so famous?"

"Police girl, she has good marksmanship. She has a great reputation among our police officers." He Weilan said.

"Okay, I know the ins and outs."

Tang Ming heard about it, and he also knew why He Weilan had such a big prejudice against Liu Chuang.

"Before Liu Chuang, he was indeed not a good person. But if you want to say that he is really bad, that's not enough. Now Liu Chuang is my comrade-in-arms. In the previous battle with aliens, Liu Chuang killed himself with all his strength. Killed more than a dozen gluttons. He defended our Tianhe City and our people. So he is my comrade in arms. He is also a soldier of our country."

"People are going to change."

"The great man told us a long time ago that we should look at things from the perspective of development. The same is true for people. Liu Chuang was indeed a big brother and a gangster before, but now he has changed."

"He has faith."

"He is a Chinese soldier with faith! He Weilan, let me ask you now, do you have any doubts about his identity as a soldier?"

He Weilan looked at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming looked at her calmly.

When He Weilan met Tang Ming's eyes, she was defeated. She turned her head and said awkwardly: "I have also joined the Xiongbing Company now. If you say he is a soldier, I will see it with my own eyes."

"Then try to stay, and then use your own eyes to see if Liu Chuang is a soldier of our country." Tang Ming said.

"Wait, instructor, I have a question."

"What's your problem, Su Xiaoli?"

Tang Ming looked at Su Xiaoli who raised his hand to ask a question.

"Instructor, did you just mean that we might be eliminated and go back the same way?"

Tang Ming nodded.

"Of course. If you can't even meet the training standards, wouldn't sending you to the battlefield send you to die? So, as long as any of you fails to pass the training, we will send her back the same way."

"That's it."

After the four newcomers heard Tang Ming's words, their expressions changed slightly in thought.

"Okay, you guys go to training. Today's training content is still swimming in the sea, and the rules remain the same. As long as I don't order it, you have to keep swimming."


The four beauties trotted and jumped into the sea to swim.

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