Zhi Xin asked again: "There is one more question. According to the information I have collected, you, as the power of the galaxy, have the ability to resist the void, but so far, you seem to only use that strange space power and that Haven't you developed your Anti-Void yet?"


Tang Ming blinked, "You first explain to me what anti-void is. I've always heard what void is, but I don't know what void is."

Zhixin said: "Void, let me take a look. According to your theory of the earth, it is a latitude. Your anti-void ability is to be able to grasp the power of this latitude, thus violating the regular laws of reality and realizing some unreasonable things. matter."

"Is that so?"

Tang Ming stretched out his hand suddenly, and a cloud of water condensed on his hand. However, Zhi Xin was surprised to find that the water in Tang Ming's hand exuded a terrifying high temperature. When he said that it was a ball of flame, Zhi Xin believed it.

"So you already developed it?"

Zhi Xin's eyes turned silvery white, and when she couldn't analyze how Tang Ming did it, she couldn't help but wondered: "How did you do it? I was still thinking, you might not be able to control this ability, you need me to Your subbiological engine will help you."

Tang Ming dispersed the water ball in his hand, raised his eyebrows, "Secondary biological engine?"

"I am equipped with a sub-biological engine, also known as a void engine, and can use the power of the void at the same time, but it can't be as simple as it seems to you, I still need um. Coding, calculation, to do it."

Zhi Xin explained.

"What did you mean just now, that your secondary biological engine can help me fully grasp the power of anti-void?" Tang Ming asked again.

"Let's put it this way, my secondary biological engine is equivalent to 0 in the void, and your anti-void is equivalent to 1, just like the binary on the earth. By combining my secondary biological engine and your anti-void, The power to change the world can be encoded."

"I see"

Tang Ming touched his chin.

In fact, he had sensed the anti-void power before, but unfortunately, because he didn't understand it, he only extracted a conceptual weapon with the power of judgment from this power, the final judgment blade.

It was not until today that Tang Ming understood the power hidden in his body from Zhi Xin's mouth.

According to Zhi Xin's explanation, if you want to use this power, you need to code it, and use scientific knowledge to use it.

But Tang Ming felt that this power was actually very idealistic, not to mention that he still had chaotic spiritual power in his body, and using chaotic spiritual power to drive anti-void could completely ignore the saying that knowledge is power.

This is also the reason why he was able to condense into a group so easily just now, which seemed to violate the conventional water group.

Ideal power

Tang Ming rubbed his chin, suddenly many ideas popped up in his mind, his eyes lit up, and he hurried out of the room.

"Zhi Xin, come with me!"

Zhi Xin frowned suspiciously, stood up and followed Tang Ming.The two walked all the way to the large field in the barracks.

The arrival of the two attracted the attention of many people. They subconsciously slowed down and looked at Tang Ming and the others standing in the center of the venue.

"what are you going to do?"

Zhi Xin couldn't understand what Tang Ming was doing here, so he couldn't help asking.

Tang Ming didn't answer her, but muttered to himself:

"Setting: using metals as nanoscale self-healing metals as building materials"

"Setting: Armor mobile fire weapon laser sword drive mode neuron drive"

Zhi Xin was shocked when he heard it.

At the same time, the sound of gasping for air rang out from all around.

Everyone looked up at the big armor that suddenly appeared on the field. The shape of the armor was like a Transformer, which made everyone stop involuntarily, looked up and was speechless.

The mecha is about eighteen meters high, with a huge body, painted in silver, black, black and white, and the mechanical carapace and metal make it full of mighty and domineering aura!

"Hahaha sure enough, mechs are a man's romance! Let me try."

Tang Ming looked at the tall battle armor he had created out of thin air, his expression a little unbearably excited, he laughed loudly, and flew onto the mecha.

There was a hole in the visor of the mecha, and there was a cabin like a human body inside. Tang Ming flew in, and the human cabin immediately fit his body.

In the next second, he felt that his nerves were connected to the battle mech, as if he had turned into a giant more than ten meters high.It feels very strange.

He opened his eyes, subconsciously raised his hand, and the mecha's hand was immediately raised to his eyes.His movements are synchronized with those of the mecha!

Chapter 381

"what is this?"

Surprised by the noise outside, Ducao quickly came out of the combat command room, and then saw a huge humanoid mech standing in the open space of the barracks. .

"Report to the chief, it seems that Comrade Ge Xiaolun of the Xiongbing Company conjured this up."

The soldier reluctantly turned his eyes back, saluted Ducao first, and then replied with some hesitation.

"Xiao Lun made it?"

Ducao was taken aback, carefully sizing up the tall mecha in the field, and then shouted loudly: "Xiao Lun, did you make this thing?"

Hearing Ducao's shout, Tang Ming looked down at the sidelines and said:

"Chief, I made it up. Don't panic, everyone."

"How did you get this out?"

"It will be unclear for a while"

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