Tang Ming smiled and said: "You don't want to experience that kind of feeling, let's go back to the previous question. In my opinion, why do the people need a monarch? What does the monarch mean to the people? How should the monarch think about it?" One’s own people? In fact, these questions can be inspired by the ancient ancestors.”

Han Fei was thoughtful.

Tang Ming continued: "In ancient times, beasts were rampant and the environment was harsh. The ancestors needed unity in order to survive. But you can't say a word in a group of people, and I can't say a word. This is not unity. So the ancestors needed a leader. A leader, everyone obeys his orders, can unite together and survive in the harsh environment better."

"From ancient times to the present, the reason for the existence of leaders, or kings, is to unite the people of their own country and lead them to survive better in this world. Therefore, the people will need a king, because there is only one such existence, different from each other. Individuals can unite together, gather the strengths of everyone, create a better life, and let everyone live a better life."

"When the king does not meet the above conditions, the people can overthrow the king and re-elect another better one. This is the essence of the idea that the people are more important than the king."

"I said so, you understand?"

The civet cat was a little confused, but Han Fei nodded seriously.

Tang Ming said with a smile: "Although I have great power, even if the people want to overthrow my rule, it is impossible, but I can't see that there are so many people in this world who are struggling but still living poorly."

"I think everyone can live a better life, at least have enough food and clothing, and be able to freely arrange their lives under legal and moral norms. This is my wish and a goal."

After hearing this, the civet cat said with deep emotion, "Young Master is really a kind-hearted person."

Han Fei also saluted and said with a smile: "Compared with brother Ming, Han Fei's thinking is really backward."

"Haha, you're flattering me."

Tang Ming waved his hand, "I have such a temperament that I don't see any tragedy at all. I feel happy when everyone is good."

Suddenly, Wei Zhuang and Zi Nu walked in from the courtyard.

Seeing that Tang Ming and Han Fei were both smiling, Zi Nu couldn't help asking, "What are you talking about, it looks like you're having a good chat."

"Miss Zi Nu and brother Wei Zhuang are here."

Tang Ming motioned for the two to sit down by themselves, and said with a smile, "I chatted with Brother Han about some irrelevant things, so I won't say it to make Miss Zi Nu and Brother Wei Zhuang laugh."

When Zi Nu saw the goblet in Han Fei's hand, her eyes lit up, "This wine bottle is so beautiful, did you conjure it up?"

"This is for Miss Zi Nu."

Tang Ming conjured another crystal goblet, which was crystal clear and extremely luxurious, and handed it to Zi Nu.

Zi Nu was also polite, and took it with a smile.

"The little girl thanked the young master."

Han Fei asked, "Why did you two come here suddenly?"

Wei Zhuang glanced at him and said calmly: "Zuo Sima Liu Yi is dead."

Startled, Han Fei frowned and asked, "How did you die?"

"I heard that he was stabbed to death at home." Zi Nu added.

Han Fei tucked the goblet into his sleeve, got up and saluted Tang Ming and said goodbye, "Brother Ming, I'll come to drink with you another day, I'll go to work first."

Wei Zhuang looked at Han Fei's leaving back and said, "At least he hasn't forgotten that he is Si Kou now."

Zi Nu chuckled lightly.

Tang Ming conjured up a goblet and handed it to the civet cat beside him, and asked Zi Nu and Wei Zhuang, "You two must have other things to do here, right?"

Zi Nu said: "Yes. We found out that one of the four evil generals, the Emerald Tiger, has started to act. According to the news that he came here in a carriage with some very expensive gift, it seems that he wants to dedicate it to Bai Yifei. .”

"The Emerald Tiger is known as the richest man in Korea. The gift he gave must not be as simple as gold, silver and jewelry, but he doesn't know what it is. It is worth sending someone in a carriage and a team of guards to guard it." Wei Zhuang said.

"Do you want to go and have a look?" Tang Ming saw the two people's thoughts at a glance.

"I have nothing to do, young master, let's go and have a look." Zi Nu said with a smile.

Wei Zhuang said: "The big gift was placed in a hidden cave outside Xinzheng City."

"In that case, let's go and see."

Tang Ming stood up, "By the way, you probably haven't flown yet, have you? Let me show you the thrill of flying!"

As Tang Ming said, he used the technique of riding the clouds and driving the fog, and a cloud of mist gathered under his feet.The cloud and mist are so thick that four or five people can stand upright.

Zi Nu, Civet Cat, and Wei Zhuang all looked in amazement at the cloud that suddenly condensed.

The civet cat cautiously asked: "My lord, can this cloud group stand up?"

"Of course, I can come up now." Tang Ming stood on the cloud with a smile, looked at Zi Nu and the others and said, "You guys come up too."


Wei Zhuang pretended to cast a cold glance at Tang Ming before jumping lightly to stand on the cloud.After standing up, he looked down at it in novelty, the firm touch made him think he was still standing on the ground.

Seeing Wei Zhuang standing up, Zi Nu and Limao were fine, so they boldly stood up.

Tang Ming smiled and said, "If you are really scared, you can grab my arm."

The civet cat immediately grabbed Tang Ming's arm, and Zi Nu hesitated a little, then reached out and grabbed Tang Ming's other arm.

The eyelids of Wei Zhuang next to him twitched, ""

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Tang Ming immediately raised a cloud.

Chapter 463 Mermaid? (Thank you for your monthly pass)

The feeling of weightlessness brought by the moment the clouds and mist rose made the civet cat and Zi Nu subconsciously exclaimed, and then grabbed Tang Ming's arm tightly.Wei Zhuang next to him also staggered subconsciously.

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