The Taoist laughed and said: "Why should I follow? The snake demon is here, and the senior who is flying through the clouds is not here, so I should be diligent in Taoism!"

Why do you know?

It turned out that when Tang Ming flew to Yongzhou City with Xiaobai Tengyun, he was accidentally seen by officers and soldiers who were searching for Xiaobai on the ground.The officers and soldiers reported to the Taoist priest. When he reported to the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest had two intentions and reported false news to his master, and he took more than a dozen cronies to Yongzhou City.

What the Taoist priest originally thought was to find the snake demon and the senior Taoist priest who was soaring through the clouds. The senior who flew through the clouds and mist helped him catch the snake demon.

Then, he pretended to take the Snake Demon Guild Master back to his life and bid farewell to the senior Taoist priest who flew through the clouds and mists. On the way, he could absorb the essence of the Snake Demon with peace of mind.

This strategy, the Taoist priest has practiced many times in his heart when he came, and he already felt that it was seamless.Unexpectedly, when I came to this Buddhist pagoda, I saw only two snake demons, a snake catcher, but the senior who was flying through the clouds and fog was not there.

The Taoist was overjoyed, it would be better if the senior was not there.

Therefore, the Taoist priest pondered for a while, then spoke directly, and walked out of the dark place, thinking about taking down the two snake demons and practicing the Taoism diligently.Unexpectedly, this snake catcher still has brute force, and he was accidentally beaten and injured by his punch.

But at this time, the Taoist priest has put away his careless heart.

He seduced Tang Ming with his words, and when he saw that Tang Ming was thinking because of his own words, he was unable to concentrate, and suddenly burst out, like a poisonous snake in the shadow, the Taoist priest flew out of golden thousand paper cranes, densely packed, like bees dispatched!

"go to hell!"

Chapter 419 The Power of Karma and Merit

The Taoist priest made a seal on his fingers, and the golden thousand paper cranes flying in the air flew out a golden thread, and the golden thread seemed to pierce the air.

There was already joy in the eyes of the Taoist priest. In his opinion, a snake catcher, even with some brute force, would definitely not be able to escape his attack!

However, the next second, the joy in the Taoist priest's eyes froze.

Only hearing a series of "ding ding ding" sounds, all the golden threads shot by Qian Zhihe were blocked by a spiritual barrier.The golden thread couldn't pierce Tang Ming's spiritual barrier at all, and when it hit the spiritual barrier, it only made a pleasant sound.

Tang Ming smiled, but the Taoist priest looked blank.

The next moment, the Taoist priest reacted, and he shouted: "You are not a snake catcher, you are the practitioner who knows how to fly through the clouds!"



"what why?"

"Why are you a cultivator dressed like a snake catcher?" The Taoist priest's eyes were full of puzzlement. If it wasn't for Tang Ming's clothes, why would he miss him.

Tang Ming shrugged, "Who said snake catchers couldn't be cultivators?"

The priest's face was ugly.

Since this snake catcher is the cultivator who is flying through the clouds and driving the fog, he is definitely not an opponent with his current Taoism. Can't he pierce the opponent's defense without seeing the magic weapon he is proud of?

The Taoist priest rolled his eyes, suddenly fell to his knees, and said, "The villain has eyes but no pearls, and did not recognize the true face of the senior. It was a misunderstanding just now, and I asked the senior to spare the villain's life."

Tang Ming was a little surprised. He laughed and was about to speak when Xiao Qing came to his side and said with a smile, "You little Taoist is a good man who knows the times. When you can't beat him, you immediately kneel down, giggling."

The purple-robed Taoist knelt on the ground, ignoring Xiaoqing at all, just looking at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming said: "Let me ask you, where is your master, the national teacher, at this time."

The Taoist bowed down and said, "Tomorrow we should go to Snake Catching Village."

On the other side, in the demon cave of the snake tribe.

A snake demon said: "Master, we haven't seen Xiaoqing and Xiaobai come back, and there is no news of Tokiwa. Have they already betrayed us?"

"Yeah, I feel betrayed, otherwise why haven't I come back?"

"Then Xiaoqing and Xiaobai don't act with us on weekdays, and they never eat the captured humans, so they're not going with us at all."

Other snake demons also talked about it, and some snake demons used Xiaoqing and Xiaobai's old style to talk.

At this moment, the golden snake crawled in from the outside, and then showed its figure, half human and half snake, with a horrified expression towards the snake mother on the high platform, and reported: "Master, I saw the team of the national teacher is heading towards the mother. Come to Snake Catching Village, I guess you can arrive tomorrow!"

The face of the snake mother changed, and the snake coiled on her head made a rapid hiss. She asked, "Did you see clearly? Is it the team of the national teacher?"

The golden snake said: "I see clearly, it is the team of the national teacher!"

The snake mother's eyes were cold for a moment, and she wondered: "Why did the national teacher suddenly come to capture snake village? Did Xiaobai and Xiaoqing really betray? They reported our hiding place to the national teacher, so the national teacher Will you come to the Snake Catching Village?"

The snake demons below were all looking up at the snake mother. In their opinion, it was definitely Xiaoqing and Xiaobai who betrayed them.Otherwise, why would the national teacher come to Snake Catching Village?It must be the national teacher who learned of their hiding place from Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, and only came here.

The snake mother suddenly looked at the snake monsters below, and said coldly: "It seems that there are indeed traitors among us! Rather than sitting here and waiting to die, let's rush out and fight with the national master to break the net!"

"Master is right! We have to kill the traitor! Destroy the Snake Village!"

Mother Snake said: "Remove the traitors, kill the national teacher, and destroy the snake village!"

"Remove the traitors, kill the national teacher, and kill the snake village!"

"Remove the traitors, kill the national teacher, and kill the snake village!"

"Remove the traitors, kill the national teacher, and kill the snake village!"

The snake demon was excited, and the slogan resounded throughout the demon cave.On the high platform, the snake mother showed a strange smile for some reason.

"Uh! Why, why"

"Because of your karma"

Tang Ming's eyes seemed to frighten Xiaoqing a little. She looked at the purple-robed Taoist priest who was slowly scattered in the karmic fire, and her body shivered.

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