Along the way, the others didn't seem to see Tang Ming, they just noticed Xuan Jian and avoided him.

The two left the palace like no one else was there. Walking on the streets of Xianyang, Tang Ming observed the surrounding environment with great interest, but Xuan Jian looked at Tang Ming with his eyes from time to time.

How did the king do it?

Chapter 434 Folding Fan

Xuan Jian was previously an assassin under Lu Buwei's command.

This time, Zhao Ji and Lao Ai accidentally died of meteorites, and the remaining forces were secretly collected by Lu Buwei. He did so much, Tang Ming pulled one of his killers to do things for him, isn't it too much?

One sentence is simple, but there are many twists and turns.

For example, Tang Ming did not intervene when Lu Buwei gathered the forces of Zhao Ji and Lao Ai, but asked for a Xuan Jian from him.

In Lu Buwei's eyes, this is Qin Wangzheng's compromise to him. After all, after Zhao Jilai's death, the entire state of Qin belongs to him as the strongest.Qin Wangzheng had never really been in charge before, and was just a puppet introduced by Zhao Ji, Lu Buwei and others.

All in all, Qin Wangzheng is the king of a country, and he had no strength in Qin before.Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei are the real rulers of Qin.Now that Zhao Ji is dead, Lu Buwei is currently the most powerful ruler in Qin.

Under such circumstances, Qin Wangzheng used the power of Zhao Ji and Lao Ai to make a deal with Lu Buwei. In Lu Buwei's view, it meant that Qin Wangzheng was compromising with him to ensure his position as the monarch.

In history, although Qin Wangzheng inherited the throne at the age of 13, he did not really take power until the age of 21. Before that, the real power of Qin State was in the hands of Zhao Ji, Lu Buwei and others.

It wasn't until Qin Wangzheng was 22 years old that he removed Zhao Jilai's power and Lu Buwei resigned to his fief, that Qin Wangzheng really took the helm of the big ship of Qin.

Now, as soon as Tang Ming woke up, he pulled a meteorite and sent Zhao Ji and Lai Ai to meet the King of Hades directly, which brought about a huge change in history.

In fact, the early death of Zhao Ji and Lao Ai was extremely detrimental to Qin Wangzheng.Because the current Qin Wangzheng has not fully grasped the real power, and there are very few available forces under his hands. Letting Zhao Ji and Lai Ai die early will only make Lu Buwei's power stronger, because Zhao Ji and Lai Ai's power will be drawn by Lu Buwei.

Those who can hang out with Zhao Ji and Lao Ai disdain Qin Wangzheng.After the death of Zhao Ji and Lai Ai, it is strange that they will come to seek refuge with Qin Wangzheng.The only way out is with Prime Minister Lu Buwei.

That's why it is said that the early death of Zhao Ji and Lao Ai is of no benefit to Qin Wangzheng.

Historically, Qin Wangzheng has been stable for a long time. When he had real strength under his hands, he completely turned against Zhao Ji Lai Ai, annihilated Lai Ai in one fell swoop, and then drove Lu Buwei out of Xianyang and let him go to his own Fief pension.

However, after Qin Wangzheng awakened, Tang Ming didn't care anymore.

He really couldn't bear those two messing around in front of him. Although one of them was the biological mother of his body, Tang Ming was really nervous about messing around like that. Keeping it would only make him feel bad. Why did he still Do you want to keep that pair of dogs and men?

go to hell.

Lu Buwei's subsequent actions were actually all in Tang Ming's expectation.

He indulged Lu Buwei's gang formation so much, but he wanted to wait for Lu Buwei to grow bigger, and then eradicate them together.Otherwise, when he really came to power, Tang Ming would be too tired to deal with those who didn't deal with him.It is still the most labor-saving to pile up the rat droppings and sweep them all away with a broom.

When Lu Buwei expanded his power, what did he do?

Of course it was to travel around the world, collect various talents, and work for him!

But if you want to go out, what should you do if you are not familiar with the place?

Then find someone who has traveled all over the world to lead the way.Now there is just such an opportunity for Cheng Xi to rebel.After Cheng Yu's rebellion, the state of Qin would not let him go. It is not easy to start a war, but assassination is possible.

It just so happens that Prime Minister Lu Buwei has a group of killers under his command. Those killers are top killers who have been to various parts of the world and assassinated important figures in other countries. Let them lead the way.

Therefore, Tang Ming and Lu Buwei made a small deal, and made a compromise appearance to Lu Buwei, so that his vigilance would be lowered, so that he could help Tang Ming gather the "rat shit" in Qin State.

That's why Xuan Jian, a top killer, appeared in front of Tang Ming.

"Why? Are you not used to seeing me like this?"

After walking for a while on the main street of Xianyang City, Tang Ming, who was dressed as a young man in white, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw Xuan Jian kept eyeing him.

"No, it's just the king"

"Call me Mr. Ming."

"Yes, Mr. Ming."

Xuan Jian edited slightly, and asked softly: "Dare to ask my lord, what is the reason for one life and two bodies just now?"

There were not many pedestrians on the street, and when passing by in twos and threes, when they saw the gloomy and cold Xuan Jian, they subconsciously stayed away.The two talked while walking, not afraid of being overheard.

With hands behind his back, Tang Ming walked forward with Xuan Jian, and said, "Have you never heard of incarnation?"

Xuan Jian pondered, with a thoughtful expression on his stern face, for a long time, he said: "It seems that I have heard it in some ancient book, I thought it was just some legend or myth."

"Then you should treat it as a myth, anyway, it's just that. The king is still in charge of Qin in Xianyang Palace, and I'm just an ordinary son. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

While speaking, Xuan Jian led Tang Ming to a courtyard.After placing Tang Ming here, Xuan Jian went out to make various preparations for the trip.Xuan Jian didn't need Tang Ming to follow him to do these things, he just had to sit and wait, and Xuan Jian would arrange everything by himself.

After preparing for about three days, Xuan Jian drove a carriage and took Tang Ming out of Xianyang City.

Three days after leaving Xianyang City, in a dense forest, three "people" got up on the carriage, a gloomy man with a sword, a gloomy old woman, and a young man with a beehive.

After the three "people" got into the carriage, they were surprised to see a man in white in the carriage.The gloomy man immediately drew out his long sword and pointed it at Tang Ming, while the young man with the beehive on his back asked Xuan Jian who was outside the car: "Xuan Jian, who is this guy?"

While driving the carriage, Xuan Jian said coldly: "Young Master is a martial arts master sent by the king, and he will carry out this mission with us."

The old lady gave Tang Ming a cold look, and then the gloomy man put away his sword and leaned against the side of the carriage.The young man with the beehive on his back said "don't be afraid" with a smile, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to Tang Ming or to the bees that landed on his hand.

Tang Ming swiped open the folding fan in his hand, looked at the three of them with a smile and said, "I think the three of them are the ones killed by Ba Linglong, Kun Po and Sunbee. Where are the other five people?"

Gansha gave Tang Ming a cold look, but did not answer.

Xun Feng was half of his face covered by the high collar, and only the upper part of his face was exposed. He looked at Tang Ming curiously, then pointed to the folding fan in Tang Ming's hand and said, "Tell me what is in your hand first, I'll tell you where the other eight are."

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