Xiaoqing and Xiaobai looked around. There are many stone peaks here. Although the soil quality is good, there are many gravels in the soil. Is it really suitable for growing rice?

Tang Ming saw the doubts of the two, and said with a smile: "Don't forget, I am a person with magic power. As long as this place is modified, I can definitely grow rice, vegetables, fruits, etc. Hey, I don't understand it either, obviously it is A world where miracles can be created everywhere, but no one has ever thought of using power to transform it and make it better."

Xiao Bai pondered for a while, then followed Tang Ming's thoughts, her expression was surprised by Tang Ming's thoughts.

Throughout the ages, whether it is monsters, humans, or gods and Buddhas, they only want to ascend to immortality, or use their mana to fight fiercely. They have never thought of using their own mana and practice to change This world, for the benefit of all creatures in this world.

"Can it be done?"

After Xiaobai figured it out, she looked at Tang Ming hesitantly. She also has mana, but can mana really do what she imagined?She has some doubts about this.

Tang Ming smiled confidently: "Of course it can be done. Look after you." After speaking, Tang Ming took Xiaobai and Xiaoqing to a stone peak.

As I said before, in this world, Tang Ming's spiritual power can easily move the world and change reality.Just like going into a supermarket to buy something, as long as Tang Ming pays spiritual power to the world, the world will change according to his wishes.

This is what Tang Ming did at this moment, and Xiaobai and Xiaoqing didn't see Tang Ming making any unnecessary movements, they only saw endless magic power gushing out from him, and then the land under Shifeng began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

I saw the land being refurbished, and acres of fertile land were drawn squarely on the land outside Snake Village.Pieces of gravel from the land flew into the sky, and under Tang Ming's operation, winding paths and stone paths were paved between fertile fields.

With a wave of Tang Ming's hand, the water of the great river rushing from Yongzhou City flowed into the fertile fields along a newly-appeared canal.In just a few breaths, the land with a radius of ten miles shone brightly, turning into an acre of square and beautiful fertile land.

After finishing all this, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing slightly opened their cherry mouths in surprise, while Tang Ming smiled relaxedly and contentedly.

"Look, for ordinary people to do such a huge project, it may take several generations to do it, but for those of us with mana to do it, it is almost a matter of breathing."

Xiaoqing looked at Tang Ming as if she was looking at a monster.Seeing the relaxed expression on Tang Ming's face, she couldn't help but said: "My sister and I also have mana, but we can't change the world with a single gesture like you."

Tang Ming said with a smile: "I can't do it now, but I will naturally be able to do it when I improve my practice in the future."

On the other side, everyone in Snake Village was shocked by Tang Ming's great supernatural powers.Although they were dumbfounded by the shock before, whether it was transforming into a giant, or killing the national teacher and the giant python with a wave of their hands, none of them were as shocking as the magnificent scene of changing the world at this time.

"Xu, Xu Xuan, is this Xu Xuan?"

The previous Xu Xuan was just a timid young man who was afraid of snakes and had some whimsical ideas.Now, however, he showed a god-like mighty power, which made everyone in Snake Village unbelievable and deeply doubted in their hearts.

"Is he now a demon or a god?"

In addition to the philosophical proposition of whether Xu Xuan is Xu Xuan, everyone in Snake Village is also wondering about Xu Xuan's identity at this time.

Chapter 425 Brother-in-law!

"Are you Xu Xuan?"

So, when Tang Ming took Xiaobai and Xiaoqing back to Snake Village, an uncle flinched and asked Tang Ming.

Tang Ming was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Of course I am Xu Xuan. Uncle Liu, did you forget? I accidentally fell while picking herbs and got injured. You carried me to Yongzhou City for treatment."

Uncle Liu who was asking the question suddenly smiled, and the others were also relieved.This is indeed Xu Xuan.

"Then Xu Xuan, how did you suddenly become so powerful? You look like a god." Another villager asked.

Tang Ming naturally woke up with Su Huijue and said.

His situation is the same as Su Hui's awakening.

After hearing Tang Ming's explanation, everyone in Snake Village finally understood.Although they were ordinary people, they also knew that once Su Hui woke up, they no longer doubted anything.

However, Uncle Gao looked at Xiaobai and Xiaoqing with a fearful expression and said, "Xu Xuan, these two are snake demons, what are you bringing them to the village for?"

The others also looked at Xiaobai and Xiaoqing in fear.

Because the two were leaning against Tang Ming, even though the villagers no longer doubted Tang Ming, they all stayed away from Tang Ming, for fear that Xiaobai and Xiaoqing would show their demon bodies and eat them all.

Tang Mingdao: "This is Xiaobai and Xiaoqing. Although they are snake monsters, they are good monsters and will not harm people."

An old lady said: "How can a monster not harm people?"

This is a deep-rooted concept.

In the eyes of these villagers, all monsters are bad and cannibals.So even if Xiaobai and Xiaoqingsheng were as beautiful as flowers, like fish and wild goose, with ethereal celestial appearance, they were still fearful and vigilant.

Xiaoqing frowned and said, "Is all human beings good?"

Xiaobai pulled her, "Xiaoqing"

Tang Ming looked at the villagers, sighed, and said, "Uncles and aunts and sisters-in-law. Just listen to me. Not all monsters are born bad. They have emotions and souls just like us. With wisdom, except for the difference in body shape, there is actually not much difference between us humans and their monsters."

"As long as there are good and bad people among human beings, monsters will naturally have good monsters and bad monsters. When encountering bad monsters, we naturally have to punish rape and eliminate evil, and be extremely vigilant. But when encountering good monsters, we must also learn to let go of prejudice. Since we can Why don’t we get to know each other first?”

After Tang Ming made a long speech, the villagers were silent if you looked at me and I looked at you.

The education they received from childhood told them that all monsters in this world are bad, evil, and dangerous; now it is difficult for them to accept that some monsters are good and just like human beings.

Seeing that the villagers didn't respond to his words, Tang Ming shook his head.This situation has been expected for a long time, so I am not very discouraged now.He said loudly to the villagers: "I have transformed the land outside the village into good fields for growing rice and vegetables. Everyone can divide the cultivation by themselves. Let's come here first today. I will take these two girls and leave first."

After all, Tang Ming summoned the clouds and used the technique of flying the clouds and driving the fog, and was going to take Xiaobai and Xiaoqing to the wooden house on the back mountain to rest.Suddenly, a little yellow dog sprang out, jumped up and down, and "barked" anxiously.

"Ha, bellyband! Are you coming with us?"

Tang Ming grinned when he saw Dudou.

Dudou nodded and barked twice.Tang Ming exerted his spiritual power, let the belly pocket fly to the clouds, and nodded to the villagers. Tang Ming carried the clouds, took Xiaobai Xiaoqing and the belly pocket, and flew to the wooden house on the mountainside.

The villagers watched Tang Ming and the others fly away blankly. After a long time, old uncle Gao sighed and asked, "What should we do now?"

Old Uncle Zhang said: "What else can we do? Now that the national teacher is dead, the tyranny of catching snakes and paying taxes is gone. And the snake monsters in the mountains are all dead here today. How can we catch snakes? We can only listen to Xu Xuan , to plant the fertile fields outside the village.”

Old Uncle Yu glanced at the fertile fields outside the village, counted them silently, and then said: "I took a rough look and found that there are about a thousand acres of fertile fields outside the village. If they are divided equally, every household in the village can It's more than ten acres."

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