"Is it true that Carl's pervert was right?"

Thinking about whether to go to Carl and ask, Morgana felt that the timing was not right, after all, she had just killed her own sister with Carl.

Morgana didn't want to have any connection with Carl at this time.

"Forget it, I'll go and see for myself."

Morgana recovered from her contemplation, looked at Ato under the throne, and said, "Ato, I'm going to visit Earth, you can take care of me at home, don't let those newcomers cause me trouble everywhere!"

"Yes, Queen!"

Space, in a gluttonous battleship.

Taotie's executives responded to the call of King Taotie and are now sitting around the conference room, as if they were going to have a meeting.

"You should all know that just when we were about to cooperate with Morgana and give the earth a heavy blow, the power of the galaxy came back."

The gluttonous king's mechanical voice resounded in the conference room. He sat on the throne with one hand on his head and looked at the generals below.

"The power of the galaxy is the god of the earth. He once smashed the holy Kaisha into molecules on the Giant Gorge. What do you think, when the power of the galaxy returns, what should we do?"

Faced with the question of howling, the generals looked at each other, unable to find a good word to answer for a while.

Most of them supported the retreat of Taotie at the beginning, and it was the courage of King Taotie that allowed them to continue to linger in the solar system.

Now, the gluttonous king asked them what to do?

Continuing to insist on the original retreat speech, will it be crushed into slag by the gluttonous king's courage?The generals really don't dare to gamble.

The gluttonous king was not in a hurry, just leaned on the throne and watched them communicate silently below.

"My lord, I, I received a piece of information before"

Suddenly, a gluttonous general swallowed and opened his mouth, only to see him unfold a message and a map of the earth in front of him and everyone.

"The intelligence said that the Xiongbing Company is rushing to the North Star, the capital of China. Where are they going to meet and discuss how to deal with our invasion."


The gluttonous king choked up slightly and nodded to the name, "Go on, how can we use this information?"

"I think so"

The gluttonous general paused slightly, seeing that everyone's attention was on him, and smiled with satisfaction before continuing.

"If the soldiers are gathered together to form a force, we can't deal with it at all, let alone, they have a god like the power of the galaxy."

"So, I don't think we can fight them head-on, we have to continue the "war avoidance" tactics that the king said earlier. "

He nodded and motioned the general to continue, talking about the "war avoidance" tactic that he didn't even know about, "Please explain this "war avoidance" tactic to others. "

The general really got on the road, looked around, and explained, "Your Majesty's 'war avoidance' tactics are very subtle.The core of this tactic is to avoid the power of the galaxy and avoid the company of heroes. "

"So, we can't put the main battlefield on the Huaxia battlefield with the heroic company, we have to avoid them."

Speaking of this, the gluttonous general zoomed in on the map of the earth and pointed at other continents, "We should place the battlefield in these places. Through the wars in these areas, we will differentiate the heroic companies."

"There are only male soldiers on earth, but at present the number of male soldiers is less than [-] people. They must divide their troops to deal with us. Except for the power of the galaxy, other male soldiers can kill them as long as we use the crowd tactics. !"

"These are the core ideas of the king's "war avoidance" tactics, the king is wise! "

After the gluttonous general finished speaking, he looked at the throne with admiration without any attitude, and sighed calmly.

Howl nodded stiffly, "Yes, that's what I thought, everyone, hurry up and implement the "war avoidance" tactics. "

It turns out that I'm such a bully, I can be called a tactician master

As he watched the gluttonous generals leave, he felt a little absurd in his heart.To be honest, he doesn't know this tactic at all.

Chapter 378 Arrival and Invasion!

After more than a week, Tang Ming and the others finally arrived at the North Star.

They were the last of the male company to arrive.

Therefore, when Tang Ming and others were about to arrive, almost everyone came to greet them.

"Oh my god, you guys are finally here." Liu Chuang's unique voice from the northeast sounded first, and he said with a smile: "We came early, but the flowers are almost gone after waiting. Tonight, we have to pay a penalty, a penalty. what."

"No problem, no problem."

Tang Ming responded with a smile, "If you don't get drunk, you won't go home tonight!"

"Xiao Lun"

"Ah, Qiangwei, is there no danger on your way here?"

"No, how about you?"


"Alright, alright, don't stand here."

Seeing a large group of people standing there chatting, Dukao couldn't help but clapped his hands and smiled: "Go in quickly. We have prepared a dinner party specially for you."


"Hey, Reina, what are you doing standing there?"

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