Xiaobai and Xiaoqing nodded.

Tang Ming showed an intriguing smile and said: "Think about it carefully, the Buddhist pagoda is actually built on the dojo, and the monks don't care, and no Taoist priest came to stop it. Let's see if the Taoists in this world have already It's too low, and no one comes out even with Buddhism on his head."

Xiaoqing said: "I didn't think so at the time, but when I think about it now, I'm a little panicked."

Xiaobai also nodded and said, "Yes, it would be too terrifying to investigate this matter in depth."

"Actually, I have a more terrifying conjecture"

Tang Ming's face suddenly became solemn.Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at each other and looked at Tang Ming quietly.

Tang Ming said: "Before Xuanzang's journey to the west, the world was peaceful, and almost all demons, ghosts, and monsters dared not appear in the human world. Even if they came to the human world, they basically didn't dare to cause trouble. The whole world was peaceful and peaceful."

"But after Xuanzang's journey to the west, the world began to become chaotic. But in just a hundred years, the whole world was full of wars, monsters and monsters chaotic the world, and the people were displaced."

"I guess there may be Buddhist inspiration behind this."

"Master, you mean"

"Yes, I think those evil demons are secretly pushed out by Buddhism."

Xiaoqing looked out of the window in fright. Seeing that the sun was shining outside the window, the chill in her heart went away a little.

Tang Ming said: "Buddhists want to preach and spread their beliefs. It's hard to spread peace and prosperity in a prosperous world. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment and is happy. Naturally, they don't think about the bliss of the West. After all, there is happiness in the world, so why bother to seek it out in the West?"

"Only when the world is in chaos and the people are in exile and suffering, will they think about cultivating cause and effect in the afterlife, and go to find the illusory Western Paradise."

Xiaobai's face turned pale when he heard it, and he suddenly blocked Tang Ming's mouth with his hand, saying, "Xianggong, speak carefully."

Tang Ming didn't care, anyway, in this world now, he is the only Taoist orthodox, Buddhism will not let him go, and those Buddhist bosses will definitely continue to come to incarnation to eliminate him.

Tang Ming gestured to Xiaobai not to be so nervous, put her hand lightly in his palm, and said, "My guess, combined with Yuankong's statement that there is no way to save Buddha in this world, is somewhat reasonable. If it is true, Buddhism will not let me stay in this world, they will definitely trouble me."

Xiaoqing panicked and said, "Then what should I do?"

Xiaobai frowned and looked at Tang Ming, his eyes were bright and watery, and he was worried, and said, "I will go wherever you go. Even if I go to the underworld, I will be with you."

Tang Ming patted Xiaobai's hand and said, "Don't worry, I will take you wherever I go. Since we guess that Buddhism will be found in the future, we can't sit here and wait for death, we must do something to keep us invincible. land."

Chapter 428 Tang Ming's Countermeasures

In 845 AD, in the late autumn, a piece of news that was not known to be true or false suddenly spread from Yongzhou City to the whole world.

The news said: A fairy appeared in Yongzhou City.The immortals transformed a large area of ​​land outside Yongzhou City into thousands of acres of fertile land with their amazing power.The immortals also used the fairy method to allow the rice in spring and summer to be planted in autumn and winter, and countless vegetables and fruits were sown and harvested in this season.

The world didn't believe it at first.

How can rice and fruit be planted and harvested at this time?

However, before long, countless vegetables, fruits, grains, rice and diesel began to be sold to surrounding cities and regions from Yongzhou City.As a result, many people began to believe the news.Many businessmen from other cities came to hear the news, and sure enough, they saw endless rice fields, vegetables and fruits in Yongzhou City.

At this time, the temperature everywhere in the world is freezing cold.Yongzhou City is an exception. It is as bright as spring and warm and suitable, as if the autumn winds and cold winters deliberately avoided this place.

The merchants who traded rice grains and vegetables in Yongzhou City, while trading rice grains and vegetables to farther places, are also spreading the changes in Yongzhou City to the distance.In less than half a year, everyone in the world knew that Yongzhou City was like a fairyland on earth at this time.

As a result, war-torn people everywhere began to migrate to Yongzhou City spontaneously.

At the same time, the separatist warlords also set their sights on Yongzhou City.

The wars in the world are nothing more than numbers and logistics.

In the past few years, the world has been beaten to pieces by warlords from all over the world. People are busy avoiding wars and have no time to farm and farm. Many warlords' armies have begun to plunder human flesh when they cannot loot food. It is made into jerky and used as army ration.

Under such circumstances, there was news from Yongzhou City that there were countless rice grains and vegetables there, how could the separatist warlords not be moved.Some warlords have a bit of patience and know how to watch the fire from the other side.

Some warlords can't.As soon as they heard the wealth of Yongzhou City, their eyes were red, and they rushed over with an army, wanting to seize Yongzhou City as their capital to dominate the world.

On that day, a total of three warlord alliances came to the outside of Yongzhou with more than [-] soldiers.The soldier was squeezing and moving, like a turbulent sea wave, with amazing momentum and full of suffocation.

The people hiding in Yongzhou City were trembling and looking at the sky in despair.

Seeing that the warlords are about to come to Yongzhou City and completely seize the only fairyland in the world.A white clothed immortal appeared on Yongzhou City, and he didn't see any big movements from the immortal. Just watching him wave his hand, the ground beneath the feet of more than [-] soldiers suddenly collapsed, without any precaution or warning. At that moment, all the soldiers were killed. Devour the earth!

The earth swallowed up the soldiers of the warlord and turned back to their original form.

It actually killed more than [-] soldiers in an instant! ?

At that moment, countless people forgot to close their mouths in horror. They stared blankly at the immortal in white in the sky, losing the ability to speak.

Also on this day, the warlords in the world who originally marched towards Yongzhou City turned around collectively and fled further and further away from Yongzhou City.

After learning about the feat of Xianrenkeng killing more than [-] soldiers of the warlord, the other people who migrated hesitated whether to go to Yongzhou City.

It was not until a month later that news came from Yongzhou City that all people with good wishes and those who yearn for a happy life are welcome to go to Yongzhou City.Businessmen who travel between Yongzhou City and other places also said that the immortals of Yongzhou City will not kill the people. As long as they have good thoughts, everyone can live peacefully in Yongzhou City.

Hearing this news, the people in the world who were suffering from war went to Yongzhou City one after another.

In less than three years, the population of Yongzhou City has soared to more than two million, almost half of the world's population.So many people live in Yongzhou City, but they are not bloated and messy, and there is no famine disaster.

The people who migrated to Yongzhou City found that the food in Yongzhou City was really inexhaustible.The thousands of acres of rice fields outside the city are ripe once a week and harvested every two weeks, so the people do not worry about eating at all.

This is the immortal method of the immortals of Yongzhou City, that is, the credit of Tang Ming.

Tang Ming had previously expected that Buddhism would trouble him. In the final analysis, it was because this world, this world, belonged to Buddhism. Tang Ming, a Taoist monk, was a danger in such a world.

It is impossible for Buddhism to let Tang Ming exist.

So how do you fight against Buddhism?

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