Tang Ming's expression was a little weird for a moment.

"You are the power of the galaxy?"

Tian Zha descended slowly from the sky with a leisurely demeanor. He didn't mind the soldiers around him pointing guns at him. He looked at Tang Ming with a look full of arrogance.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you are the power of the galaxy, hand over the angel behind you"

Tian Zha moved his fingers bewitchingly, as charming as a woman, squinting at Tang Ming and said, "Perhaps, I can be merciful and spare your lives."

Tang Ming was amused by him.

This is a fucking joke, right?

He looked back at Lingxi amusedly, and asked, "Sister Angel, is this guy hanging?"

Lingxi covered her arms, her face was still a little embarrassed, and she said solemnly: "He is the subordinate of Huaye, the evil god of ancient mythology, and he is very powerful. Our new generation of angels are not their opponents."

"Oh, it seems that there is still some strength."


"What I hate most now is your pretentious crime!"

"Are you awesome?! Awesome show your grandpa!"


Tang Ming's figure disappeared in front of Lingxi in an instant. Before Tian Zha could react at all, he was cursing and smashing Tian Zha's head to the ground.

The ground trembled following Tang Ming's movements.

Soil and dust rose, and Lingxi saw that Tianzha had no strength to resist in Tang Ming's hands, and Tang Ming just pressed his head and smashed the ground, forcing a large and expanding hole on the ground.

Lingxi opened her mouth slightly, dumbfounded!

Tian Zha didn't expect Tang Ming to be so strong, and he was beaten by Tang Ming without any preparation or reaction at all.


Hitting Tian Zha's head on the hard ground for the last time, Tang Ming's palm suddenly burst into dazzling light, the intense energy gathered, and then completely bombarded Tian Zha's head.

A huge beam of light rises!

In the deafening bang, everyone was forced to close their eyes by the burst of light.

When the light dissipated, only Tang Ming was left standing in a big pit with a diameter of three to five meters, and the sky had been blasted to pieces.

Tang Ming jumped out of the big pit.

His power was perfectly controlled, the huge power did not spread to the surroundings, but was restrained by him on Tian Zha's body, and on the premise of not affecting the surrounding people, he killed that disgusting guy.

threaten me?

Threatening me with the lives of my compatriots?

I wonder if I hate this the most since the alien invasion?

If you dare to threaten me, you will die for me!


Tang Ming's complexion was not very good.

In other words, ever since Qilin and the others went to America to fight against gluttony, he could only stay in China alone, frightening Morgana, enjoying the feeling of being threatened all the time, and he felt uncomfortable for a long time.

Today, the slag hit the muzzle of the gun, letting out the dissatisfaction and resentment accumulated in Tang Ming's heart.

Tang Ming walked straight to the meeting room of the barracks and said, "Come with me."

"Huh? Oh"

Seeing Tang Ming's cold face, Lingxi was a little frightened, and didn't dare to say anything more, and followed Tang Ming step by step, covering his shoulders.

When he came to the conference room, Tang Ming motioned Lingxi to sit down, and saw that she was clutching her arms and other injuries were visible on her body, so she couldn't help frowning.Then, without saying much, he raised his right hand and gathered a ball of white light.

Tang Ming threw his right hand, and white light fell on Lingxi's body.

The radiance as thick as milk enveloped Lingxi, Lingxi could only feel a gentle force pouring into her body, this force was constantly repairing the injuries in her body, and she couldn't help moaning a little because of the comfortable feeling.

Three minutes later, Tang Ming used chaotic spiritual power mixed with angelic power to heal Lingxi's injuries.

Tang Ming sat down and asked, "Tell me about it, what happened? What about the slag you mentioned?"

Lingxi first checked his own situation in amazement, then looked at the power of the galaxy, his eyes were pleasantly surprised, and said: "How did you do it?"

"It's a bit troublesome to explain, so please tell me about your situation first."

"Well, my name is Angel Lingxi, and I'm the guardian angel of the second generation. The situation is like this. Sister Yan inherited the position of queen in Merlot Heaven, but she cares about you on Earth, so she sent me, Yitian and Leng , come to support."

"It seems that your journey to Earth is not going well."

Tang Ming looked at Lingxi and said.

Lingxi suddenly became weeping, lowered her head, and said:

"Well. We met the evil god Hua Ye and the angel Ruoning in ancient mythology outside the earth's atmosphere. Then under the attack of the angel Ruoning and Tianza, Yitian sacrificed, and Leng dragged me alone to let me escape. Ruoning," Lingxi said intermittently, but Tang Ming grasped the key information keenly.

"An ancient myth, the evil god Hua Ye?"

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