Moving in the latitude of time and space is a very wonderful experience.It was a kind of movement on the time axis. Tang Ming moved all the way and saw the picture of Kaisha and Liang Bing turning against each other, and then saw the picture of Lieyang Star invading the earth and destroying [-] cities.

Such movement is not linear, but erratic and directionless.

Tang Ming not only saw what happened in the past, but also what might happen in the future.For example, he saw the picture of himself and Qilin Qiangwei getting married. Just as he was about to take a closer look, he suddenly saw a big fat boy running over shouting "Dad, Daddy", and Qilin was chasing after him with a woman's hairstyle. on.

Is that my son? !

Tang Ming was stunned, and he had already reached the depths of the latitude of time and space.There is a huge vortex hovering here. In the center of the vortex, there is an empty nothingness, with no time and no space.

All the images of time and space faded like a tide, and Tang Ming had already arrived at his destination.

Chapter 408 Time and space have degrees, only love is eternal.

The solar system hidden by Tang Ming in the latitude of time and space can be accessed, but it needs to use the light wing feathers left by Tang Ming.

Therefore, after watching the explanatory video recorded by Tang Ming, Hexi and others were not worried that Tang Ming had left a sufficient amount of light wing feathers.

On the other side, Tang Ming looked at the huge void vortex and plunged into it.

Like a drop of rain falling into a silent pool.This place is empty, lonely, and nothingness. The clothes on Tang Ming's body were assimilated and dissolved the moment he entered.

"Is this the void?"

Tang Ming perceives his surroundings. There is no light, no matter, and no concept here. All things and concepts in the known universe will be assimilated and dissolved into nothingness when they fall into this latitude.

Void is 0, spacetime is 1.

The two are equal in hierarchy.

Tang Ming had already entered the super-dimensional mode, and the latitude form of the same level had prevented the void from assimilating him.

"Void is the ultimate fear, and the ultimate fear is the void, so it is"

When he really entered the void, Tang Ming understood the essence of ultimate fear.

Suddenly, Tang Ming felt a throbbing from the Chaos Bead fragments in the depths of his soul, and along with this throbbing, a little spiritual light floated in the void.

This is very surprising.

In the void, there is no concept of existence. Except for the super-dimensional existence of the same level as Tang Ming, everything else cannot exist here.

However, the Chaos Pearl is the ultimate treasure of Chaos, and it is a higher-level existence above any concept.Therefore, the "nothingness" of the void cannot act on the "Chaos Orb Fragment".

This aura instantly entered Tang Ming's soul and merged with the other two Chaos Orb fragments.It was at this time that the Hunyuan Daojing, which had been running automatically in Tang Ming's body, broke through again and reached the perfect state of ten weeks.

This breakthrough made the golden lotus appear in the void, and the sky and the earth reopened.The rumbling void even began to tremble and vibrate because it couldn't bear such a promotion.

In the known universe, Carl suddenly discovered that all the black holes he was monitoring were twisting and vibrating, as if something was about to spew out of the strange cosmic scene.

"what happened?"

Karl walked out of the castle and looked at the starry sky above his head, surprised and confused, "Why are all the black holes in the universe shaking, such a scene has never been seen before."

"Is it related to the power of the galaxy?" Carl guessed.

in some mysterious place.

An old Taoist who was sitting cross-legged on a futon suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a heavenly secret in his eyes, all things grew, and the fire of the sky has come to the world, and all living beings are charred.

The old Taoist calculated with his fingers, frowning in thought.

"It's weird, the secrets of the sky are revealed, nine is the extreme number, ten is perfect, and there is a great power born here, why can't we find out?"

The old Taoist suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Could it be?"

Thinking of that, the old Taoist closed his mouth abruptly, closed his eyes and continued to study Zen and enlightenment.

Tang Ming returned to Earth.

At that time, Tang Ming suddenly hid the entire solar system in the latitude of time and space, which really startled the whole world, thinking that some aliens were going to attack.

Fortunately, Xiong Bing Company edited Tang Ming's video and released it, so that people around the world knew the truth and felt a lot more at ease.

However, the country is at ease.Inexplicably abroad, a trend of thought and parade of "going to the power of the galaxy" was born.

They believe that the existence of the power of the galaxy has threatened the safety of the earth, and the power of the galaxy has the terrifying power to deprive others of life at any time.

Based on this, they believe that the power of the galaxy must be limited, and it is best for China to hand over the power of the galaxy and let the international community supervise it.

Ha ha

The domestic leaders naturally ignored these foreign idiots, and just seized the time to absorb the technology brought by Angels and Lieyang Star, and worked hard to strengthen themselves.

"Xiao Lun, you are back."

Xin Zhao was also the first of all to discover Tang Ming.When he saw Tang Ming appear at the entrance of the research base, he was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward.

"Where have you been before?" he asked.

Tang Ming said: "I went to the void."

"Void? You went to the void?!" He Xi suddenly interjected, staring closely at Tang Ming.

Tang Mingchao smiled at her and nodded.

At this time, other people also gathered around, Zhi Xin, those who knew about the void, were all looking at Tang Ming at this time.

Hexi asked, "Since you went to the void, can you tell us what the void is like?"

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