The laser cannons loaded on the aeroplane immediately lit up, and the [-] aeroplanes illuminated the sky, and the surging energy was condensed crazily.

Yao's eyes condensed, his hands moved, and the soil of the earth rolled up, instantly turning into a thick circular layer of soil that enveloped the entire farm!

"Rose, Reina, hurry up and think!"

Just as Yao raised the earth shield to resist, the gluttonous laser cannon blasted down!


The earth shield above the head trembled, and the earth kept falling.Yao's face is getting more and more ugly, and his consumption is increasing!

"You disperse this thing, and I'll give them a shot!"

Lena shouted.

Qiangwei immediately asked her, "Why didn't you shoot them just now?"

"Don't you know the setting? There is a forward swing when releasing moves!"

Qiangwei looked at the light ball condensed in Reina's hand, and was suddenly speechless.

Yō also saw the light ball in Reina's hand at this time.This light group is surging with the brilliance of the sun, and the energy is overflowing.

"I'll open up for you!"

Yō shouted amidst the deafening cannonade.At the same time, the gesture changed, and a hole was opened on top of Reina's head.

Reina immediately threw the light ball in her hand!


"Hurry up!"

Taotie suddenly saw the light group rising from the bombing smoke, and immediately shouted, and all the aeroplanes spread out to the surrounding.

The light group flew to the middle of the gluttonous array, suddenly burst into light, and exploded in the brilliant light!


Although many gluttons escaped, more than a dozen aeroplanes were still blown up by Reina's light group. Under the extreme high temperature and the aftermath of the explosion, at least more than [-] gluttons died tragically!


The commanding taotie gritted his teeth, he was about to order the remaining taotie to continue to attack, suddenly, a huge golden sword energy swept across from afar!

Commander Taotie only had time to show a horrified look, and the rolling heat brought by the sword energy burned his body and the aeroplane under him to ashes!

The other gluttons couldn't escape this sudden sword qi.I saw the sword swept across with a swish, and flew into the sky in the distance. Everywhere it passed, the gluttonous food turned into ashes!

"What happened? All the gluttons seem to be gone?"

Everyone under the earth shield heard the change outside, and there was a lot of doubts in their hearts.

Yao quietly opened an opening and let Xin Zhao probe out to check.Xin Zhao quietly stretched out his head to look, and saw that the sky was clear and clear, and all the gluttons were gone!

"Taotie seems to be gone?"

Xin Zhao retracted his head and said to the crowd hesitantly.

"how is this possible?"

Qiangwei frowned, "Are they in ambush?"

"Although I really don't want them to be in ambush. But I really can't hold it anymore!"

Following Yao's words, the earth shield covering the entire farm slowly dissipated and turned back to the earth on the ground.And Yao, had collapsed and sat on the ground.

At the moment when the earth shield dissipated, everyone in the Xiongbing Company and the Jaguar Special Forces looked up at the sky with vigilant expressions on their faces.

But just as Xin Zhao said, there is no Taotie figure in the whole sky.

Suddenly, a huge figure gradually grew larger from a distance and flew over.

It was a silver, white, and black mecha. The mighty and domineering figure was under the blue sky, full of mechanics and science fiction.

"Occasionally buy Karma, Occasionally buy Karma!"

"What did I see?"

"Gundam?! Robot?!"

"Or a wanderer?!"

When the members of the special team saw this mecha, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Only everyone in the Xiongbing Company smiled.

"Hahaha, the mecha created by Xiao Lun has finally arrived. According to Xiao Lun, this mecha is even better than Taotie's flagship!"

Liu Chuang smiled as he looked at the mecha flying in the sky.

That is, at this time, the mecha had already flown over the crowd, and then landed in the cornfield not far from the crowd.


The earth trembled.

The kinetic energy of the "Light of the Galaxy" falling on the ground caused the ground to tremble slightly.

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