Chapter 446 Changes in the style of painting

As soon as Tang Ming arrived at Zilanxuan, Zi Nu twisted her waist and came over charmingly.

"My son is here."

"It's time to bother Miss Zi Nu again."

Zi Nu chuckled, and led Tang Ming upstairs, "Young Master, please."

Tang Ming went upstairs and asked, "Miss Zi Nu, is Mr. Han Fei here?"

"Young master seems to care about Mr. Han Fei very much."

"I have read Mr. Han Fei's Five Worms, and I admire his wisdom and insight very much."

Zi Nu was stunned, and explained with a smile: "Mr. Han Fei hasn't come yet, but today, he will definitely come to my Zi Lan Xuan."

"Because of that box?"

Zi Nu didn't answer, she just smiled and led Tang Ming into the room.There was also a young man sitting in the room. The hair color of this young man was a bit strange, it was gray.

"This is the descendant of Guigu, Mr. Wei Zhuang." Zi Nu introduced.

Wei Zhuang glanced at Tang Ming indifferently, his eyes were domineering and cold.

Tang Ming raised his eyebrows, "Another descendant of Guigu?" He looked Wei Zhuang up and down, cupped his hands, and said, "Hello, Mr. Wei Zhuang."

Wei Zhuang stared at Tang Ming with a voice like a subwoofer, and said, "Your Excellency, you seem to have seen my senior brother?"

"I've seen it, isn't Gai Nie now working as a swordsmanship teacher beside the King of Qin?"

Tang Ming took advantage of the situation and sat on the left side of the desk, his posture was unrestrained and unrestrained, and his momentum was not false at all.

"Your Excellency seems to have left Xianyang a year ago. My brother came to Xianyang later." Wei Zhuang frowned slightly.

"Does this prove that I have seen it?"

Tang Ming threw out a photo and put it on the table.This photo is the kind of photo of later generations, with bright colors, as if a real person is on it.When Wei Zhuang saw Gai Nie dancing sword in the photo, his pupils shrank immediately.

Zi Nu was pouring wine at the side. Seeing this strange picture, she was also very surprised. The hand holding the wine bottle trembled slightly, almost spilling the wine.The photos are really weird.

In this era, even paper has not been invented yet, so there is no such thing as a portrait.What's more, what Tang Ming threw out was a photo. The angle of view of this photo was the angle of observation. It looked like someone was watching Ge Nie practicing sword.

Zi Nu looked at the photo and couldn't help asking: "How did you do it, sir? This object makes us feel as if we are actually there, as if we have really arrived at the scene and met a real person."

The coldness on Wei Zhuang's face couldn't hold back anymore, he stared at Tang Ming as if he wanted to see Tang Ming through.Tang Ming's sudden move was like a method in myths and legends. Wei Zhuang was already full of horror and disbelief. Where did this person come from?

It is actually very simple for Tang Ming to obtain Gai Nie's photo. Qin Wangzheng is his clone, and the two are different bodies with the same heart. Tang Ming can put his main perspective on Qin Wangzheng at any time, and then spend some spiritual power to realize it. Photos are out.

Faced with the surprise of Zi Nu and Wei Zhuang, Tang Ming smiled lightly, flipped his hand, and a Polaroid camera was immediately manifested by him, and then pointed at Zi Nu with a click, the flash of light made Zi Nu subconsciously stand up, Be alert.

Zi Nu frowned and looked at Tang Ming, especially the objects in his hand, the sudden light startled her.Zi Nu stabilized her mind and asked, "What did you do?"


A picture spit out of the camera.

Holding the photo, Tang Ming smiled at Zi Nu and said, "Miss Zi Nu, don't panic, please take a look." He slid the photo from the table in front of Zi Nu.Zi Nu picked up the photo in amazement and looked at it. What appeared on it was the moment when she subconsciously looked at Tang Ming. The smile that was about to freeze, down to the eyelashes, were all frozen in this photo.

Zi Nu was astonished.

She looked at the photo in her hand, then looked at the camera in Tang Ming's hand, and asked, "Is this done by the organ in your hand?"

Tang Mingdao: "The object in my hand is called a camera, which can take pictures of people and leave portraits."

Zi Nu said in amazement: "This camera is so magical, it can make such clear and bright portraits, as if it captured my person in this painting."

Tang Ming smiled like a fox, and said, "If Miss Zi Nu is interested, I can teach you how to use this camera."

Zi Nu's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Be attracted by novelty, whether you are mature or not.This is human nature, and Zi Nu was immediately attracted by the camera Tang Ming took out.He immediately put down the wine bottle and leaned against Tang Ming's side.

Wei Zhuang: "" He felt like he had become an invisible person in this room.

"Look, align this here, can you see this here?"

"Well, it's amazing. You can see things over there even though there are things through it."

"And then, if you want to film the scene, just press here."


Zi Nu tried to point the camera at Wei Zhuang, and Wei Zhuang turned his head slightly in embarrassment. At this moment, Zi Nu pressed the shutter of the photo, and with a click, Wei Zhuang's evasive expression was accurately captured.

Zi Nu looked at the photo spit out from the camera, Wei Zhuang with a cold expression and tilted his head in the photo, she couldn't help pursing her lips and laughing.Zi Nu put the photo on the table and said: "Master, this camera is amazing, can you lend it to me, I want to take pictures for Nong Yu and the others."

She seemed to be remembering something, her expression was a little lonely, and she murmured in a low voice, "If there is any accident in the future, it's good to keep it as a memory." She gently rubbed her fingers against the photo of herself. Charming and lifelike.

Tang Ming didn't care at all. Even if the camera was broken, it was just another one with some spiritual power. It didn't matter at all. He waved his hand and said to Zi Nu, "Take it and play with it."

"Thank you sir."

Zi Nu smiled sweetly, stood up and saluted Yingying, then walked out of the room with the camera.After a while, the girls' exclamations sounded from next door.

In the room, only Tang Ming and Wei Zhuang were left.For a while, there was some silence.

Tang Ming drank three cups of wine before Wei Zhuang asked with an awkward expression: "Your Excellency is the son of the Qin royal family?"

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