"The power of the galaxy appeared on the earth for some reason, and then found Reina before us"

"The power of the galaxy? Didn't the power of the galaxy go to Frazier with the angel? If he wants to return to Earth from Frazier, it will take the earth a few months, right?"

"Theoretically so."

"Then how did the power of the galaxy appear on Earth?"

"I don't know."


"Then shall we continue to hunt Reina?"

"Can you beat the power of the galaxy?"

"Can't beat"

"That's a fart! Hurry up and let me inform them! Try to avoid the power of the galaxy for me!"


Looking at the empty supermarket, Qiangwei sighed softly, then approached the shelves, and put all the unexpired food, drinks, and daily necessities into her exclusive space one by one.

Qiangwei wandered around the supermarket until she had collected and scraped all the items that could be used, then she came out, stepped on her special motorcycle, hit the accelerator, and headed towards the place where Ducao and the others were temporarily stationed. rush to.

Army station.

In a tent that was set up, Ducao and some senior military officials were having a meeting.

"We're here now, and it might be another week before we get to the North Star."

A general pointed to a circled location on the map and said.

Another general sighed, and said, "Unfortunately, the Juxia needs to maintain vigilance in the South China Sea, and the traffic on land has been destroyed, otherwise we will reach the North Star in a day."

Ducao chuckled, and said, "It's just another long march. Our current conditions are much better than those during the long march."

"Chief, Qiangwei is back."

At this time, a correspondent opened the tent and walked in to report.

"Rose is back?"

Ducao smiled and nodded, "Then let her come over."

"Yes, Chief."

In the barracks, Qiangwei handed over the items she collected to the comrades in the logistics department, while looking into the distance, whispering softly

"I heard that Xiao Lun went to find Leina, but I don't know if I found it."

"I don't know if Xiao Lun found Reina."

Qilin asked softly as she struck a match in the bonfire.Her black and white pupils reflected the flames of the bonfire, shining brightly.

"Hey, it would be great if the dark communication can still be used."

Liu Chuang said with a sigh.

Ruimeng comforted Qilin and said, "Don't worry, sister Qilin, Xiaolun will definitely find sister Leina."

"Yes, Qilin, don't worry."

He Weilan smiled confidently: "The instructor is so good, I will definitely find Leina. Don't worry too much."


Qilin pursed her lips and nodded, she didn't know that Xiao Lun was very powerful, she didn't need to worry at all, but she was worried about what he would do.

Looking at the dilapidated cars on the street and the gunpowder smoke everywhere, Tang Ming and Leina frowned while walking on the streets of the city.

"Here's a fight"

"Is it a demon, or a glutton?"

"It's gluttonous."

Tang Ming said burningly.In this city, he sensed the aura left by Taotie, "However, the Taotie here seems to have retreated."

Reina looked around and saw no one, she asked, "Are there any living people in this city?"

"Yes, why not."

Tang Ming walked to the road on the left, "Follow me, I can sense Lord Xin's aura."

"Xin Zhao? Xin Zhao is here?"

Reina said with some surprise.I just talked about Xin Zhao last night, I didn't expect to meet him when I came to this city the next day, Lena felt a little strange.

Chapter 376 Meeting Xin Zhao Burning Heart

Sure enough, Tang Ming took Leina to find Xin Zhao, but beside Xin Zhao, there was a person that neither Tang Ming nor Leina expected, uh, or an angel.

"Lord Faith!"

"Xiao Lun!"

The two men hugged each other happily.The women beside them were looking at each other.

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