Tang Ming said: "Seventh, this mecha is controlled by neurons, you can just use your mind to control it as usual."

"Let me try"

Wei Laoqi's voice came. Next, Tang Ming and the others watched him like a toddler, driving the Galaxy Light around the wide field.

After he became familiar with walking, Tang Ming taught him how to run, fly, fire fusion laser cannons, and use fusion swords

For three consecutive weeks, Tang Ming has been helping Wei Laoqi master the Light of the Galaxy, and with the deepening of training, Wei Laoqi has become proficient in driving the Light of the Galaxy.

Another week passed, and Wei Laoqi finally fully mastered the Light of the Galaxy. At this time, he was driving the Light of the Galaxy as if he was using his own body, which was very handy.

At the same time, after four weeks, Tang Ming's spiritual power recovered almost.

He quickly made another mech.

This newly built mecha is the same as the Galaxy Light, but the material is much lower grade, and the energy used at the same time is only nuclear power, and it cannot be equipped with a small sun on the chest like Galaxy Light.

After the mecha was built, Tang Ming also had to build the Jiuzhuan Jindan.

Thanks to his efforts, a group of super soldiers who have broken through the limits of human beings have appeared in the army. These soldiers are only fifty people, but all of them are physically strong, and they are the kings of soldiers among the kings of soldiers. It is almost the ceiling of the human beings on earth.

With Wei Laoqi's teaching model, the second soldier who piloted the mecha quickly mastered the driving method, and two weeks later, he met the requirements for entering the battlefield.

The second mecha was named Planet Power by Tang Ming, and the person driving it was Liu Chuang's younger brother, Liu De, a guy with a moustache and a bit of a wretched temperament.

But as the saying goes, people can't look at their appearance, and the sea can't be measured.

Although Liu De looked more like a hooligan than his brother, his will to serve the country and his fighting spirit were comparable to Liu Chuang's. In just two weeks, he completely mastered the power of the planet.

"Seventh, Liu De."

Somewhere on the airport, there were two huge guys standing on the wide runway. One of them was silver, white and black. The metal carapace shone in the sun and was full of powerful pressure; The color is red and gold, the color is very exaggerated and coquettish, but it is equally powerful and domineering.

It is the light of the galaxy and the power of the planets.

Below the two mechas, a group of people are standing.

Dukaao is facing the serious Wei Laoqi and talking to the cynical Liu De.

"Through training, you have completely mastered the light of the galaxy and the power of the planet. Next, we hope that the two of you can go to the battlefield in North America to help the Xiongbing Company and completely drive the gluttons out of the earth!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Wei Laoqi stood up straight and saluted and answered.

Liu De didn't look so serious. His eyes lit up and he said, "Is it finally time for me to debut? I'll show my eldest brother how powerful I am now."

Dukaao didn't care about Liu De's indecent behavior, he continued: "In addition, this time it's not just the two of you who go together, there are also fifty super soldiers, that is, the first team of our heroic company, who will be with you. You go together."

"According to the information sent by Qiangwei and the others, Taotie is currently firmly occupying Georgia and Florida. They cooperated with the US military, but they only brought back a small part of Georgia."

Dukaao looked at Wei Laoqi and Liu De, and then glanced at the fifty black armored soldiers standing straight behind them.

He continued: "We hope that through your participation, especially Lao Qi and Liu De, we hope that you can open up a breakthrough, cooperate with Qiangwei and the others, and drive away the gluttonous in one fell swoop, understand?"


The neat answer resounded through the sky, showing the confidence of the warriors who were about to go on an expedition.

At this moment, Dukao looked at Tang Ming beside him and asked, "Xiao Lun, do you have anything to say?"


Tang Ming stood up and looked at Wei Laoqi and the others.He made eye contact with each soldier, his expression solemn and serious.

"I've always wanted to join the battlefield and drive those alien bastards out of our home! But the aliens, the gluttons, aren't the biggest threat to us. There's one more threat to Earth right now, and that's Morgan Na!"

"That is an evil and powerful god, and the threat of her alone is greater than the threat of the entire gluttonous army. I am not boasting here. At present, the earth can resist and threaten Morgana, only me. "

"So, in order not to let Morgana stretch her evil claws into our China and threaten our people, I can only stay at home and cannot enter the battlefield. I'm not talking nonsense anymore, comrades, we have our own battlefields. , I hope you can defeat your enemies on your own battlefield and return safely at the same time."

"As for me, I'll keep my home and give you a solid and reliable backing!"

Chapter 384 The Soldier Company in the United States

United States, Georgia.

On an unknown farm, the company of soldiers and the American Panthers are stationed here.

"Hey man, what's going on outside now? English" a black man asked, looking at Xin Zhao walking in from outside.

"what did he say?"

Xin Zhao looked at Qiangwei, who was looking at the map, not far away in confusion.

Xin Zhao is a scumbag, and the black people speak with a big accent. He can't understand what the black people are saying.

Qiangwei looked away from the map and glanced helplessly at Xin Zhao and the black man, the vice-captain of the Jaguars, named Jim Baruso.

Qiangwei said, "He asked you what's going on outside. Didn't you just go out to investigate?"

"Then tell him that the situation outside is very bad. I found Taotie's flagship [-] kilometers east of here, and then there is a Taotie stronghold [-] kilometers south."

Xin Zhao said while drinking water.

Rose translated his words to Jim.

Jim's eyes were dignified. He was too dark. Even if his expression changed, only his eyes could see clearly.

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