The civet cat muttered to himself, "Shadows never meet, shadows never leave form, different minds are one, and one body has eight sides. Is this the truth?"

Tang Ming shook his folding fan and smiled, "But the soul refined by this kind of soul ability is very fragile. When he is refined, he will forget the fact that he was killed and think that he is still alive. Realize that he is dead, then he disappears, really dies."

"But Cammouse is so real, just like a living person. If you don't know the inside story, who will realize the fact that he is dead?"

The civet cat recalled the appearance of Kanshu just now. It didn’t look like a dead person at all. The body was illuminated by the light, and there were shadows under its feet. It was so real, as if it was still alive. If it didn’t know the soul power of Qiansha, no one would know that Kanshu was really dead.

Xuan Jian suddenly asked: "My lord, why do you know the ability to kill?"

And it seems that the arrangements have been made for a long time, and even such things as absorbing the killing ability seem to have been expected.

Tang Mingdao: "My lord, I will know if I want to know."

Xuan Jian: ""

Xuan Jian was silent, looking at Tang Ming, wondering what he was thinking.

Chapter 438 Xuan Jian's Mission

Tang Ming's display of strength was too weird, whether it was an incarnation outside his body, a folding fan created out of thin air, or the power to kill Sunbee and Master Gen just now, Xuan Jian couldn't figure it out.

Xuan Jian felt that the prime minister, who was far away in Xianyang, could actually start preparing a coffin for himself.When you come across such a king, you still wantonly expand your power under his hands, and you have the most awesome face of me. Isn't this lighting the lamp in the toilet looking for dead shit?

During the conversation between the three, Kanshu showed his strength as a thief and gathered all the valuables that Cheng Yu had no time to take away. Kanshu took a big sack to pack these valuables.

"You are so tired of holding it like this, just let me go."

Seeing that Kanshu was carrying a bag twice as big as his body, Tang Ming smiled and used his sleeves to be the Emperor of Heaven in Xiaobai's world, so he naturally wanted to read and learn all kinds of spells.This is what I learned at that time.

A strong suction came from Tang Ming's sleeve. Fortunately, this suction was only aimed at the bag on Kanshu's back. Under the amazed eyes of everyone again, the bag, which was bigger than Kanshu's two bodies, shrunk and received Tang Ming's sleeve. inside.

Under the searching gazes of the three, Tang Ming smiled and shook his sleeves, naturally it was impossible to shake the things out.The Universe in the Sleeves says it sucks objects and people into the sleeves, but it actually sucks them into a special space. As long as Tang Ming doesn't open that space, no matter how you shake the sleeves, nothing will fall out.

The civet cat exclaimed: "It's amazing! It's like a legendary fairy trick."

Tang Ming smiled, "This is the method of the gods."

The civet cat blinked, and suddenly exuded a seductiveness from the bottom of her heart, she asked softly: "Is that young master a fairy?"

"That's up to you to judge."

Tang Ming fanned the paper fan, neither denying nor affirming.

Xuan Jian seemed to have thought of something, his indifferent and dark eyes suddenly lit up, he seemed to want to say something, but he took a look at the civet cat and held back.

"Okay, it's over here, we should go."

Tang Ming put away the folding fan in his hand and walked towards the outside of the city lord's mansion.Xuan Jian hesitated for a moment, followed behind and asked, "My lord, shall we continue to chase and kill Mr. Cheng Xu?"

The civet cat also had the same confusion in his heart.

According to the news she got, both Xuan Jian and Ba Linglong came to assassinate Cheng Xun. Although she didn't know why a mysterious young master suddenly appeared, Luo Wang and Ba Linglong's assassinations never achieved their goals, and they were unwilling to let it go. of.

"Is your mission to assassinate Cheng Xu?"

Tang Ming didn't answer, but asked Xuan Jian back.

Xuan Jian was slightly silent and shook his head.The task he received from the prime minister was to prevent Ba Linglong from assassinating Cheng Yu, that's why he said before that he had other tasks.

As Tang Ming walked, he said, "If I'm not mistaken, the task given to you by the prime minister is to protect Chengyu, right? He wants to use Chengyu to contain the King of Qin. Let the king dare not be serious with the prime minister." Turn your face, otherwise, the prime minister can directly abolish the king, directly welcome back Mr. Chengyu, and make him king."

If Zhao Ji and Lai Ai hadn't died so suddenly, and Lu Buwei hadn't absorbed the power of Zhao Ji and Lai Ai, then Xuan Jian's mission was to kill Cheng Xun, because Lu Buwei's rise always relied on the lineage of Qin Wangzheng , from Qin Zhuangxiang King to Qin Wangzheng, Lu Buwei blocked almost everything on these two people.The mark of Qin Wangzheng's line has already been imprinted on his body, and in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Buwei is the proper line of Qin Wangzheng.

Therefore, before his own power was not as strong as it is now, what Lu Buwei wanted was to stabilize Qin Wangzheng's status as a monarch. Only when Qin Wangzheng secured his position, could his position as prime minister be secured.

However, when Zhao Ji and Lao Ai died, everything changed.

After Zhao Ji and Lai Ai died, Qin Wangzheng did not absorb their power, but indulged Lu Buwei to absorb, win over, and then asked for a killer from Lu Buwei.

Sometimes Lu Buwei wondered whether Zhao Ji's death or Cheng Yu's rebellion had dealt too much blow to Qin Wangzheng, making the king of a country lose the means and cruelty that a monarch should have.

However, no matter what, Lu Buwei's power is really expanding, and such expanding strength has made Lu Buwei dissatisfied.He felt that he could be the master of the state of Qin as long as he was not satisfied with King Qin's government order, then he would be let go.

With this thought, Cheng Yu couldn't die easily.

After all, in the state of Qin, apart from Yingzheng and Chengyu who are more suitable to be monarchs, there is no one else.

Therefore, Lu Buwei's mission to Xuan Jian was to ensure that Cheng Yu would not die under Ba Linglong's assassination.

"It just makes me wonder why you didn't follow up when Ba Linglong was in action? Are you not afraid that they will kill Cheng Yu?"

Walking on the dark street, Tang Ming asked a little puzzled.

"The prime minister has made arrangements."

Xuan Jian didn't say much, just said this sentence.

Tang Ming understood, he stopped talking to Xuan Jian, turned his head and glanced at the civet cat, and said, "Why are you following us? Aren't you going after your son Cheng Yu?"

The civet cat shook his head and said: "My life was saved by the young master, and this life will belong to the young master from now on. What's more, if I go there, I will only attract disgust."

"Okay, I happen to be short of a maid here."

"Hehe, from now on I will be the young master's maid." The civet cat said with a coquettish smile.

Tang Ming smiled.This civet cat is really smart, and now she has betrayed the net, and if she continues to look for Cheng Yu, she will only fall into endless pursuit. Cheng Yu is obviously incapable of protecting her and herself.

Then the most likely person to ask Luo Wang to chase her down and protect her is Tang Ming, who seems extremely mysterious at present.

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