The soldiers saw Tang Ming coming with Old Uncle Zhang on the clouds, and their eyes were full of surprise.However, they were very disciplined, and they quickly suppressed this surprise, and they didn't talk to each other.

This army is not easy

Tang Ming motioned for Uncle Zhang to return to the village, while feeling the discipline of the court soldiers.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Yuankong has seen the Taoist priest."

Before Tang Ming could speak, the charitable and kind-hearted old monk spoke first.He looked at Tang Ming, his dissatisfied wrinkled face was kind and kind, as if the Buddha was alive, full of spiritual light.

"I have seen the abbot."

Tang Ming also said hello to Yuankong Abbot.

Abbot Yuankong said: "The one next to me is General Heisha, the commander of the Black Feather Army."

The general of the Tang Ming Dynasty clasped his fists and saluted, "I have seen the general."

Heisha looked at Tang Ming up and down, and said coldly: "Daoist, you are a Taoist, why are you entangled with demons?"

Tang Ming looked at Heisha with a funny look, and said, "I'm entangled with demons, what's the matter with you? Did the Taoist ancestors say that people who cultivate Tao should not be entangled with demons? General, you should help the emperor to take care of the world first, and then take care of it later. It's my business."

"Killing a demon means taking care of the world!"

Heisha's eyes are cold, and his tone is like the north wind in the cold winter, so cold that there is no trace of emotion.

Tang Ming snorted coldly, "Then why do I see the constant wars in the world, and the people are displaced. This war was started by monsters?"

Heisha narrowed his eyes and said, "Does the Taoist want to abandon the human race and join the demon race?"

"Oh, but you're going to give me a big hat?"

Tang Ming sneered, "Let me ask you, when the national master privately promulgated the tyranny of catching snakes for his own selfish desires, and practiced the law that hurts the harmony of the sky, where are you waiting?!"

Black Devil: ""

Tang Ming was unforgiving when he gained power, and said: "Since you are silent, you know the evil of the national teacher. However, as a general of a country, you lead the soldiers, and you do not protect the family and the country, but you condone the evil of the national teacher. You come and ask me if I want to betray the human race? I can go to you to code!"

Tang Ming suddenly took action, and the monk Yuankong didn't see Tang Ming's movements clearly, he saw Heisha vomit blood, fell from the black horse to the ground, and staged a scene of people turning on their backs in real time.

"His law! Law!"

The dark horse neighed in horror.

The monk Yuankong was shocked and angry, and he reacted instantly.He recited the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, and his body radiated immeasurable Buddha light, which instantly radiated thousands of feet.These rays of light turned into Buddhist scriptures, and the words were combined into golden chains, wrapping around Tang Ming.

"Go away!"

Tang Ming was not afraid at all, he punched out, and the fist with chaotic spiritual power instantly shattered all the chains of monk Yuankong.Yuan Kong suddenly vomited blood and stepped back a few steps.

Tang Ming was about to bully him, when a black square halberd suddenly stabbed next to him.Tang Ming stepped back, Fang Tianhua halberd followed and swept over, piercing the sky with a sound like the roar of a dragon.

Heisha shouted angrily, "Balong Chasing the Sun!"


On Fang Tianhua's halberd, a black dragon phantom appeared, biting at Tang Ming.

"You come to the dragon, I will come to the phoenix!"

Tang Ming's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth were raised, his spiritual power was released, and a phoenix ming came out from him. Seeing that the black Fang Tianhuaji was about to land on Tang Ming's chest, a phoenix of fire swirled upside down from him. The flames flew out, shredding the black dragon phantom that appeared on the Fang Tianhua halberd, and then shook the black Fang Tianhua halberd!

Heisha could no longer hold the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand. With a clanging sound, Fang Tianhua halberd flew out, and Heisha also flew backwards and fell into the army formation, overwhelming a group of soldiers.

On the other hand, the monk Yuankong took the time to recite the Tathagata Sutra. His voice became louder and louder. Along with Yuankong's chanting, it seemed as if thousands of Buddhas were reciting it together, and the whole area could be heard for hundreds of miles. Magnificent chanting of Buddhist scriptures.

At the same time, the Buddha's light on Yuankong's body became brighter and brighter, and he slowly flew into the sky in the golden Buddha's light.When he flew to a certain height, the Buddha light on Yuankong gradually condensed into a huge Buddha statue!

The Buddha statue is about [-] meters high, covering the sky and the sun.

Tang Ming on the ground looked like an ant compared to the hundred-zhang-high Buddha statue.Others, whether they were villagers or soldiers, were all fleeing frantically under the coercion of the huge Buddha statue.

Tang Ming stayed where he was alone, looking up at the Tathagata Buddha statue in the sky.The next moment, the Tathagata Buddha stretched out a palm and slowly pressed down on Tang Ming who was on the ground.The speed is very slow, but with the coercion of divine scourge, the wind is roaring, and the earth is tearing!

Tang Ming's long hair was flying, and his face was neither happy nor sad.

However, under his feet, the earth could no longer bear the power of Buddha's palm, and it cracked.

On the backside of the mountain, Xiaoqing looked up at the huge Buddha statue in the sky. In the boundless Buddha light, her face turned pale with fright.

Xiaobai's face was also pale. She looked at Tang Ming, her eyes were full of worry and panic. She didn't know if Tang Ming could face this palm alone, and she was flustered and scared.Suddenly, she put aside Xiaoqing and flew towards Tang Ming recklessly.


"elder sister!"

Xiaoqing was so scared that her face was pale, and she reached out to Xiaobai.Xiaobai was walking away from her.

Tang Ming heard Xiao Bai's cry, turned around and saw Xiao Bai flying towards him with a determined expression that we were going to die together. His heart was moved and funny.

Although I didn't expect the Buddha to show up and ask him to do the Dharma; but it's just an incarnation of the Buddha, and he is not afraid of the ten-week consummation of the Primordial Dao Sutra.

Tang Ming took a deep breath, sighed in his dantian, clenched his fists tightly on his waist, and saw that the Great Sun Tathagata's Palm was about to fall, Tang Ming rose up with a terrifying aura, which directly tore open the surrounding space, and in the next second, Tang Ming punched out!

The world dimmed in an instant.

The next moment, the cracking sound of Ka Ka resounded throughout the world.Countless fleeing people looked up and saw that the Buddha statue of Tathagata Buddha was cracked inch by inch.

The Buddha statue opened its eyes slightly at this time, looked at Tang Ming on the ground, and then collapsed suddenly and dissipated in the light wind.

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